Multiple Game Versions in a Single Run?
8 years ago
Virginia, USA

I'm currently routing All Campaigns, and I had an idea the other day.

If I were to play the main campaigns on v2.0.0.8, then switch over to the latest Steam version to do the DLCs, would that be allowed? It could end up saving a bit of time due to the numerous skips, (AKA sopping wet strats) and the game would still be done in one sitting a la single segment, so I don't see why it would be an issue, but I figured I'd ask before I went ahead and did a run just in case it's crazily frowned upon or something. I don't think any other run has used this method, but I can't be the only person to who's thought of this, right?

Centre, France

I think is not fair maybe if we can found an another version with all campaigns that can be fair

wholly against this idea because it is not the same game

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Isn't the purpose of speedrunning to go fast? What's the point in disallowing basically every trick the game has, as that is the only thing being restricted to the steam version does. Seems abysmally stupid to me, to be honest.

It is the same game. Different version does not mean a different game. And I don't see how it is unfair or to whom it could possibly be so. If it's unfair to those who don't have v2.0.0.8, disallow it completely, then. Maybe it's unfair to previous run(ners)? New strats are found all the time, that's not considered unfair either. This is just that, really.

(p.s. fuck all campaigns worst category)

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Virginia, USA

[quote=Mawfeen]copy and pasting is too hard, also quotes with names work fine for me :^)[/quote]

Although I will agree that all campaigns is complete bollocks, I'm leaning more towards Darkos' decision, as itself isn't wholly available to everyone everywhere at anytime, and I can understand that it wouldn't feel right to swap between game versions, even though it's the same game. I haven't heard of anyone doing this in any other game; for example, playing OoT v1.0 to do the fishing rod glitch for RBA or whatever, then swapping over to the updated game for the segments that aren't faster. (This is a very bad example, but you should know what I'm talking about.) From a single-segment point of view, I can see that exiting the game and then opening a new version of the game would seem a bit cheap, although it is literally the same game. Sure, the run is played in one session, but you aren't using the same game instance throughout the entire run. This could lead to people splicing videos a lot easier, as well. I can even see how it would be unfair for other runs/runners, as not everybody has 20GB+ of free space lying around, and a fast enough hard drive for load times to not be a problem. (For instance, I have my v2.0.0.8 (~7GB) on my SSD that has 10GB of free space, but my Steam game (~14GB) is on a 5400RPM drive with 5GB of storage left.)

It was just an idea I had, so if the majority of the active community were to say no, I would have no problem playing with one version. I can see both sides of the argument, but until either a new(er) version is found and/or someone can find a run of any game that uses a version-swapping strategy, I'd say it would probably be a bad idea. However, I'd like to see counterarguments or input by other people, as well, so I don't think it should be completely banned just yet. I won't be doing a run with this strat until I know if it's 100% legal or not.


The difference is that L4D2 is played through separate campaigns. You get booted to the lobby if you don't use changelevel votes. Sure, if you were to load a single level in a different version, that's 100% bullshit, but an entire campaign I see no problem with whatsoever.

And I disagree that not everybody has access to the version; all you have to do is ask or google it (the latter being quite a pain, though). Hard-drive space is irrelevant to speedrunning.

Until a version with all campaigns is found, this method should be allowed and accepted.

I don't even know why I'm trying to argue for this, since I will never even run all campaigns ever again holy shit no way.

Virginia, USA

I'm just trying to see both sides of the argument here. Yeah, all I had to do to get was PM Deln, and the hard drive space bit was just conjecture, as well, as I can't see any other possible way it could affect other runners except for that one case. I do agree that swapping game instances for just one or two segments of a campaign would be completely asinine, as the campaign wouldn't be single-segment at that point. However, I don't think we have a big enough consensus among everyone to completely allow or disallow it just yet.

I've gotten a sub-3:40 with the bhop mod, so I'm sure the run could be sub-3:30 not only if I kept at it, but if another version was found/the idea was allowed. I don't blame you for not wanting to attempt it again, though. Most of the run feels like pure pain and suffering, so I guess I'm sort of a sadist.

still disagree that two versions should be allowed at one time. ask lo1ts for a version with all campaigns. i hear he has a few

Centre, France

I did some research and I may be found a patch. on Version

And i not agreed too play on two different version

United States

I wouldn't want two separate versions, but if there was a version with all campaigns prior to skip patches that'd be swell as hell.

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