Co-op Solo Speedruns
6 years ago


There is a community focused around sc2 co-op solo speedruns. Our current records are here:

Is there any chance we could get something up on this site to represent some of these records?

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
Cidragon tycker om detta

Pretty cool idea, I don't know nothing about co-op but it's almost a campaign too.

Iirc, we briefly talked about it with monk a few months ago but the spreadsheet wasn't public yet. I think if we want co-op times on here it should be done as a separate game; otherwise it'll be too cluttered with all the categories.

In any case, this site isn't suited that well for having as many categories as the spreadsheet does, although it has the advantage of being able to track non-record times.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago

They used to patch co-op a lot, which makes the runs non-eligible. I don't know how often they patch co-op nowadays.

Nevada, USA

I don't think the new co op missions get patched often. Having all of those co op missions in a category would be awesome... 16 different leaders really gives those speedruns interesting stats and techs..... there's like 2 time locked missions but the rest would be great... mission names are as follow

Part and parcel Temple of the past(kind of time locked) Most opportunities Chain of ascension Void launch Chain of ascension Oblivion Express Rifts of korhal Scyth of amon Malwarfare Miner excavation The vermillion problem Dead of night Void thrashing Lock & load

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago

check the link in Resources. And for the record, TotP is a pure autoscroller, MO and VL have easily achievable perfect times, and MW and OE more or less have achieveable perfect times. The finish time on VP is mostly RNG

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
Banks tycker om detta
Nevada, USA

for the spread sheet i think doing the runs by hero makes it more or less to cluttered unless its its own sub catagory.... it should just be the fastest time for each mission.. but thats my opinion on first look at it... I really want a leader board for co op missions though! again ik not all the missions are ideal for being time locked or easily achieving the fastest clear times but theres a good 10 or so runs.

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Nivå: Into the Void
Nivå: Into the Void
Nivå: Templar's Return
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