The Max% tutorial island run really compliments the any% Tutorial run in a wierd way
4 years ago
Ontario, Canada

So I've been pretty inactive as for most of this year, came back yesterday to start grinding at tutorial island any%,. I noticed another sub category for max% getting lvl 3 in all skills you can besides prayer. The max% combat part, actually does the job of a 2ndary account for multi log in any%. it can't kill the rats but bring them to 1 hp, that's like perfect for an any% tutorial island speedrunner because they usually need to have a friend or be good at multi tasking while speedrunning to have a 2nd (i mean 3rd account) to then be lowering the rats.

If this community where bigger and we had more people running both of these categories, in say a select few worlds for the speed run category like worlds 470 and up. The any% runners would be clearing out 1 hp rats and kind of somewhat making the worlds safer for a Max% runner whos trying to get the rats to 1 hp and hopefully they don't log into a world already where a max % runner was having the mouse at 1hp, but if there was also an influx of any% runners, they'd be sniping those 1hp rats.

Realistically this couldn't happen, not enough people speed run the game; let alone tutorial island as I see champions guild/black knights fortress etc are more competitive to run. I like the gesture of this category being added. If that was the intention or not.

If this community where to ever get bigger, would you not consider it multi logging if you happen to be running at the same time and world(s) as a max% runner as an any% to snipe their 1hp rats that they left with the intentions of not killing? (since they'd be doing it between 4-5 worlds)

Ontario, Canada

why I say they compliment eachother in a wierd way is I'd like to think most speedrunners naturally pick the lowest pop f2p worlds that are like worlds 470 and up for their F2P runs, I know for some reason I was drawn to picking the lower pop worlds because I didn't wanted to get cucked by someone else opening a door/gate earlier then me, thus cancelling my action. and it being an MMO, you're not single player and running into other speedrunners at certains times would be out of your control, unless we all communicated to eachother when we're going, even that wouldn't be reliable. I know for some of my earlier runs yesterday before I learned the trick to use someone elses fire, you can skip 12 seconds off the first fence, I saw someone else lighting fires in the exact spot that Research had at. and I was in the 470 worlds.

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