Stepping Away
5 years ago
Florida, USA

Hey y'all.

So for awhile I've been thinking about stepping away from heading up the LM community. It's been a blast, but my life is getting more and more hectic, I don't run the game anymore, and I can't commit myself to helping grow and care for the community like I once was able to. That being said, when I became mod here in the first place, the community was in a tough spot to say the least in terms of organizing rules and establishing what was right and wrong. (Shoutouts to serious discussions, great stuff lmao). The community is much more solid now, and everyone seems to be able to work together well.

Thanks for letting me host tournaments and be a part of all of this, it's been a blast, even when it wasn't.

Best of luck in the future and go fast <3


MakS54, KingRedEagle och 17 andra gillar detta
Vermont, USA

Thanks for everything you do Adam, we wouldn't be here without you <3

Capridog och Gc4ever4001 gillar detta
Wyoming, USA

Thanks for everything Adam, I wish you the best of luck from here on out.

Nerd_Squared och Gc4ever4001 gillar detta
Oklahoma, USA

I wish you the best man.

Gc4ever4001 tycker om detta
Wisconsin, USA

I remember years ago when I first got into speedrunning I stumbled into your stream and did a lot of LM races with you. You were trying to get a sub 1 time and I was at a 1:10. I wish you the best Adam, thanks for holding the community together after all these years!

Gc4ever4001 tycker om detta
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