007 Classic route
007 Classic route
Uppdaterad 7 years ago av PurpleSun

Video guides of every level soon, either by myself or Fitter (preferably Fitter because he routed the game, these are just notes from his run).


  • Fastest movement is forward sprinting: you can mash sprint for optimal sprints (short bursts tend to be better), but if you don't want to do that, the timing is 1.5 seconds between each sprint. Strafing is slower than turning and moving forward. Also, weapons don't change your speed.
  • Shoot grates, rather than open them (aside from the tutorial one)
  • When running past enemies, you can hip-fire at them to knock them back, cutting down on damage taken.
  • There are a lot of doors that have locks on, which you can shoot rather than melee like the game tells you to.
  • Drop down most ladder-chutes rather than taking the ladder.
  • For double-button QTEs, you can hold the first button before the prompt, and then press the second button when the prompt comes up (e.g. the first QTE in Dam; hold Z then hit B on GCN controller). The QTE buttons noted in the guide are for GCN controller
  • A lot of the time, you'll want to avoid 'losing stealth'. Losing stealth is when an enemy or camera spots you and triggers every enemy in the room to start firing at you. When an enemy is aware, there'll be a 'suspense' sound. If you've kept stealth, the sound will play reversed. If not, well, everyone will be shooting at you.
  • 'Take a picture of' is for everything involving the phone, including hacking.

Tutorial is standard go-fast

Dam video guide:


  • When Alec says he's trapped, you'll go through a door into a load of enemies. Shoot the glass right in front and walk through to the left where there's another door.
  • In the next room after a locked door, you'll go through a vent. When shooting the grate open to exit, shoot the guards, then the camera.
  • After killing the enemies in that room, go to the second door on the left into a blue room, taking out the smartphone to take a picture of the blueprints on the wall ahead. You have to be less than 4m from it.
  • In the next room, go left to a grate, and follow the path out onto a large ceiling. Go down the second hole along, taking out the smartphone when falling, and turn around to take a picture of the Wi-Fi node on the wall.
  • The scientist typing in the access codes has another Z+B QTE.
  • Take care with the enemies when Alec is covering you. Make sure to take them out silently. 'Losing stealth' here is very troublesome.
  • After taking out the furthest right-hand enemy, go right to a door. Follow the stairs up to another door, and then take out the guards and camera in the next room. Then go ahead into a small room and take a picture of the blueprints on the wall. Go back down and follow the marker.
  • In the lab area, take out the first two enemies, press Action on the computer, and go left. Shoot the cabinet lock, then take a picture of the blueprints to the right of the cabinet, pick up the body armour from the cabinet, and leave.
  • Charges route: One on the near-right, then go right killing the enemy, one right by the enemy, down the stairs to the left, kill the enemy, a charge to his left, then right, a charge on the left, go back and left up the steps, a charge on the left of the top of the steps, and a final charge on the left down the next set of steps. Go to the door ahead.

Airfield (Runway):

  • Go straight ahead, up the stairs and around to a missile launch button.
  • Go a little right from there, vault over the rails and go into the building, picking up body armour in the left corner.
  • After running through a road tunnel area, you'll get into a second shootout area. Run through that, going left to another small road tunnel, which leads into the next open shootout area, where there's a building on the left similar to the first building (You'll see an (i) icon flash nearing the building). Go into the building and up the stairs straight to another missile launch button. Hit it, then pick up the body armour to the left of it and vault over.
  • Follow the marker. When in the building with the red carpets, go left and up the stairs. Reload going up the stairs, take out the enemies, and then shoot all the computers until they explode, then up the stairs on the left and shoot all the computers and the enemies up there.
  • Go down to the first set of computers and then through the door to the bike section.

