Nestopia VS FCEUX framerate???
5 years ago

This might already have been answered, but is Nestopia slower than FCEUX? I used the same SMB1 ROM and did a comparison of a run on FCEUX and a run on Nestopia. Nestopia seems to gradually get farther and farther behind FCEUX as the run goes on.

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Ok so I don't know if this is accurate but I think nestopia is the same as console so it's like 60.09881387708959 and fceux is 60.099822938442230224609375? I don't know lol

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United States

If you give me a few hours, I can compare them but it'll take a while

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South Carolina, USA

how did you compare them?

to my knowledge they both run at 60.09 fps, but if you export an avi file from nestopia and play it back, it'll be at 60.00 fps. so if you're using videos exported from the emulators to compare them, that's why you saw the difference. but i'm sure that nestopia and fceux both play the games at 60.09 fps.

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FCEUX on the left, Nestopia on the right. If I am correct, they were supposed to be on the same pace until 8-2, where Nestopia lost a framerule.

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United States

If you are using OBS to record, nestopia is faster, because it doesn't lag. FCEUX lags like heek tho man

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but in this vid, FCEUX is faster than Nestopia.

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Nevada, USA

Looks like your Nestopia is running at 60 flat. Do you have Vsync turned on for it?

My FPS in Nestopia bounces between 60.0 and 60.5 for a bit to “make up” the .0988139 decimal. Looks like yours stayed at 60.0 the whole time, which is indicative of Vsync on.

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Vsync was on, so I turned it off. It still seems like it's 60 FPS. It is 60.0 most of the time, but it sometimes bounces between 60.5 and 59.5, which cancel each other out.

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Nevada, USA

Can you run it with vsync off and comapre it to fceux?

Also, try moving around instead of just standing there. I think you'll get framerate fluctuation more. Like play 1-1 through 4-1 (let 4-2 load) optimally on both nestopia (vsync off) and FCEUX and that should be good enough to compare.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
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With Vertical Sync Off: Seems slightly off still though.

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anyone know why this happens?

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