JerseyInsertLogic2 years ago

Like this post to keep PMI in with the current route and keep the leaderboards the same.

Miksuwaaan, Onyxos и 2 другие нравится это
JerseyInsertLogic2 years ago

Like this post to subsplit PMI / PMI-less from all categories (minus Restricted because it is banned)

SwiftShadow, Zmoneytrain и 6 другие нравится это
JerseyInsertLogic2 years ago

PMI changes the current layout and flow of all categories on the boards (minus Restricted) this poll is to gauge the people's interest in a sub splitting of the boards for PMI and PMI-less. PMI-less also will remove the Infinite Hyperdash used to do PMI, Infinite Hyperdash being a hyperdash that never voids Kena out after a set amount of time. Liking a post will count as your vote, voting on both will make both your votes ignored in final counting. The polling will end at 23:59 GMT on the 16th of November.

JerseyInsertLogic2 years ago

Be sure to add the version on your next submission.

JerseyInsertLogic2 years ago

Good run! For the future though, can you trim the Vod so it only has the PB speedrun and none of the resets. Thanks and looking forward to seeing you PB a bunch!

Mupen2 нравится это
JerseyInsertLogic4 years ago

We've decided to allow burned 2FM copies for the PS2 to be submitted to the Learderboards, as long as they remain unpatched. After discussion, we believe that as long as the game does NOT have the English patch, it will be eligible for Leaderboard submission. After runs of this description are submitted, it is now mandatory that it is stated in the run's description if the run was performed on a burned disc. This will allow us to monitor burned disc runs to look for any differences that would differentiate it from original versions. This will be revisited, once more information on the topic is acquired and/or a player's times on a burned disc nears the WR mark.

JerseyInsertLogic4 years ago

This will be discussed between the 2FM mods and we'll reply with an unanimous post on the matter.

JerseyInsertLogic4 years ago

There will be discussion with the community if the Load Remover passes tests and remains consistent. In my mind, the top 10 runs (Top 5 for non-popular categories) should have a Loadless time as it gets close after around sub 3 RTA.

It will follow a design similar to KH3 though, an RTA w/ Loads will be uploaded (Normal Splits) and an RTA w/o Loads will be uploaded (Loads Removed Time). RTA w/o Loads will be the LB times and RTA w/ Loads will be self comparison times.

This is how I think it will be though, so don't take my word as final. Thorough discussion still needs to take place before anything is set in stone.

BigSid119 нравится это
JerseyInsertLogic4 years ago

The Load Remover for KH2FM consists of VideoAutoSplit, a component for Livesplit, KH2FM profile for it, and a way to provide VideoAutoSplit video of your gameplay. This is in talks on becoming the timing method for post game categories and possibly any%.

Be sure to follow the help provided in this page to install VideoAutoSplit and VirtualCam for OBS if needed (if you don't know, you probably need it):

I'm also putting the download link for the VideoAutoSplit program here in case there is any confusion as to what to download:

You can find the latest version of the load remover here: . Included in is KH2FM.vas, which is the profile for VideoAutoSplit made specifically for KH2 to pause the timer during black screens and white screens. Be sure to check that page every now and then to make sure you're using the latest version.

After installing and setting up VideoAutoSplit, refer to the included image as to how the result should look like in livesplit. You need to add Video Auto Split to your layout and go to its settings. Select the KH2FM.vas file as profile and a capture device, which should be something like "OBS-Camera..." in case of OBS VirtualCam. Be sure that you have started the video feed for that virtual device in OBS. The yellow area, the Scan Region can be set by the user and it should match the game window as closely as possible. If you use the VirtualCam as a filter on your capture card, you should cover the whole area. Otherwise, you can ignore any stream overlay graphics that might cover your gameplay as long as they don't cover the blue parts in the Scan Region, as those are the actual parts where the image is being checked.

When everything is set up, be sure to bring up a game time timer in livesplit in addition to real time. Your layout should include 2 timers, where one is set to use game time and the other real time. Game time should always be visible in a submitted video, otherwise it will have to be retimed.

If there are any issues, you can refer to the features tab of VideoAutoSplit. During black screens, "black" should show a value above 90. During white screen, "white" should show a value above 90. If the numbers aren't quite there, make sure your game and capture card brightness settings are set to default and any other colour modifying filters are off.