Nightclub: Fitter's video guide:

Carrier (Frigate):

  • At the start, go down the left path, taking out some enemies. At the end of the room with the Drone Gun hint, you can take a picture through the door to hack into the gate. Hide behind the door to let some enemies run straight past.
  • After hitting the first checkpoint, go down the stairs, and then around, but face the enemies as you go so you can kill them. Around the back-most bench on the right is some body armour.
  • (Webcam is reversed)
  • (Written guide) When approaching the boat, face the left-hand rail (faster than the right side that was used in the video), towards the corner of the roof. You can hover here - simultaneously mash Reload and Sprint (Y & B Classic Controller, B & A GCN) while walking down the stairs, and Bond's arm and gun will twitch at the bottom of the screen while you drop much more slowly than usual, allowing you to get onto the rail. Go back up the rail and onto the boat, and walk through the centre windows into the bomb area. Disarm the charges on the centre table behind the long table. This saves at least 15 seconds compared to the intended way.
  • Dropping down the next ladder-chute will deal damage, so take the ladder.
  • Kill the enemy and go left from the ladder, then right, then breach the door on the left to save a hostage. Go back and down the ladder.
  • Open the first door on the right and kill the enemies (don't enter the room), then continue along to the next door and kill the nearest enemy, and then breach the door at the end to save a hostage. Go back to the second door and defuse the charges on the control system on the right when entering the room. Shoot the canister near the enemies to take them out.
  • Follow the marker to the engine room. Kill all the enemies, and then take a picture of the machine. There's some body armour behind you.
  • Hack into the control system in the left side of the room (where the marker is), then go right and vault down to the machine to defuse the charges on it.
  • Follow the marker until you see a door with a green light to the left of one with a red light. Breach the green-lit door to save the last hostage.
  • Be very careful in the cargo bay. It's a tough shooutout.
  • There's body armour on the left when you re-enter after the helicopter cutscene.
  • Be wary of when the helicopter shoots missiles. Stop if you hear it/see it.
  • After you go up some steps, there'll be an enemy you have to kill.

Outpost (Surface):

  • After going through the first underpass after the first shootout area, there's one of the 5 locked boxes you have to shoot, and then some body armour.
  • When hitting a checkpoint after the plane wreckage, there's another locked box behind a wrecked truck.
  • In the shootout when starting the 'lower compound' objective, go past the first wrecked building, then right past a red crate, then into the building. Go around the stairs and shoot a locked box. Vault out the window behind you, and then enter the building on the immediate right to pick up some body armour.
  • Exiting out the open corner behind you, go straight ahead to the flight recorder (red box).
  • Go left from there towards a red crate, and enter the building. Between the bunk beds is a locked box.
  • Exiting the vent after the snipers (there'll be an Objective Completed notice), go right when out of the turbine, sneak around, then vault over the rails and shoot the last locked box. There's some body armour straight ahead, although you're unlikely to get shot a lot during the last sprint.


  • The first enemy will be arming the first charge you need to disarm.
  • In the office room, take out the enemies, then go through to the door in the far corner, take out the enemies in that room, and take a picture of the blueprints on the table where the second enemy was (it'll be easily visible).
  • In the next office area, on the right there'll be an enemy arming a charge. Kill all the enemies in the area, and disarm that charge. Then go back and follow the marker.
  • Going through the door when activating night-vision, there'll be body armour dead ahead. Pull the switch in that room.
  • Going back to the door now open after pulling the switch, kill the enemies and go left to disarm a charge.
  • Follow the marker until you're past the next room and the following red corridor. In the next room, on your immediate left is a cubicle, with blueprints on a desk.
  • Follow the marker until you enter a large circular room. There'll be an enemy on the left, and then another further on, and then you'll see one arming a charge. Kill all the enemies and disarm the charge, then go up the stairs to the left.
  • In this room, kill the enemies, get the body armour on the right if you need it, and then take a picture of the blueprints on the left.
  • Go back down, and to the center of the large room. Kill the two enemies, and take a picture of the blueprints to the left of them. Go down the stairs.
  • Go around the pillar and disarm the last charge.
  • When waiting for the emergency door to open (after the elevator), kill Ourumov's men. Keep checking the door, until you see a sizeable gap that you can squeeze through. There's body armour in the corridor.
  • In the next area, go right, then left into the center 'pod', and take a picture of the blueprints.
  • There's a lot of body armour through the escape section. A video guide would probably be better to point out where they are.


