New York City, NY, USAyellowelevator8159 months ago

Hey all! I've been asked many times in my youtube videos "How do you run so fast"?

I always chalked it up to the PC version of Zombi just being faster by default. The console ports of Zombi seem to run at 30fps, and the PC version can hit 60. So it might naturally follow that this is the reason. But its not.

Here are my specs for reference:

GPU- Nvidia 3060ti

Monitor- 165hz Acer predator

I did some testing to see how exactly why the running speed varies so much and this is what I've found. Lets call the running speed of your character on Xbox/PS4 "default" run speed. I used a fresh install of Zombi on Steam.

  1. No framerate cap in Nvidia control panel

RESULT: Default running speed

  1. Framerate capped to 60 FPS in Nvidia control panel

RESULT: Default running speed

  1. Framerate capped to 100 FPS in Nvidia control panel

RESULT: Significant running speed increase.

  1. Framerate capped to 165 FPS in Nvidia control panel

RESULT: Even more significant running speed increase.

Evidence: you can test this in the starting area of the game, where you run from the first horde. The moment you can control, start running to the ladder. If you have default running speed, your character will get tired and stop running just before getting on the ladder. Now test again with a higher framerate cap. You will see that you can grab the ladder before your run cycle is depleted.

Conclusion: You can speed up your characters run speed to a significant degree, I'd imagine about 30% faster, by manually setting your FPS cap to your monitors max refresh rate. This will only work on those playing on a high refresh monitor such as 144hz, 165hz, 240hz, etc. I would love for someone with a 240HZ monitor to perhaps test this further, since I dont have one.

On a competitive level, this definitely bends the playing field quite a bit, leaving console players at a significant disadvantage. I am wondering if the leaderboards have to be split up yet again.

Let me know your thoughts on this. And please, if you can verify these tests on your hardware, I'd appreciate it. This is only supported on monitor refresh rates higher than 60 hz. Thanks

EDIT: So Jackyrite tested this out a bunch further for me and found that it DOES NOT matter if you have a high refresh monitor. You only need to set the max fps internally to 165-170 for maximum speed. After that, it seems to have diminishing returns.

Tested only on PC version. Please reply to the thread if you have this game on PS4 or XB1!

People have been asking, so I finally made a discord server for further discussion. Theres nothing there as of right now, but I will try to fill it with content going forward.


Its an IL run for Medal of honor Rising sun. The level is fall of the philippines.

I verified his run but when you click on the level in the drop down list, it says there are no runs. He's a bit dissappointed that people can't see his run there. Does this happen occasionally? Should he resubmit it?

Hey all, currently doing some testing to get back into any% and found some interesting stuff about the level 'day of infamy', specifically the end section where you're topside and have to shoot at planes.

I used to just sit in the corner and do nothing because eventually the level just ends automatically. I assumed that the player doesn't have to do anything and the section is basically on a timer. I timed it again and the section is complete in about 1:30-1:35 seconds.

Next I timed myself running around shooting as many planes as possible and it actually cause the level to stall even longer. I got some inconsistent times but averaged 1:40-1:50. I read a walkthrough that mentioned shooting the torpedos can vastly increase how long that section takes but I guess that can include the planes too

Now here's the interesting part: I used the out of bounds glitch right when I got topside and navigated back to the starting area. Doing this gave a very consistent time of 1:04. Big difference. Here's a link to JtpG's video showing off the glitch:

So now I'm scratching my head: what exactly triggers the end of the level? Its not time, nor enemy planes downed... its gotta be something else? Does anyone have any ideas or anecdotes about this section? It could really help out

LieroXtreme и JtpG нравится это

Can we compile a list of version differences for reference?

-uses Gamepad screen and touchpad for lockpicking, all item management, and scanner. All other versions have this information displayed in the HUD.

-Darker environments in comparison to the ports. "Dirty lens" filter not present on PC or PS4.

-Miiverse integration for high score leaderboards, spray can messages, and zombies of dead players. These zombies have BOBs that can be looted for whatever was left behind. If you encounter a former survivor with lots of ammo and health items in their bag, it can greatly affect the run.

-Slower load times?

If anyone has more info, feel free to post it!

Edit1: It seems like PC has the ability to skip the intro and most of every "traveling" cutscene. On Wiiu, traveling cutscenes can also be skipped, but you have to watch 90% of it anyway so its not very useful.

PC and PS4 have different melee weapons that you can pick up. These include a shovel that is located next to the crate where you find the Lockpick, and a nailed bat that is located just before the trash chute in Ron's Flat. The Shovel can hit multiple enemies while the Nailed Bat has increased potential for critical hits.

PC seems to have strange physics glitches. I observed some zombie lunges that missed the player at point blank range.

As far as movement goes, I think your character moves faster in the PC port. Turning can also be instantaneous due to mouse controls.This is impossible on WiiU.

Rate of attack for melee weapons is much slower on WiiU than PC. I observed bat swings to be very quick compared to WiiU, where your character seems more slow and sluggish the more you use it.

Lastly, I want to say load times are different but I need someone with PC or PS4 to confirm.

Hey all.

  1. I have some questions about 100%. Is it all medals, all items, all cheats unlocked, all skins unlocked, and finish the game? Gamecube version has less items (no film canisters) so I wasn't sure.

  2. I would be down for an all medals category, where you finish every level with all bonus missions completed and good scores for accuracy/hits taken.

  3. One more thing: For my any% run, I feel its annoying for people to watch 5 pieces of the same VOD (thanks internet). I submitted the footage as one file on youtube, but if you require the live version, I'll upload the full OBS recording. At least people will then come here and see just one video that way. Just my two cents..


О yellowelevator815
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