Mistimed runs
2 years ago
Friesland, Netherlands

I would like to draw attention to the timing section in the rules and instructions for the leaderboards again. I am getting a lot of incorrectly submitted runs.

Real Time (with loads) for full game runs:
Timing begins when the 'Yes' button is pressed on the 'are you sure you want to start a new game' prompt.
Timing ends when the cutscene where the chef screams 'no no nooo' is skipped and the map ends.
Do not submit miliseconds for this time.

In-game time for full game runs:
This is the time listed in the top-left during the credits in the cinema and does include miliseconds. It can be enabled in the options menu. This time can also be used for ILs (the final miliseconds tally will be visible briefly during the level ending fade).

Real Time without loads:
Leave this blank. Speedrun.com breaks if it is disabled.```

And the addendum for console:
```Since these consoles have no In-Game Timer, no IGT is to be submitted. Use Real Time only. Because of this, timing may stop at the start of the final cutscene, rather than the end.```

Real Time (with loads) is NOT equal the length of your video. The video of your run should end up being slightly longer than this time as you show the menu at the start and the credits at the end. It is also NOT the time on your livesplit when you fail to stop it when the run ends and you leave it running for 2 minutes after the run is complete.

I understand runs being mistimed by 1 or 2 seconds, but I'm receiving runs   that are mistimed by up to 20 or 30 seconds, sometimes even multiple minutes. These mistimed runs amount for perhaps as much as 50% of all submissions. Put some effort into this. So far I have fixed these issues myself when they showed up, but one day I will be in a foul mood and simply reject your mistimed run.

If you spot a mistimed run on the leaderboard, do not hesitate to let me know.
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