  • Before opening the security door, take a picture of the tape player.
  • In the second security door room, you can kill the enemies before going in, and then sprint to the next door to skip having to hit the switch. If you're low on health, there is armour in the room on the left. You can then vault out the window to skip the security door closing.
  • When you're in the server room, kill the enemies first, then run around and destroy the servers. Melee a lot of them to save ammo. There'll be an Objective Completed notice when you've destroyed them all.
  • Upstairs, after killing a few enemies, go left into another room, and move a cabinet to reveal a grate. Shoot and go through the grates and take a picture of the palmtop (or small laptop) on the desk with the red Janus symbol on.
  • Go back through the grates, and continue on as normal.
  • After the phonecall, on the right of the next room is a locked box with body armour in.
  • After the long shootout in the bookcases with all the smoke and what-not, there'll be an enemy around the corner. Shoot him down, then go to the right of where he was, taking out some more enemies around the place on the way. There'll be a box with body armour, and a computer. Press your action button (A on GC) on the computer and wait for it to stop at a picture of a satellite dish. Take a picture of the screen.
  • In the cargo hold, go up the slope on the left, press the button (all the while taking out enemies), and switch on the projector at the end and take a picture of the projection.

Tank (Streets) - There's nothing extra here. Just go fast and FSU.

Station (Depot): Fitter's video guide:

Memorial Park (Statue):

  • After taking the ladder out of the first area of sewers, go right to a building and up the ladder. Shoot the glass roof and drop down. Unlock the box in the corner for armour, and open the box to the right and take a picture of the contents.
  • After the cutscene where you see Natalya get caught, enemies will open the door. Defeat all the enemies, and then go left from the doors that opened, and take a picture of the opened box behind the fence.
  • In the large weapons room after the night-vision section, there's armour on the left-hand side. On the right-hand side the pillar ahead of the armour is a cabinet (looks a bit like the servers in Archives) you need to take a picture of.
  • At the end of the room, go around the right side, take out an enemy, and then take a picture of the computer to the left that another enemy is standing at (you don't have to kill him unless he saw the other enemy die), and then go down the rubble slope.

Jungle video guide (note: while the guide from waterfall onwards is a mash-up of different segments, this can be done cleanly and consistently with practice):


  • Left of the charges is body armour.
  • After the elevator, go right. Take out the camera. Move along the perimeter, shooting 4 enemies (but keep stealth) as you go. After shooting the 4th, go back and up the steps into the booth room. Take out the camera, look out the opening to take out another enemy, then take out the enemy at the computers and take a picture of the node above the computers.
  • Go right out of the booth, then left down the steps, and across the room into the other booth (go in the right-hand entrance). After taking out the enemies, take a picture of the node above the computers in that side of the booth. Take out the camera, and go into the other half of the booth for some body armour.
  • Just before the elevator after the charges are set, there's some body armour by the right-hand railings. You can pick up it just running alongside the railings straight to the elevator.
  • In the next large shoot-out, in the 'room' on the right, there's a Kallos with grenade launcher attachment, as well as a locked box with a rocket launcher. Across the first slopes and to the right, in the corner is some body armour.


  • When you have proper control (not the slow-motion bit), go left, around the furthest set of computers, and pick up body armour.
  • After you open the doors with L&R (GC controller), drop down, turn around and out, and go left for some body armour.
  • After the first QTE fight with Trevelyan, follow the marker. Before you go into the circle room for the shoot-out, pick up body armour near the weapons boxes and pick up ammo if needed.
  • Trevelyan shoot-out strat:
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