Confused about the correct way to start a run.
7 years ago


I just recently started to practice this game, but something is bugging me. The world record run by Thaan has a different initialization method (he doesn't need to select a mission), and he get random crate drops throughout the run. Is it a different game version? I'm playing it on Steam and can't find a way to start a run without first selecting a mission, even with a clean save file I still need to select "Mission 1", I also only get fixed crate drops. I'm guessing it's an old version of the game, could you guys explain it to me?

Thank you!


Got it! I can confirm that UE has fixed crate drops, unless the player is at low health (not sure at what %), then they will drop a health pick up instead. Thanks for the reply!

EDIT: Maybe the crate drops depend on what you have (or don't) at the moment (swordless, etc), actually I don't know. I'll experiment some more!

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago

I can confirm that i used the 2.0 version and ya all crate were random (And yes they changed it for UE version). Also the health drop was when you had guarantee when you had 6 or less health if i remember correctly.

glitchedbeing tycker om detta

Thanks, Thaan! Do you know if it's still possible to aquire the 2.0 version somehow? I'm not sure what's the version JoyMasher sell on their website (the DRM-free one). I would prefer to run the 2.0 version, the fixed crate drops in the UE is a big let down, at least for me...


I am not sure, maybe on Humble store (not sure wich version they sell) , or try to contact the developer and explain the situation that would be your best bet.

glitchedbeing tycker om detta
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