Any% Farming / Ligar
6 years ago
United States

What is a reasonable Tone/Health to have going into the Ligar fight assuming Attack & Assail will be used?

For example, ShiningDragoon, you have 1458 Tone, 9 Health, Power Up and Attack & Assail but claim in the 8:10 WR run this is quite risky depending on what Ligar does/avoiding hits.

Being new to the game, I'm trying to find that balance of not farming for too long but also standing a fair chance against Ligar.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Maryland, USA

I dont really do it based off of tone more on the life side. The attacks ligar do hit for 3 damage. With 9 beads of health you take 4 hits before you die since you can live at "0" health filled. So with good rng, and good dodging you can win. To start with though getting to w/e tone 10 health beads gives ya gives you a pretty good chance to kill. Course drop rng is the ultimate factor in the end. You def want that attack and assaip.

baldnate and sYn like this
Maryland, USA

That being said though there is definitely a breakpoint where not farming more enemies would cause the boss to go slower to a point, on the other hand where if you farm more enemies the farm will lose you time both as a result due to damage breakpoints. It's about every 8 tone basically gives you a power up. So if you are farming and you end up getting a lot of health enough to hit 6 7 full bars of Health without doing a health refill spell you could try fighting the boss before you hit 9health beads. But I would suggest going somewhere in the 8 because at that point the Rng was so bad that might as well go for it.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

Sorry to necro but been doing research, if you use the double attack and assail method here is the minimum tone you need to do x number of extra hits.

0 hits - 1728 1635 - 1 hit 1560 - 2 hits (I gave up here, at 1550 it turns to 3 so you can probably go lower a lil before it requires more)

Jumped down to 1475 and it took me 4 hits. I might come back and perfect these numbers but ughhhhhh it's tedious. Memory address is c6 - c7 if you want to mess with it. It's in little endian so c7 is first half of the number c6 is last.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
ClassicGameDad likes this
Maryland, USA

Yup that sounds about right. Gotta have good rng or be in the right "seed" for that double though. That's the limiter. boss rng matters less with double AA but drop rng might make that meaningless lol

Edited by the author 4 years ago