Glitches & other weird stuff
2 years ago

Maybe it's time we gather glitches & other not quite understood interactions into a thread.

  1. Not getting the moonstone from the Guardian & having to fight her again. Update: I sometimes can recreate it by throwing the daggers after she is defeated. Seems to be a timing thing with the animation if the glitch happens or not.

  2. I twice had the game decide I lost... update: It must have been the disease that you can get from the Ratmen.

  3. If you kill all of the black knights and the dragon still lives -> the dragon will restart coming from the left side no matter where it was before. (it might not respawn left if it chased you anyway?) Pay attention to the dragon's position (coming from the right). At 5m55s the dragon is reset to the starting position.

  4. Maybe specific to the trolls: under some circumstances you can skip enemies. Meaning I only had to fight 1 troll instead of 4 in a lair. It seems it has to do with dying then fighting the same lair again and killing the 1 troll "off screen". It happened twice to me during runs, but I couldn't reproduce it in tests since.

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