Questions & Answers
6 years ago


As of 2018 we have finally gotten our first Enchanted Arms speedrun with video evidence! If there are any questions regarding this game or any speedrun related questions we can all ask them here. I will be happy to answer your questions, and hopefully you will join the amazing Enchanted Arms speedrun master race!

The Airwalk Glitch:

Menu Abuse Guide:

Xbox 360 vs Xbox One (Load Times Comparison):

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago

Will you ever do any% runs?


Yes, I am planning on doing that within a month. I need to change a few things from the segmented run to adopt for RTA, but it is coming very soon. :)

United States

How much faster is the game on 360? I have a 360, and I plan on buying the game later this year.

I know the 360 version will be faster due to load times thanks to the DVD drive and hard drive installation to make loading even shorter, more overpowered golems, and faster bosses due to power HP.


Personally, I've never played it. So I wouldn't know, but I would guess 1 hour faster due to less casino farming needed. You really need Seraphim in the PS3 version due to the nerfed golems. AP0 is incredible in the Xbox 360 version. Mega Link is overpowered. in PS3 we get it late game thanks to Atlas. Atlas is a 4-slot AP0 which can be obtained sometime after Sayaka (which is at the end).

I was going to run this game in RTA, but I haven't really gotten the time to optimize the run for real-time yet. Some strategies were too luck reliant. I started working 6 days a week so I barely have time to run this, but I will do a run sometime this year. Hopefully during summer. When I do a run it will be an amazing one. :) I would like to play Xbox 360 version someday, but I don't have a 360 so it would be a big investment just to speedrun this...

She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Could Segmented be changed into Bad Ending Segmented and Good Ending Segmented and have the console sub categories?


I am not sure I understand. They already have sub-categories with Bad/Good Ending in all 3 console categories. Hmm... Any% is bad ending and 100% is good ending in RTA if that's a question too.

She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Something like this? Adding in a category for Any% Good Ending, but leaving it mostly the same just different. Since your segments category had bad ending and good ending. And segmented is supposed to be fast. Why not change it into about the categories Any% and Any% GE.

Any% PS3 X360 XB1

Any% GE (Good Ending) PS3 X360 XB1

100% PS3 X360 XB1

Any% Segmented PS3 X360 XB1

Any% GE Segmented PS3 X360 XB1


It's better to have many runs inside one category than splitting them like you suggest. Imagine someone just dropping in here for the first time and see 5 different categories. They might not even know the difference between good and bad ending. :) But 100% is the Good Ending.

Nobody will truly do a speedrun with the 100% (100%) run, because it's insane due to having to max the FP (5x Friend Gem) per golem. So I changed it to 100% Story (also 100% achievements). If you beat Infinity you have 100% achievements unlocked since it tracks only bosses killed. Toya gives you 93% only. So we could change it to 93% and 100% but then again noobs wouldn't understand what that is. :)

What we could do is merge the Any% and 100% category and make a split inside the Any% with Bad/Good Ending but it's so bloated already with the categories inside. Makes it messy to navigate.

On the good side is that I found some improvements yet again even if they are minor this time. So I will do some comparison videos between 360 and One later today since I got the console yesterday. I will also make a video about the possible glitches that would save 2 hours if they work. Now there are 2 places where you could save 2 hours. I found another one yesterday. There are guards blocking your path to Junk City when the bridge gets detonated by Ooka. If you go out of bounds and go to the Junk City area instead by bypassing the guards you save 2-2½ hours. If both glitches work... then the run will be 2-3 hours long. LOL

She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Just a thought and I guess you're point just maybe at least BE Segmented and GE Segmented so there's only a variable for consoles for all of them. Having two variables for Segmented kinda is ugly, but just one more category helps out.

Oh my god I would definitely run it then if true!

