How to do constructs skip?
6 years ago
New York, USA

I can get the red guy over to the fight but I dont know how to do the skip. Is it a consistent setup or like frame perfect

Utah, USA

There's a spot you can stand at from which you get damage boosted by the conving and then you can just hold right and jump jump flutter before getting hit by the middle statue. You can find it in my runs or I can get you a clip once I'm home from work tonight.

It's not frame perfect, I'd say I'm about 80% consistent with it, could probably get better with dedicated practice.

Cheers for running this, good luck :)

FairyQueen нравится это
Utah, USA

Here's a clip. When doing the setup, I look for the big rock in the ground that's to the left of the torch, and stand with Vi's feet on either side of it. Then, once the conving hits you, hold right and do your jump/jump/flutter combo to get over the trigger.

FairyQueen нравится это
New York, USA

thanks! is the trigger underneath the middle statue? so you fly up by the eye to get damage boosted over it?

Utah, USA

Yes, that's exactly right.

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