How to setup LiveSplit for Ori DE (from A to Z)
How to setup LiveSplit for Ori DE (from A to Z)
Uppdaterad 4 years ago av GreeZ

This tutorial aims to explain how to fully setup LiveSplit for Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition. It is an updated version of this tutorial originally made by Trojandude12.


LiveSplit is a timer program for speedrunners made to help you time your runs and track your progress by allowing you to split your run into individual segments. Some games may have tools called "autosplitters" that will automatically split for you, which is the case for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition. Finally it embeds SpeedRunsLive support to allow you to join races and compete with the community members.


All you need is to download LiveSplit here and to go through the installation. Once the installation is done, launch LiveSplit and you will get something like this:

Before going any further, know that some livesplit configurations are available for Ori DE in the resources

Note that you can skip the sections tagged as "[Advanced]" unless you want to tweak your livesplit in depth, as they are not required to get a liveplit up and running, ready for Ori runs.

Game Time vs Real Time

To be valid, any ori run has to be timed using Real Time and not Game Time.

Long story short, some glitches, like "Save Anywhere", enable you to move and progress while the ability menu is open. Having the menu open in general stops the Game Time, distorting it entirely.

Make sure that the time comparison is set to "Real Time", which should be set by default. To check it, hit "Compare Against > Real Time". If the comparison is correctly configured, hitting "Edit Splits..." should automatically open the Real Time tab of the split editor. Make sure that any split change is done this tab.

Splits and Layouts

When you install livesplit, you are using the default splits and the default layout.


To submit a run you do not need to have different splits as the final time is the only time that matters, but having some helps improving because you can see where you gain/lose time over the run more precisely, you get access to your golds splits and, by extension your Sum of Bests. Your gold split is the best time you ever got on a section and your Sum of Bests the addition of all the golds splits, which technically represents the run "if you were playing perfectly".

By default, you only have one split. We will give that split a name. It can be whatever you want, but we will name it "End" to keep it explicit.

We can now add as many splits as we want, one by one. As an example we will add the “Wall Jump” split to our layout. To do so, we first need to hit "Insert Above" then give the new split the name “Wall Jump”.

That way, we can now add a split for Dash, for Double Jump, for Bash, ... and so on.

For reference, here is the most common split list for "All Skills No OOB/TA"


First of all, we will replace the "Splits" component by the "Subsplits" one. Both components do basically the same except from the fact that the "Subsplits" one provides more customization options that we will cover later in the tutorial. Just keep in mind that you don't need to tweak those extra options. If you don't want to, "Subsplits" will behave exactly as regular "Splits". The problem occurs if you were initially using "Splits" and want to have access to those extra options "Subsplits" provides. You will have to switch and you will lose all your settings for that component, so better just use "Subsplits" from the begginning.

TL;DR: Subsplits better than Splits

To do so, hit Edit layout… > Layout Settings

For there you need to select "Splits" and then click ont the "-" button, then click on the "+" button, then add the "Subsplits" component under the "List" category. You can now use the arrow buttons to move the "Subsplits" up to where the "Splits" were

We can now start tweaking the layout.

Because the layout and the splits are independent, your layout might not have the right amount of lines. To adjust the number of lines shown on your layout hit Edit layout… > Layout Settings > Splits

Then increment/decrement the "Total Splits" as you like. You might want to update this value everytime you add/remove a split.

LiveSplit offers a lot of customization tools. Just spend some time in the layout settings and build a LiveSplit layout you like.

Now that we changed what we needed to, let’s save our changes. Right-click on the LiveSplit window, then both click Save Splits and Save Layout. LiveSplit will ask you to save 2 files:

• A LiveSplit Split file (.lss) • A LiveSplit Layout file (.lsl)

I recommend you to think about how you will organize your files already. You will probably need a split file and a layout file for each game, and each category of a game. For example, you can create a folder "OriDE" with another one called "All Skills No OOBTA" (or whatever category you plan on running) inside it, where you can store your all skills split and layout files.

Subsplits [Advanced]

Earlier in the tutorial, we replaced "Splits" by "Subsplits". Subsplits enable you to create group of splits that will unfold as you get to the first split of the group and fold once you're done with the last one.

An example is worth a thousand words (clips from Shedd's 28:59 on 5 Mar 2019)

If you are using the "Subsplits" component this is what the split file looks like.

