Downpatch to 1.06
7 years ago
Pomorskie, Poland

Hello guys ! Anyone knows how to downpatch the game ?


Late reply, but aside from pirating the game you can utilize the steam console to download an old version of the game. You can follow this guide to get an understanding:

Unfortunately you'll need to download like 4 different depots to get the full game from there, and do them 1 at the time.

The depots you need to enter into the steam console for version 1.06 ( steam://nav/console ) are:

"download_depot 292030 292031 3519552204180960943" - The main game content, 21 GB

"download_depot 292030 292032 5581545344224381637" - Binaries etc. 43 MB

"download_depot 292030 292036 3833180871811184593" - English voice files, 2.8 GB

"download_depot 292030 292042 5236853520924712908" - 1.06 witcher3.exe, 43 MB

Now I'm sure if you need to replace everything or just the witcher3.exe for it to work, but I replaced all of the folders in \content\ with the ones I downloaded anyway. After replacing everything I got it to work.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago
Pomorskie, Poland

i have witcher 3 on gog so...

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