HSP Speedrunning Basics!
HSP Speedrunning Basics!
Uppdaterad 2 years ago av Indev

Hello! I am Indev, a Canadian speedrunner who has been playing Hypixel Server Parkour for 4 years. If you want to learn the basics for improving your skill on MCPK, this might be the guide for you! This will take a lot of practice, and took me about 2-3 solid months to get the hang of in the beginning.

I will be referencing ticks a few times in this explanation. Ticks are Minecraft's method of timing. There are 20 ticks in a second and therefore, a tick is 50 milliseconds.

A very important thing is consecutive jumping. If you were to have 2 jumps, and you waited in between the jumps, it would be slower than waiting a bit more before starting to jump, and then jumping twice with no waiting on the ground. If you are on flat ground, you can just hold space to consecutive jump, but if you are on elevating platforms like a staircase, you need to jump reset. Jump resetting (I don't know if it has another name, this is just what I call it) is letting go of your space bar midair, and pressing it again before you land. When you hold space bar, Minecraft will wait 10 ticks before letting you jump again, but if you let go of space and press it again, Minecraft acts like you haven't jumped in the last 10 ticks and will let you jump again immediately. For reference, jumping to an elevation of +1 takes 9 ticks, so you will wait 1 tick on the ground before jumping again if you only hold space bar.

Another important thing is to not always add extra jumps on large platforms. Jumping does grant more momentum, but if you jump on flat ground, it will take 12 ticks (0.6 seconds). Because of this, it will be faster to simply run across the platform in some cases because the time spent running is less than 0.6 seconds.

Another important thing, is corner cuts. This one is more obvious than the other two and you likely already know about it. When you take a really tight turn, you reduce the length you have to run. Running in straight lines is also quite important because, like the corner cuts, it reduces the distance you have to run.

Headhitters are quite important as well. These are also very basic. If you're ever under a 2 block high ceiling, it's probably beneficial to do a headhitter.

The final thing to talk about (which is less important when getting started speedrunning and more important much later) is slab boosts. Basically, a slab boost is a 2 tick jump. You press your space bar about half a block before going up a slab, and if you don't leave the ground, it means you've done a slab boost. Slab boosts are often seen with another jump right after them, such as the beginning of the Bedwars lobby parkour. When you do a slab boost, you get the same momentum boost you get from jumping regularly, except you don't leave the ground, so you're able to jump again way sooner than you normally would be able to, and you get an insane amount of momentum. It's similar to spamming space on stairs to go faster, only much more timed and controlled.

If you would like to understand more about these mechanics, as well as get additional help on your speedruns, I would recommend that you join the Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/RJTk7Bv

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