The Removal of my runs.
7 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

Just a heads up, I would have removed your runs anyways for a) lack of video, and b) for changing the categories as you pleased to benefit your own run without informing other runners. DLC was allowed for all of the categories you ran, and none of the others. Initially, when Irehaahk and I first began to discuss this game for speedrunning over 2 years ago, we both agreed on no DLC allowed. The same holds true for your 4A runs, where markro and I agreed that DLC is not allowed aside from difficulty and that data transfer is also banned. Your rules, and presumably your run allowed and used both of these. If you arent satisfied with ban evasion as the reasoning, then the reason from me is you went behind the communities back and cheated in your runs. Also, very few runs out there allow DLC to begin with to keep the playing field fair for all runners. These runs are also usually noted whether or not they use DLC in the category, rather than just using it and then banning it in other categories. When I started changing the rules of the categories here,

Edited by the author 7 years ago
MLSTRM likes this
Chicago, IL, USA

I wouldn't have tested it because it wasn't to be allowed in the first place, slower or not. and Whether it is true or not, and whether you did or didn't use it, I cant say, because there is no video and no proof of your claim. AS for Tofo's run, I must have missed it, but runs typically require videos, and as such, his run will be removed to keep things fair.

Texas, USA

This should be fun.

I would have liked to remove them for lack of video proof; however, it would have been a slight double standard due to not handling Yo-kai Watch the same way (that said, Yo-kai Watch has the benefit of an extremely accurate and easy to use in game timer, which to my knowledge is not quite applicable to SMT runs due to the risk of death. While NG+ is likely very safe, enforcing a similar ruleset across both is probably the best thing for the game and series as a whole.) I do understand that traditional 3DS capture is not particularly cheap or easy to use. That said, I also am relegating more of this to Beef, as he is much more invested in the game, and consider most of my work to be simple housekeeping/dispute remediation. If he believes video proof (especially given that it can be captured via even a 20 dollar webcam or the n3DS hack) is required, I'm not one to disagree. If the argument is that a webcam setup is not comfortable enough, I'd like to point out that 3DS capture cards add a substantial amount of weight, in addition to being somewhat temperamental and tethering to a computer; there is sadly no solution that preserves the freedom that a videoless run would provide.

As for why the runs I removed were removed, given that you and most of your friends were removed for you using them as a way to make your ban evading account you're using right now, I felt it inappropriate to leave the runs up under a false name and instead wait until you could resubmit whenever your ban ends (which is a moot point if Beef would like video proof regardless). If this is crossing the line as a series moderator, that's fine, but I'd like to hear that from a site administrator.

I also find it funny that you felt the need to try to brigade this on Twitter, as though it would somehow validate your opinion.

As for removing Ghostscits times across all games, he has a history of submitting cheated/falsified runs across multiple games (I know of Sonic, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Catherine and I'm sure there are others), and as such, is completely unreliable in any way for a run that doesn't have video proof. You'll also notice that I did verify his Persona 4 Arena run yesterday, as it sufficiently met the burden of proof required. Removing a Persona 3 time that was, if I remember, done on emulator (which required streaming in SRL days for proof and in multiple other communities), as well as three or so 3DS game runs that have a picture of splits as proof is, I believe, warranted until some form of video proof is met.

Chicago, IL, USA

Ghoul, on the subject of Ghost's SMT4 run, how much of it was recorded on webcam. If there was significant amounts of it, I would have no issue verifying it. I understand Cap Cards are expensive. I also am fine accepting the N3DS hack which markro uses. In my eyes, simple splits, IGT pictures and other such "proof" are not enough to verify a run, especially since of the inaccuracies IGT could have due to pretty much inevitable deaths in this run. NG+, yes, would be more accurate, but I feel it more fair to make it a rule across the game, rather than a single category.

Electra13x7777 likes this
New York City, NY, USA

Would we be able to compromise on the subject of video proof that webcam footage along with splits should suffice for proof

Megami_infini likes this
Texas, USA

There was nothing. A picture of splits and a comment. To be quite honest, splits would not be required imo as long as the game is visible for a majority of the run and the beginning and end are plainly visible. Retiming such a run would be easy and within the guidelines for a good mod to do regardless.

Electra13x7777 likes this
Chicago, IL, USA

Webcam footage for the whole run is enough for me, splits are gravy. if thats what ghostscit had, then I would like to have the chance to go through it to verify that run

Electra13x7777 likes this
Texas, USA

I hope a hurricane passes through illinois

Texas, USA

Now see Tofo, not only is your comment quite rude, but you also sadden me as a fellow Texan that apparently, our school system didn't teach geography very well. See, unlike Texas or Florida, Illinois is land locked, and far enough away that by the time a hurricane were to reach it, the worst it could do is a bit of rain and maybe clear whatever drought the state is in. If you truly wished for a natural disaster to hit the state of Illinois, a hurricane would be woefully inadequate to do... much of anything. Might I suggest a tornado? I do believe those would be possible, but if your goal was to hit Beef, they aren't very good at demolishing entire states. Quite the gamble. If you're upset at the removal of your runs, there are politer ways to disagree that wouldn't involve direct insults or wishing death of all things. You could lay out an argument for why video isn't necessary, or heck, even ask how getting video proof to replace what was probably a run you'll beat on your next attempt anyway.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Crumpet_of_Conquest, Koolzo and 3 others like this
Texas, USA

Why would I want it to hit beef duder he makes funny memes like ikburu and sukjawa

Texas, USA

I don't take advice from people in 4th world countries that are KNOWN CHEATERS! @Ghostscit

Chicago, IL, USA

This has no need to continue and just looks poor, as such I am locking the thread

Electra13x7777 likes this
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