Uppdaterad 2 years ago av TalicZealot


Shield Dashing / Buffalo Star Dashing: Using a shield or use items to cancel the backdash animation and restart it. http://i.imgur.com/dTiXRIB.gif

Wolf Jump / Slope Jump: While running as wolf jumps on slopes provide high speed and height. http://i.imgur.com/8mlc915.gif

IWS / Infinite Wingsmash: Chaining wingsmash. http://i.imgur.com/cJxgOKB.gif

Batdash: Backdash into bat, preserving momentum. http://i.imgur.com/Y08lNa1.gif

Mistbat / Mistwolf: Using mist to transition quickly into wolf or bat form. Can be used to turn around during a wingsmash. http://i.imgur.com/hfKSkh8.gif

Shield Walk Cancel / Shield Cancel: Using the animation of the shield to cancel the stun from falling from high places. http://i.imgur.com/goYqOcP.gif

Batkick: Divekick into bat, preserving momentum. http://i.imgur.com/fHD5mGu.gif

Wolf Rise / Mistwolf Rise: Using mist into wolf in a rhythm to gain height. http://i.imgur.com/8eKAtvs.gif

Superjump: Doing a high jump as wolf while preserving dash momentum. http://i.imgur.com/bOKmvU6.gif

Frointslide: Divekicking close to the ground in a specific way to achieve a front slide and maximum swag. http://i.imgur.com/0OOZYeN.gif

Big Toss: Getting damage boosted for more than 50% of Alucard's hp launches him into the air at high velocity until he collides with the terrain. http://i.imgur.com/VKcsWiR.gif

Autodash: Doing a mistwolf against a low ledge in a specific way makes the wolf automatically dash. http://i.imgur.com/81Msr6Y.gif

[section=Glitches] Floor Clip / Wolf CLip / Stair Clip / Library(or other location) Floor Clip: A difficult trick with wolf that lets us go out of bounds. Difficulty level: Frame-perfect jump, frame-perfect untransform and subpixel perfect positioning, but it can be pause buffered. http://i.imgur.com/2CBYeLT.gif

RSL / Reverse Shiftline: Using a screen freeze(level up / heart refresh) at a specific point of a screen to manipulate the screen transition and underflow our position when entering the next room. Used for Death skip and Relic skip. Difficulty level: Either one or two frame window, can be pause buffered. http://i.imgur.com/pUCVKnA.gif