Leaderboard Suggestions
4 years ago
New York, USA

Hi, so I started doing my first runs of this last night, and had some suggestions for the leaderboards to make them more presentable and cleaned up.

  1. The main category is unnecessarily worded, as the mode in game is just called "Multi Mission", and doesn't have hyphens. Specifying "Main Game" is irrelevant.

  2. Having Misc categories for a game with one main category is just ugly and unneeded. There are way too many options in the drop-down that could be condensed into a single main category called "Single Mission", with subcategories for each table. Magmoor isn't technically part of Single Mission, but having a separate category for Wireless Mission for Magmoor might be unnecessary. Also, Magmoor is misspelled.

  3. Adding a new main category that completes Level 3 of every game mode in a table, specifically for Pirate Frigate and Tallon Overworld, each one having their own subcategory. This is more of a completion category. The category could be called "All Modes" or "Max Modes". Timing begins when you select the table and ends when you collect the final Special from completing the last mode on Level 3. This is done on Single Mission. If a moderator would like me to do a run and provide a video demonstrating the category before considering adding this, I will make one.

Thanks for your time!

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
NotASpookyGhost tycker om detta
United States

The new leaderboards are looking pretty nice! Good suggestion.

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