The way it works is: Any split that starts with a dash becomes a subsplit. The group will unfold when reaching a subsplit during the run and will fold when reaching the next split whose name does not start with a dash, giving its name to the group. On the screenshot, "Leaving Ginso" is a subsplit and "Stomp" the next split whose name does not start with a dash, so "Leaving Ginso" and "Stomp" are both under the same group, the last split of the group being "Stomp" so the group's name is "Stomp".

If you don't want the last split of the group to give its name to the group, you can override it by prefixing the last split's name with "{group name}". In the example, if the stomp split was called "{Swamp} Stomp" instead of just "Stomp", there would be a group called "Swamp" with 2 splits "Leaving Ginso" and "Stomp" under it.

Subsplits are really handy if you want to time your runs really precisely without overloading your layout.


The autosplitter is a LiveSplit tool which splits when a condition based on a game event is filled. The latest versions of LiveSplit embed an autosplitter for Ori and the Blind Forest created by DevilSquirrel.

To enable the autosplitter, you first need to set the game name (we also set the category name at the same time because why not, but it's not required) you’re running and LiveSplit will detect if there is an autosplitter available for it.

To do so, go to Edit Splits…

• Game Name: Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition ("Ori DE" works too) • Run Category: All Skills (or whatever category you want to run)

Once you have done that, the "Activate" button should not be grayed out anymore and you should be able to click it. Click it, then hit "Settings".

In that window, you can see the "autosplits" that are already configured.

"Start Game" is an autosplit that is triggered when you choose the game difficulty. By default, it is the first one in the list so the timer will start as you select the difficulty.

"End Game" is an autosplit that is triggered when you lose control of Naru at the end of the final escape. By default, it is the last one in the list so the time will stop at the end of the game.

From that point we need to add some autosplits in between. Appart from the first autosplit (in most cases it's "Start Game") that will start the timer at the beginning of the run, every split on the layout has to have its related autosplit configured in the autosplitter, respecting the order !

Basic Configuration

This section covers everything you need to have an autosplitter correctly configure, ready for your runs.

Here is the autosplit configuration to use with the splits we're using for the example.

That's it, you are good to go. All you have to do is save your splits and your layout and you're ready to start a run. The autosplitter will automatically starts and stops the timer and split during the run.

Hidden (or unchecked) splits [Advanced]

In the autosplitter settings, there is a checkbox next to every autosplit in the list. By default, checkboxes are checked when you add them.

• If the checkbox is checked off, this is the default behaviour, LiveSplit will split the current split when the condition is filled.

• If the checkbox is not checked off, LiveSplit will check the condition but won't split the current split. We can see it as a requirement for the next split

For example, if you have the following autosplit configuration:

• Start Game (checked) • Wall Jump (checked) • Dash (checked)

The autosplitter will start the timer, split when you get to wall jump tree then split when you get to dash tree.

Now, if you add an extra "Charge Flame (unchecked)" between the "Wall Jump" and "Dash" autosplit like this:

• Start Game (checked) • Wall Jump (checked) • Charge Flame (unchecked) • Dash (checked)

The autosplitter will start the timer, split when you get to wall jump tree but it won't split at dash tree unless you collect charge flame after leaving wall jump tree and before getting to dash, so the unchecked charge flame autosplit becomes a requirement of the dash autosplit.

Here is one of the most common examples:

• In Menu (unchecked) • In Game (checked)

A commonly used sequence of autosplits. This one splits when it detects a reload, often used to split when we enter Blackroot Burrows in All Skills, as it's the first save and reload in this section.

Hitbox Splits [Advanced]

The autosplitter enables you to create your own autosplits using hitboxes. You define a rectangle based on its coordinates and the autosplitter will be triggered as soon as Ori steps in it. Under the autosplitter settings, you can add an autosplit as any other autosplit and select "Hitbox" in the list, you then need to fill a textfield. The textfield must contain the coordinates of the hitbox and the syntax for a hitbox is:

X-pos, Y-pos, width, height

where X-pos, Y-pos defines the top left corner of the box.

Here is the hitbox of valley TP as an example.

So these are the coordinates you would put in the textfield: -438.5, 2, 5, 3

You can find an non exhaustive list of hitboxes here

To know what your in-game position is in real time, you can use the OriDEManager made by DevilSquirrel.