Full Leader Victory Category (maybe?)
2 years ago
Arkansas, USA

I was wonder if it would be possible to add a category for doing all for victories back to back (in one sitting, win with Domination, Technology, Culture, and Economic all in a row). Just like the "All Victories" category Civ Rev 1 had. I also don't think save/load should be allowed, as I think it'd be cooler doing each victory from scratch back to back. I'd understand someone wanting to use that to make achieving all four victories faster, but personally I'd like it being four separate playthroughs.

Side notes. Will there be separate categories based on difficulty? I don't plan on doing anything beyond chieftain, but would be interested if someone did the categories on Diety (like DancingBird's Eco run).

Edited by the author 2 years ago
cdnmrpr likes this
Cornwall, England

All victories has been added as a category on the leader boards.

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