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
Maryland, USA

I disagree with Good Ending being called 100%, but I guess that's just my thought on it. For Max% I think we should track all the stuff to track except for Friend points (mostly cause it's worthless to track)

And at worst make Max% a misc category so it's not on the main leaderboards


Alright, we will abolish 100% name to preserve it for the future. We will just call them Bad / Good Ending. Guide for Bad Ending has been updated. So if you have an older version (please delete it). The Bad Ending's estimated time should be around 6:15-6:30 depending on RNG for casino and battles. Will post videos about airwalk and other important things for Bing's next run. The most cruical part was the newer guide that wasn't updated since last year. Fixed a lot of mistakes and errors in the notes. This one have been patched with all fails I did during my run the other day. Changed party for Lord of Earth to a better one. ;)

  • Added Direct power for the solo Ooka battle with Raigar (he doesn't deal enough damage sometimes to kill Ooka in two attacks).
  • Changed party for Lord of Earth to no longer lose as much time as before.
  • Removed Friend Gems at the end (only necessary for Good Ending).
  • Less casino coins necessary due to smarter distribution of end-game stats.
  • No more ambushes on Poseidon & Odin (If someone died you didn't get enough Agility points to prevent these, but now calculates dead characters pre-emptively).

I cannot wait to see you guys run the Bad Ending Route. I am still in the process of improving the Good Ending strategies, but almost done.

Slevanas och Bingchang gillar detta

Alright, that should conclude my help for you guys. The way you can help me is by finding if the airwalk glitch is possible in the Fork Screen or the desert so that we can walk out of bounds. The maps are huge and I can make the setup happen if we find these rare spots for the airwalk to happen.

The Airwalk Glitch:

Menu Abuse Guide:

Xbox 360 vs Xbox One (Load Times Comparison):

So for Bingchang I recommend you watch the menu abuse guide which is specifically for you to get an even better time when you run. I will be watching! I haven't been this excited to watch someone speedrun in a long time.

Xbox One is faster, but not by as much as I thought to be honest, but we got the proof now. I would say Xbox One loads about 20-25% faster. Which means 1.0 seconds would be come 0.8 seconds. So maybe that saves 10 minutes in the whole run. We cannot say for certain but something like that.

Bingchang tycker om detta
Maryland, USA

Are both you tested for time save with the disc in?


I don't remember if the XBOX One was digital or with the disc. The Xbox 360 is fully digital. I believe Xbox One is the same with or without the disc, but who knows.

She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

I made splits for if it does get to the 3 hour mark, but would like to see standard splits for the game. What I have is this for Bad Ending. I know there's more split points, but for now I did the major boss fights. Kou, Emperor of Fire, Lord of Earth, and Toya


I can't believe it. I went to bed and slept 9 hours. When I wake up no Enchanted Arms stream and then I check just to make sure and there it is. 7 hours of Bingchang running this game and I happen to sleep during the full duration. :'( But I did watch it all and I saw it went well until Lord of Earth pretty much. Casino was so lucky! I will never get that lucky. :( The Lord of Earth is the most difficult battle in the game so I understand it's not easy to make a guide for it. There are things to note for that battle.

Lord of Earth (Strategy)

  1. Always kill minions that spawn (Only ever use Mega Link if no minions are on the field).
  2. If you kill all his minions while he has 70 EX (he will get 100 EX THAT TURN; which means he will use his ultimate attack even if you think he won't).
  3. Atsuma can survive the ultimate attack ONLY if he has FULL HP (and no minions are alive while he uses his ultimate attack). If he doesn't have full HP or you don't think you can kill the minions on his turn when he will use the ultimate attack, then stand behind AP0 or use Prill Cotton's High Barrier skill instead. However, I believe that Prill Cotton can kill the minions with the Aero Bolt since it's the opposing element (at least in conjunction with any other attack like Life Vacuum).

Makoto (Strategy) I purposely don't get enough Direct here since it's not needed, but I might actually change that since BingChang was struggling so much on that battle. Personally I don't care if the things survive the attack because I need to heal anyway and then we can use the Phoenix to kill off all of them.

I will probably add more Direct because it does help a bit on Toya as well. Might be able to get enough Direct power to one-shot Toya instead of needing another turn. Normally I deal 8500-9000 damage on Toya. So maybe more Direct can make it 10.000.

Toya (Strategy) No idea what Bing was doing. He had the setup perfectly ready many times but he waited for his ultimate attack before going for it? Mega Aqua Wave is his normal attack (he can only use Mega Aqua Wave or Unlink Spear). We need him to use Mega Aqua Wave in order to NOT remove our Mega Link chain. That's the only reason. After that we go all-in and he should be dead in 3-4 turns normally no matter how terrible the start is.

