Road Rash 64 Community Discord
1 year ago
Alaska, USA

Hi everyone. I just finished up a week and a half grind discovering shortcuts and other mechanics in the game. This Speedrun community is pretty small and ive found it hard to stay motivated when it feels like im just racing myself (im not even in the top 3, i just mean i dont think anyone else is actively trying to apply shortcuts to push what’s possible with this game. I love this game and i know other people do too so im trying to understand why so few people actively Speedrun it. I imagine the main reason being the amount of luck it seems to take to put up a great run with no loses (at least for me), but if so i think the addition of shortcuts really help with that. They allow you to get away from the other players and have more control. I hate getting an hour into a run and losing a race at the last second because of the tiniest mistake or freak accident. It makes the game feel RNG based even though its not technically RNG i think. So basically i want to see if i can muster up some competition and collaboration in the community to make speedrunning this game a bit funner. Im sure part of the reason for the lack of active runners is they are just focused on other games but with the addition of shortcuts we have a frontier of possibilities most games dont have as much of. I love Mario 64 for example, but with hundreds of runners trying to break that game open they’ve done a really good job and now the opertunity for new discovery is slim. RR64 however is just scratching the surface. I broke the shortcut mechanics down in about two days of trial and error, i think there is plenty more left to be discovered and i find that exciting. So i dont know if my words make anyone feel like firing up this game again but i id feel a lot more motivated if there was a sense of competition and collaboration and activity in the community. To that end, i started a Discord Page for RR64 Speedrunning. Im actually kind of a noob when it comes to discord so im happy to let someone who knows what they’re doing run it but i wanted to get the ball rolling. Its attached to my “Denim_ak” discord account and thats linked to my profile here on so if the link below expires then you should be able to find it off my profile i think.

Im going to try to get some of my gamer friends who’ve never tried speed running this game to give it a go. I think some more competition around here would be fun.

GhillieGuide нравится это
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

I'm not sure I want to do full game runs of this

ILs would be more interesting to me seeing how far you can push individual skips on levels even though the game doesn't track ingame time

I know there's an existing request for ILs but I do think breaking the game down into smaller chunks would help optimization and discovery ultimately leading to new time saves on the larger categories; other people have asked for them that's probably the best way to grow this game I think.

Best of luck on your efforts to grow and runs

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago
Denim_ak нравится это
Alaska, USA

Can respect that, to me there is just something satisfying about beating the whole game in one sitting even though its way more frustrating to do competitively. Is there any reason we cant do both? I know goldeneye levels are split up individually like that but id way rather watch a full game run through that shows mastery over the whole game. On the flip side, individual levels would make more difficult shortcuts or other exploits justifiable in runs. I dont see why we shouldn’t be able to have individual and full game runs, they are both fun and interesting in their own way.

GhillieGuide нравится это
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

I generally like to do full game runs after I am familiar with each level

That way I can increase my consistency before "powering through" attempts on longer categories


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