Mod request
7 years ago

Please can I mod this, in my opinion the mods are very inactive, and I'm very active, and play Death Run quite a lot so know the game, I'm also mod on 3 other things, and Id like to add a background to this

spqncer, Mcguy215, och Rommlel gillar detta
South Carolina, USA

Ikr they are inactive. I really want to be a mod here but Idk if I will :(((((


no dabbing people dab is 2016 dab is cringe xD

Mcguy215 och Zer0z gillar detta

Dabbing is for the wise. A dab a day, keeps the doctor away <o/


Dab everyday = cringe everday


Man I think you need to dab more it's healthy <o/


btw i dont think there need new mods cuz i broke the wr on Throwback and in 1 day its added :D