A buffer is used to avoid pausing the timer during phase transitions and segements that are not loads, but still have the white/black screens present. A load needs to be several frames long before it's counted as a load. On the other hand, the same buffer is used when transitioning from load to gameplay. This helps avoid issues in potential false readings. In other words, a couple unusual frames during a load would be ignored. For the same reason, the timer will appear delayed compared to gameplay, so don't worry if doesn't appear completely in sync. Having Render Delay filters applied to your splits can help the make the timer not look so delayed.

Some people have had issues with the load remover stopping working. I recommend restarting livesplit before attempting runs to mitigate the risk, as it only seems to happen on 2+ hour sessions. If this happens, check the video auto splitter settings tab and take note of anything that looks off. Also export the error log and send it my way if possible.

In case you can't get it to work at all, competitive runs can be timed by moderators. Be sure to have a full, clean video recording of the gameplay in that case.

In case you need assistance, contact denho#3759 or me, InsertLogic#6730 on Discord or as a private message. You can also find us, and many others that can assist you, in the Kingdom Hearts Speedrunning Discord.

Here are the instructions in video format - The next video was made by Desa3579 and offers the same steps, putting both here in case people prefer one over the other. NOTE: Desa's video describes setting up the Load Remover for KH3, although the setup steps are the same, the files names and placements are different to my video. Please take note of that if you wish to use both videos, or go from one to another.

FAQ (Be sure to check the help section on VideoAutoSplitter and VirtualCam too):

Can I use Streamlabs OBS or XSplit?

  • VirtualCam plugin doesn't work with Streamlabs OBS, but you can use OBS with VirtualCam to provide game video to Streamlabs OBS as well as VideoAutoSplitter. As for XSplit, it includes a built-in Virtual Camera feature which you can use.

It's working great, except for this part. Why?

  • Contact either Logic or Den with details / video / screenshots and we'll figure it out. The load remover can be adjusted in any way needed. If the timer changes significantly, old runs can be retimed by runners and/or moderators.

Timer seems laggy or causing the computer to lag. Why?

  • These image comparisons are done on the CPU, comparing every pixel in selected areas. I do my best to optimize it. Runs can be timed afterwards if it's too heavy for you to use while streaming/recording. Also, if you're running a 4k setup, it may want to use that resolution for VirtualCam. See: for more information about that.

My capture card / setup doesn't work with the timer, what to do?

  • You can use PS4 recordings and time the run afterwards.

How can I time the run afterwards?

  • You need to set up a video to play on OBS, then use the VirtualCam. You can use the VLC Media Source to open a video file on OBS.

Video auto split is not showing up in Livesplit. Why?

  • Make sure you're Livesplit is 1.7.5 or above. Current version is 1.7.7. If 1.7.5 doesn't work, then update to 1.7.6 or 1.7.7.

VirtualCam is not showing up in OBS or video preview doesn't show up in VideoAutoSplitter. Why?

  1. Unzip and put it to your obs-studio install folder. Make sure you're putting the contents of the OBS-VirtualCam folder there, not just the folder itself.
  2. Run CMD or Powershell as Administrator and register 32bit directshow source ex: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\32bit\obs-virtualsource.dll"
  3. Do it again to register 64bit directshow source ex: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs-virtualsource.dll"
Valaxor, Etchy и 2 другие нравится это
JerseyInsertLogic4 years ago

Under 'Resources' or 'Guides', the thing you're asking for though is rather specific though. In an optimised speedrun, we freely grind experience in timed fights. Examples - Summit in Land of Dragons, Isla De Muerta in Port Royal and Monitors in Space Paranoids. If you haven't already, I would recommend watching a top placed speedrun to get an idea of the enemies you have to/can kill during your run. If you wish to fight the fights you wish, then you can.

JerseyInsertLogic4 years ago

After a finished run, upload your splits to and/or highlight your run from start to finish (If streamed on twitch). Any kind of proof of learning is also acceptable, but evidence of an attempt is preferred.

Xomniac_ нравится это
JerseyInsertLogic5 years ago

First of all, a reminder. The voting for the JJ timing will end midnight tomorrow. If you haven't voted and you wish to vote, please do so. Reminder - You must have 1 run submitted to vote.

Now, we wish to begin making the changes that were specified in Crystal's post on the KH2 Modifications & Changes thread after the JJ timing voting has ended. We have not seen any comments disagreeing with the changes we want to make to KH2FM's page, so we will apply the changes we wanted me make.

