Arcade Archives Version
1 year ago
Texas, USA

Could there be like a new category for Arcade Archives on Switch and PS4? I am not sure the differences, though it is supposed to represent closely to the arcade original.

Jönköping, Sweden

At that point, you might as well run Gradius Arcade on emulator via PC, since that's essentially what this archive is anyways.. A category OR game page would be made for it provided a run were to be submitted. Any revision would be allowed since the speedrun standard would become whatever is the fastest, I would NOT make a category per revision.

If someone strongly objects to that with ACTUAL VALID POINTS, im all ears and open minded. Assume latest revision of WolfMAME. Game options should be default, common speedrun standards apply.

Additional platforms for Arcade can be discussed at a later date, but assume PC emulation as the go to, that's how most boards are. Whether other releases are accurate enough to compete, that becomes a later issue.

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