New Update might have changed the game!
3 years ago
Västernorrland, Sweden

A new update has arrived for this game on the Nintendo Switch about half an hour ago. I have been playing around with it for a bit, but the biggest change so far seem to be that they might have changed how walls operate in the game as they actually seems to impact your speed if you drive into them (and confirmed 100% that they added the fantastic creative touch of making touching walls making the camera act up like crazy when driving the car) and that boating controls seems a bit better. The changes are definitely huge enough to justify making old runs a legacy category eventually from my opinion as if the wall speed decrease is real, that might make some categories unbeatable and the fact that this game currently feels and plays like a different game.

I would however, wait a bit with doing this update as I have a feeling they will release a new patch soon as some sprites are broken, but it is still something I would personally recommend.

Laika_the_Spacedog tycker om detta
Texas, USA

Hi Firesplitter,

Why in the world would they just now update the game. I tried out the update for myself and it only seems to impact cars, boats and planes seem fine. I enjoy the earthquake you get when driving into a wall for sure.

On Cosmic Way Rally A with the tunnels that push you to one side, driving diagonally as is optimal to get out of the tunnel at a good angle is all kinds of messed up.

I would like to wait as well, but we may have to end up adding versions to the leaderboard or something, definitely what the world's best speedgame needed.

Firesplitter tycker om detta
Västernorrland, Sweden

Seems they haven't fixed this weird patch yet. Shall we just add a split for version 1.0.1 and 1.0?