On May the 1st, submissions for the new categories will open. We will give a 3 week window for anyone to submit runs of the categories we suggested. We wish to tally the runs of the new categories. For each VOD we receive, we will allocate 1 point towards the category. Once a certain category reaches 3 points we will add it to, whether that be on the main page or the CE page.

To make sure that the process is a fair one, LB mods will only give half of a point (0.5) when submitting runs. The category ideas were made by LB mods, however we don't only want runs done by LB moderators to be on the category's leaderboard.

When you have finished a run of any of the listed categories, DM a leaderboard mod the VOD that you wish to submit. If the run is valid, we will give 1 point to the category.

All Puzzles - Timer ends on Final Xemnas All Super Bosses - Timer ends on last boss beat All Keyblades - Timer ends on last Keyblade obtained Bronze Crown - Ends on Bronze crown obtained (Any of the 3 ways is acceptable) Most Worlds - Timer ends on Final Xemnas Underdrome RTA - Timer starts when first cup is selected. Timer ends on last cup won 100 Acre Woods RTA - Timer starts when you hit triangle for the 2nd visit. Timer ends on Orichalcum+ All ASS - Timer ends on Final Xemnas No Abilities - Timer ends on Final Xemnas

Good luck running the categories and we hope you enjoy KH2FM Leaderboard Mod Team

JerseyInsertLogic5 years ago

KH2FM Plat shall also become a topic of discussion after the JJ voting process. We wish to have a discussion beforehand though. Although we want this rule of consistency to be present across all categories, we wish for the whole community to agree with any changes before they're made.

JerseyInsertLogic5 years ago

If you wish for the JJ timing to end when Final Xemnas is beaten for the 2nd time, Like this post.

Bizkit047 и Ninten866 нравится это
JerseyInsertLogic5 years ago

If you wish for the JJ timing to end when the Mickey Crest is present on Jiminy's tab in the Journal, Like this post.

BlitzPhoenix98, Gold и 9 другие нравится это
JerseyInsertLogic5 years ago

The timing for JJ has been a discussed topic for a while. We hope to end the discussion and finally confirm where the timer ends. When the Mickey crest is present in the journal, or after beating Final Xemnas for the second time.

You must have 1 submitted run to any category for KH2 to vote, the changes will be made to the Final Mix versions of KH2.

Voting will end at 24:00 GMT on 30/4/19


JerseyInsertLogic5 years ago

All Puzzles was requested a little while ago by Civo If I recall correctly. Besides that I don't think there have been any category requests for a while. I may be wrong and might of missed an exchange about a new category, but Civo's All Puzzles is the only one that comes to mind. With the trial of all these categories however we have requested that people come forward with their own ideas for categories. Once requested, they will be reviewed by the community and will follow a similar trial as these categories are going through, if they receive a good amount of attention from the community.

JerseyInsertLogic5 years ago

@KBM It is true that the numbers for 2FM are pretty low right now. I still believe however there should be a '2 run rule' for each category. We're all for giving people categories to run and provide variety to the KH2 Scene, however I personally do not wish to add categories that people dislike and/or not going to be run. In my opinion, If people enjoy the idea of a category then they should show that by running it. Hopefully we can bring some people back to the scene doing it this way.

dajman27 нравится это
тема: Kingdom Hearts
JerseyInsertLogic5 years ago


Earthboundian, Amber24 и 38 другие нравится это
тема: Kingdom Hearts
JerseyInsertLogic5 years ago

Timmy I have to say, I agree with most of your statement in reply to Desa's pastebin, however, I just wish to point one thing out that a lot of people are misinterpreting. For 1) you said that "1-2 days is NOT unacceptable and many game would kill to have that level of response" but, Desa never said that 1-2 days for verification was unacceptable and actually said "Whenever verification works well in KH (for example on the games I mentioned before like BBS) it takes up to 2 days to get your run verified or rejected." basically meaning, when people are doing their job and/or aren't busy it will get done within 2 says. He finished that statement with "Up to a week is already pushing it in my opinion and that only for longer categories like a Platinum RTA." in reference to SRs message saying it will take 2-3 weeks to verify runs, which I agree with because 1 week is a really long time for a 1-2 hour task (Category is obviously important as stated by Desa, and changes the times)

It is upsetting that people are taking this point the wrong way and not to discredit your points Timmy, but it needed addressing as most people have misinterpreted it like you have.

tonykordatos, desa и 2 другие нравится это
О InsertLogic
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