
You can do it in early lunch 1.3, however it's insanely hard. You cannot touch the actual island itself or the wall will spawn, so you have to do it in 2p from the painting and make it by capturing the lava bubble.

grnts нравится это

This just seems like a more annoying mincaps, so even more of a challenge run over speedrun category. In 1p this would basically mean doing as much possible capless besides skipping unnecessary captures which need the use of cappy, and being forced to first try anything involving cappy which just seems like an absolute pain to try. In 2p the limit is 0 capthrows bc you can get cappy off mario's head without throwing him, but still it's annoying to have to do that every single time a capthrow wants to be performed. Sure it's interesting, but I doubt anyone would find enjoyment in running the category with fast as possible in mind.

Gabby_smo и lazerlizard13 нравится это

Here’s the link to the bingo cheat sheet, on it is a tab with the painting destinations which are determined on your choices at the two forks (going to lake or wooded first, and then snow or seaside first)

comfy187 и GoodGoomba нравится это

Currently there is a gsa tournament in progress, and I think there was just a finished bingo tourney. There have also been a few tournaments here and there for any% runners within a specific time range (but not like top level).

Yes @Qbig , however to do it on early luncheon you must use a super hard method in 2p in 1.3

iirc the replacement moon for tnt is metro shop

Pear и Luigiman1089 нравится это

This type of divevault is called a slope vault, and they’re very precise. In most scenarios to perform a divevault what you need to do is dive immediately after throwing cappy and hold back briefly mid dive but return to holding forwards quickly, although there’s more into getting a slope vault. Especially if you have an ~18 sec pb it’s not something worth adding. Unless by divevault you’re talking about something else, this is what I’m assuming you are talking about

SpeedIn и Pear нравится это

Probably wording this wrong, but In 1.0 there isn’t a requirement in the game’s code for you to have the first story moon to trigger the madame fight while after I believe 1.1 it was required.

MickyStam, Pear, и GoodGoomba нравится это

I think yes, but it would be separated from the 1p stuff (like how it is for any%)

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