Binds/Commands Questions
8 years ago
Virginia, USA

I mainly run the Original Campaigns solo misc category for now, and I have a couple of questions about the run, mainly to do with some certain binds and their legality.

Would the "changelevel" command be allowed? In the Left 4 Dead 2 forums here, I read up that using this command is allowed to switch between campaigns, rather than than exiting to the main menu after the ending. There seems to have been some controversy behind it, so I'd like to know if the same rule could be applied for this game, as well.

(Example: bind "f3" "changelevel l4d_airport01_greenhouse")

This could also be done with the "map (mapname)" command, so if using one is allowed/denied, I'll assume the other is the same. The only difference with this command is that pausing isn't allowed at all throughout the campaign, as I'm assuming it creates some type of local LAN server as opposed to a client instance.

(Example: bind "f4" "map l4d_farm01_hilltop")

Also, what about the crosshair commands? Would changing the crosshair to a custom one, rather than the default dynamic one, be allowed? By this, I mean using commands such as cl_crosshair_dynamic, cl_crosshair_thickness, cl_crosshair_red/green/blue/alpha, using the colorblind crosshair, and so on. This is purely cosmetic and will only be changed on the basis of preference. I tend to have a less intrusive and static crosshairs on other source games, but for the sake of run watch-ability and keeping the game as vanilla as possible, I can understand why this wouldn't be allowed. Although this won't serve as some sort of an immediate unfair advantage, this does beg the question of how much someone can change with the console and have a run still be considered legitimate; so this one doesn't matter as much in the long run, as the game is still 100% playable with the default crosshair.

These may be considered stupid questions with obvious answers, but I'm just trying to get my facts straight. I'd hate to get a PB and have it denied over something as silly as a crosshair.


Hello Canterlott.

These are not stupid questions, cool to see that you're trying to do your best to be legitimate ;)

I don't really know what is legit or not in that category. That's why it's still for me a "misc" category. It seems that the 3 runners that submitted a run don't use the same rules. You should probably talk together to see what you guys think legitimate. Once we get clear rules we can add it on the leaderboard. (playing on version 1.0? changelevel allowed ? insta killed bots ?

When we run full campaigns in coop, we don't use the changelevel command, but i guess that we'll not go against all the runners of the category if you want to challenge each other with your rules.

I used to answer to questions like "is ... allowed ?" by "if you can do it on an online-official-steam-server, yes it is allowed" (like biding keys to change difficulty)

I don't know if you can change your crosshair on those servers, but i agree with adam's post here about what he says about add-ons : "purely cosmetic" is not that unimportant.

That's only my opinion, feel free to debate (and sorry for my bad english ^^)

Virginia, USA

The "if you can do it on a Steam server, it's allowed" way of thinking seems like the best way. I joined an official dedicated server on the most recent version of the game and was able to change the crosshair settings to my liking with the console, so I don't see why changing the crosshair with the same commands in the 1.0 version would be a big deal.

As for the other rules of the run, I think I'll make a post in that thread you linked, as it would probably be the best place to discuss them. (In retrospect, I probably should've made this topic just a post in that thread.) I'd like to see more people run this category, and I think a set of standardized rules will benefit, but we'd all have to agree on something first, of course.

Thanks for the reply, your English is not a problem at all.

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