7 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Howdy gang. Just fired this game up, figured I'd start up a thread for movement tech and glitches. Discovered pretty quick that you can scale up any single wall by jumping off of it and doing an aerial slash towards it so you don't fall down as much before you can jump off a wall again. You have to make sure that Ashe is moving before you do the slash, so she slashes towards the wall, instead of just flailing in place. Not that far in, but I hope this can be used to get into areas early.

Anyone find anything else so far? Out-of-bounds or any other fun stuff?

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Washington, USA

I've found that just holding up and slightly toward the wall on a controller can just let you repeatedly use the up attack to scale a wall without even jumping off of it. Used that to bypass the double jump ability check ones the start to get to the second battery. But got stuck in a room due to the layout needed double jump without a wall to scale up and cheese it.

He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

You can get into cathedral early using this method; but I'm not sure sequence breaking to wall run or grapple would help too much; Maybe if you found a huge treasure trove and stocked up early that could be powerful, but would that be any faster than just normal progression? Hmmm also what about something like getting the first 3 shards and corrupting the wall run, so you can literally spiderman any wall. Maybe that could be useful

He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Also I guess corrupted forms of abilities to build speed; Glide obtained from corrupting double jump can be used to maintain speed. So if you either grapple and then double jump -> glide you can build and maintain a lot of speed; Corrupted grapple also builds an INSANE amount of speed as well. Also rolling off of a ledge and double jump -> glide is another way to build and store a lot of horizontal speed.

EDIT_ Also I'm sure others know this, but if you are standing on a platform you can fall through and have a huge vertical distance to traverse downward, just drop down and do a downward air attack and continue to hold down + jump, you will continue to pass through all fo the floors.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Queensland, Australia

I have been using the kick-back from the cannon into an air-jump (double jump) into gliding to traverse horizontally in the cathedral to great effect.

I have seen one wall clip so far:

Not sure if it will be helpful.

Another interesting one:

Queensland, Australia

As said above - I don't think skipping powerups is of a huge benifit in this game.

I want to put a list together of what bosses can be skipped though.

Still doing my first playthrough so afterwards I'm gonna be doing some more speedrun tech finding.

Texas, USA

I had that 2nd bug occur on my casual playthrough. The only thing it really does is trivialize the fog on your way back up, because it essentially despawns the entire encounter (fog goes away, music stops playing). You stay zoomed out like that until you climb back up to where the fog encounter normally ends and then the camera re-adjusts.

Bosses = shards = upgrades, so an optimal route will likely include a few of them - that being said, as far as I've seen the only requirement for unlocking the final boss arena is killing the main bosses in each area.

Texas, USA

In my completed run today, I discovered a cheesy strat for farming T2/T3 perk chests earlier than you can normally using Rebirth:

Rebirth will kill mobs in the area when it activates. If you can survive until the Lith mob for a perk chest spawns, it dies along with most of the rest of the mobs, and you'll just have some minor cleanup to take care of afterwards.

New York, USA

I was able to duplicate an elder shard today. Sadly, I wasn't recording when it happened but I made a video to show that I have 6 destroyed shard perks and 2 corrupted abilities.

I was trying to destroy two elder shards in a row and I think I grabbed the shard off the cylinder while hitting the button to burn it at the same time. The animation played as if I was burning the shard, but there wasn't one in there! It gave me the loot as well as the perk. If we can do this consistently then that means a lot of shards to upgrade the abilities in the skill tree.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Kono and dyindude like this
Washington, USA

i wonder what would happen if you duplicated shards. corrupted all the abilities while still destroying all 7 shards... hmmm

dyindude likes this
Texas, USA

I've been trying to reproduce this in early game (Luther/Arlie/Hidden A1 shard) but haven't been able to yet. I keep either just picking it back up or burning the crystal. Do you remember what kind of attack, movement, anything like that (even which direction you were facing, etc)

New York, USA

Sadly I do not. I wasn't trying to break anything! Maybe I down slashed from above? I was also burning two shards, maybe that has something to do with it.

I also had all of the movement abilities like air dash and I am sure I dashed over because it is quicker.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Washington, USA

idea on that, did you have the expanded critical perk? maybe you attacked it was a critical and the expanded range let you hit the incinerate button at the same time you picked up the shard? if this is the case this will make it nearly impossible to reproduce consistently. :/

Edited by the author 7 years ago
New York, USA

I don't believe I did, but it is possible. I think I only had the extra combo damage at that time as I was cashing in the shards to level up a good amount on the skill tree.

Texas, USA

Well something interesting happened to me while I was just trying to casually 100% Embrace/Corrupted (I don't know what name I like better) run. Was on the third boss, and just started the second phase when the core starts launching tracking blast. The gun boss acted normal, but I think the cult boss glitched out somehow. It stayed floating next to a platform, never moving or attacking, and even when I destroy its Elder Shard, it doesn't go into the stunned animation, though the barrier does go down and gun rages. Barrier still goes up after a time (still don't know if there's a time limit or a damage threshold when the barrier goes back up).Definitely makes the second half of the fight a lot easier with a stationary target to wail against to unlock the core though.

Unfortunately didn't get video of when the glitch first started, but once I realized it I started recording.

Forgive bad fight. Got caught up in wanting to survive to try and showcase the glitch. Should of also of tried to break the gun guys shard to see what that would of done. End the glitch as the other boss enraged, or would it stay stuck so the only obstacle was the core shooting blast? Sorry.

Steps that happened up to it (because I don't know exactly what caused it):

  • On PC with normal difficult -Was ~third/fourth attempt at the fight -Had all corrupted upgrades except for wall climbing -Perks I had obtained/equipped can be seen briefly at the end of the video (when uploaded) -During first stage of the fight, I focused entirely on the cultist boss. (Find this one easier, cause if you break the gun, hard to get off a full combo attack against the core when culties flies at you) -At the start of the second phase, stood on the platform directly below the core, then did full powered corrupted smash to destroy oncoming projectiles.
  • I either then when straight for the cultist boss, or fell back to the left to destroy more projectiles and then went after the cultist boss. -Didn't notice for a while that the cultist was stuck because he didn't enter his stunned animation, only noticed the lack of a barrier around the core. That's when I paused game and started recording.
Edited by the author 6 years ago
Campania, Italy

yo Sorry for exhuming an old post, but I noticed no one has found any OOB, and I did go out of bounds in my casual playthrough maybe it can be useful for runs (°w°)=b

New Orleans, LA, USA

Thanks for posting it here. I've gone out of bounds before as well, it happened as the result of a glitch for me.

Basically it was like a room failed to load where it should have, so there was an entrance to the black area. As soon as I found it I tried to play around with it, but the walls were solid. I couldn't escape except for the way I came in. However I dont see any such entrance in your screenshot. Could you give more information regarding how this happened?

Campania, Italy

All I remember is it was just an upward slash or something like that, it's been a long while. It may just be a "crush-type" OOB where I got squeezed above an object while it was exploding, since I was destroying one of those objects that drop stuff.

New Orleans, LA, USA

You mean one of the corrupted treasures? That's strange because they have no collision, but I'll see if I can make use of it somehow

Campania, Italy

Could be an enemy as well, maybe one of those that charge at you and land on the walls, I don't remember very well. Hopefully you can find something interesting with it <:

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