Another secret note: Mega Link (if used before) will not make you get [MAX] next turn IF you for instance do this: AP0 (Mega Link) Atsuma [MAX] (Flare Rush) Butterfly [MAX] (Mega Flare Shoot) Prill Cotton [75] (Aero Bolt). Since you applied the Mega Link AND Atsuma and Butterfly already have MAX they will combo their attack (so you need to make sure you don't have 2 characters who will combo when you use Mega Link early). This can never be an issue the first 3 turns in a battle, but if you start using Mega Link later in the battle as a start and other characters combo after that then you lose out on it for those characters. :( So in this scenario above only AP0 and Prill Cotton would have [MAX] on the next turn.

Only mistake I saw was that I forgot to edit Galirya in the party instead of Marlin Glave when we remove him from the party. This caused Bing to think he wrongfully removed Marlin and put him back in the party. My mistake for letting his name be in the party. We go and kill Prill Cotton during that section and it doesn't matter which party members we use because that battle is super easy and we swap in Prill in Junk City anyway. I guess it's not a big deal but I will change the Direct thing with Atsuma which should make Makoto and Toya easier / faster.

Good job, you showed that this run can be like 6:00 with that Casino luck and good gameplay. Better than I thought! :) That Lord of Earth probably snatched 25-30 minutes from your run. I was thinking about doing a Lord of Earth battle guide but I hope the description above is good enough since I don't have a save file anywhere near that place. I might do a full run next week instead and hopefully that will be enough as a video demonstration. :)

If you REALLY don't want to use the brain while fighting Lord of Earth you can just wear High Barrier on all 4 characters and do whatever you want. You simply should not be able to lose, but you will deal less damage so the fight will be longer (but guaranteed). Or do the half-way method by letting Atsuma and Prill Cotton only be under the High Barrier effect. ;)

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
Bingchang tycker om detta
Maryland, USA

My issue for Makoto was he kept spamming heal, and he was healing for more dmg than I was doing. As for Toya I misunderstood what attack you were referring too. I'll keep that in mind for next time. Thanks for all the comments!

Deathtome tycker om detta

Yeah, sad to see you got trolled by him so badly. Makoto can be a terrible battle when he uses healing. I think you can position yourself in a way so that he will hit you instead with his attack to provoke him to attack. I think he heals if he cannot target you at all. Like don't go 3 rows to the left or right but 2 (but also be careful not to get hit by ultimate). :) You did a fine job man. I will do some testing with added direct power and hopefully that will make your run much safer. If you have trouble with Lord of Earth just practice that fight. Trust me man you did a fine job.

I am not 100% sure how the menu abuse works, but it may be that it shuffles the encounter seed which means it can be 1-50 steps until next encounter, and then you keep shuffling the seed every time. Which means it can seem inconsistent, but overall you should be getting 60-70% less battles over the full duration of a run. All I know is that it works because that was the ONLY way I could ever get through certain sections in my segmented speedrun. It either delays or shuffles. I think it shuffles because some screens are bullshit with high encounter rate and it can remove all of these. So I believe more in the shuffling seed thing than delaying a battle.

I hope you will give it another shot someday. I was thinking about it. With more Direct we also deal more damage to Odin, Valkyrie, BAGLANJI, Uhabongos, Makoto and Toya. :) So it might be worth it to be honest. One extra round of 9x mega skill gems -> Direct power only. It will also kill the annoying things in Makoto battle. We don't really need the TBs after we leave London last time. So use up all TBs for skill gems if you got any spare.

Won't be much of a change but I will post an updated version next week when I do a run to implement the Direct.

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
Bingchang tycker om detta

Alright, sub 6 was pretty comfortably achieved. The 5:45 I got was not perfect. I am pretty sure the PERFECT run would be around 5:30 on Xbox One. That would require a very very good casino run and perfecting the menus and battles. I'm not going to retry on Xbox One unless someone beats it or something gets discovered. I don't like to mash in this game. I will play the Xbox 360 version a bit more once I am done with Good Ending. :)

Video footage:

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
Slevanas och Bingchang gillar detta
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