New category ideas?
7 years ago
Minnesota, USA

So if was wondering if any one had any ideas for new categories for this game because I'm out of ideas.

Zanum tycker om detta
West Virginia, USA

Hyper Mode - Max Score. I've done it before, but it was a long time ago on Twitch and it wasn't a speedrun. It's tedious to get to, though. Time starts when clicking on Hyper or "New Game", and ends when the score goes blank (indicates maximum possible score reached).

Hyper Mode - 100 Million Points (or any other score milestone higher than that), in case that Max Score takes too long to finish, and the sheer amount of levels needed to reach it. Same as above, except time ends when the score reaches the target.

Yeah, I'm crazy. I don't know what it is with me and Hyper Mode on this game.

Zanum, softestcat, och Granolant gillar detta
Minnesota, USA

Thanks for the ideas, they've been added

Zanum tycker om detta
Ontario, Canada

I was thinking Action Mode 8 Levels and Action Mode 37 Levels. Time would start upon selecting Action Mode or no (or continue/don't show again on a new file), and time would end upon completing level 8 or 37, respectively.

Zanum tycker om detta
Ontario, Canada

I have a video showcasing what a run of these category ideas would look like.

Zanum tycker om detta
Minnesota, USA


Zanum och softestcat gillar detta

classic mode, x million points?

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Pennsylvania, USA

Endless 4 Gem :P

Zanum tycker om detta
United States

After seeing this speedrun page, only forum post is 2 years old asking for category ideas. With a new interest in running this 'gem,' I'll throw in my 2 cents. Endless Center Gem to go along with the guy above me, and x-Special Gems%, where you collect however many Power Gems and/or Hypercubes in any of the modes, fastest in Hyper. I'll probably only run Hyper and Endless, but tbh I'm just happy this game has a life in speedrunning :D

Zanum och Granolant gillar detta
Maryland, USA

Ok this is pretty dumb but make the Narrator say Excellent or some other compliment as you're playing and so something based on that.

Zanum tycker om detta
Queensland, Australia

who will add Classic Mode level 5 and 10 like bejeweled 1 and 3

Zanum tycker om detta
Ontario, Canada


Zanum och derric_young gillar detta

Not sure if it would be interesting... but maybe categories for Twilight, Finity and Incognito gamemodes? I suppose just your generic "Level 5, 10" or a scoring goal for Twilight and Finity, and then 100% completion for incognito?

Zanum tycker om detta
Ontario, Canada

Cognito would be similar to puzzle, but I suppose it could be more challenging. Finity is kinda RNG with Power gems and bombs, and hard to unlock without cheating. Twilight I'll have to think about.

Zanum tycker om detta
South Carolina, USA

What About Adding 6 Gem and 7 Gem to endless Mode?

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Missouri, USA

speedrun endless (cheatless)

Zanum tycker om detta
Ontario, Canada

I don't plan on adding any more categories for Endless right now. That mode already has a lot of categories, and I don't want to flood the game with too many leaderboards.

Zanum tycker om detta
United States

What about Twilight mode 5 levels or 10 levels spedrun

Zanum tycker om detta
Missouri, USA

I would say 8 crazy modes, 8 crazy levels but to get finity you need level 251 and the next 8 levels for endless would take forever

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