Why does it say "No Video" on the current World Record?
4 years ago
Lancashire, England

I clicked the notification that says it was beaten, but when I clicked on it, it said "No Video :(", are videos not required?

FireStriker нравится это
Greater Manchester, England

So I heard that the world record holder said some pretty nasty things about incels and got political about it in someone's twitch chat, and the MMX moderators took offence to that and removed his name, and his video proof from the leaderboard.


The current world record holder voiced opinions and stated things that were deemed against community rules by the Mega Man X community moderators. As a result, he was banned from the community, and his name was removed from the leaderboards.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
poisoncurls, InfinitySentinel, и Airnathan119 нравится это

Is it a temporary or a permanent kind of things?

FireStriker нравится это
Lancashire, England

Haha, oh I assumed he named himself World Record for the lulz.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

what does saying something have to do anything with playing video games fast? as long as its a legit run and not cheated makes no sense

are murderes in jail not allowed to speedrun and get WR?

and why do you have to be part of the community to run the game fast? Are outsiders not allowed to have legit runs on here? Seems pretty arbitrary and historically incorrect

bradenexplosion, MisterMunkki и 6 другие нравится это
New York, USA

Wrongthink will NOT be tolerated!!

MisterMunkki и FireStriker нравится это
Ceará, Brazil

The world record holder said extremely racist and misogynistic things and the moderators decided to ban him. They also decided to remove his name and link to his videos from the leaderboards to avoid advertising said runner due to his behavior. It wouldn't be nice for the community to advertise a person that said such things.

jongyon7192p нравится это

Basically the mods are corrupt babies so they decided to remove his run because he differed from them politically

Gaming_64, bradenexplosion и 3 другие нравится это
Ceará, Brazil

I'm not feeding the trolls this time 🙂

Ceará, Brazil

As JayC would say, "Nice"

FireStriker и turbogilman нравится это
Ceará, Brazil

In that case, please don't drag this subject any more 🙂

What @Agarillobob said ^^

i believe that if certain game have unbiased & sketchy mods following totally different standards of basis on taking non-speedrun stuff pretty personal, then reach the webmasters of speedrun to take cards in the matter in a most transparent way. even if its needed to grant mod status of this game to a new batch of dedicated runners of MMX

and for the actions of Y or X mods, doesn't mean that the good mods should get dirt on for this as well.

Zanum и FireStriker нравится это
Ceará, Brazil

The decision was NEVER political. Or do you actually think that the community should advertise a racist and misogynistic runner?

Ceará, Brazil

I suppose the video is zoomed in and mute for the same reasons why your name was removed from the boards, Burg. To not promote your streams (which is probably a better word than "advertise" I suppose). And a leaderboard represents directly the community the way I see it. Since the moderation team is the same they wouldn't want to make people think that doing that kind of commentary is okay, and displaying publicly your name would kinda pass that idea. And Walrus submitted the run but that doesn't mean that he's taking the credits for it, otherwise it would be credited to Walrus_Prime, not to an Anonymous runner.

poisoncurls нравится это
Ceará, Brazil

Also, that title from the bitchute video shows that those were actually alt accounts or at least accounts from people that are totally on your side trying to defend you.

Ceará, Brazil

I am leaving this discussion right now. I don't want to stress myself even more with all this shit. I do not wish you any harm, I hope you have a good whatever time is it for you and live a happy life. If you're not guilty of all these things then I apologise for accusing you, but I completely agree with the mods based on everything I saw happening recently related to you and everyone who've been trying to "defend" you, besides all the info previously presented. Good luck with your speedruns and all. I wish you my best BurgAlert.

BurgAlert нравится это
New York, USA

I'd like to see a community vote on whether or not some of these moderators should remain in their position and whether or not they should be replaced by other community members. I think having mods serve terms from now on rather than stay in "power" indefinitely would be a great idea.

FireStriker нравится это

Well, at the end of the day the questions are :

1- Are the rules clear to have the privilege of submitting Mega man X run ? I never thought there were additionnal rule beside the speedrunning itself.. 2- Are theses rules consistent from one person to the other?

I consider myself part of MMX community even if I'm not a top runner right now. I found pretty hard to find any information and everything is scattered around with this story which leave a lot of place to interpretation.

I think MMX mods should at least make some sort of statement above this Profection's discord message and answer questions.

Even now, I'm not 100% sure what Burg and Caleb did good or wrong and the only thing I think personally is that a speedrun leaderboard should be about speedrunning, that is my personnal opinion.

That said, I respect the fact that it might not be the opinion of everyone, but is it a megaman community or a megaman moderation group? If it is really a community, well I think we should ask the opinion to everybody with something as important as banning the WR holder (Burg) and the most known MMX runner of history (Caleb). Even if it doesn't go my way, I'd respect the decision if that is coming from the whole community.

Food for thought guys!

bradenexplosion, FireStriker и 2 другие нравится это
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

yea its a speedrun leaderboard its for playing games fast, If you play the game fast your time can be on here

this isnt a be nice to each other leaderboard were you are not allowed to play with the rest if you said something bad and made someone cry this sounds like childish kindergarden behaviour tbh

I dunno but removing the runs is probably even worse then whatever anyone could have said because this falsifies the historically record of the times and thats what this leaderboard is for, tracking times.

bradenexplosion, AntBlueR и 8 другие нравится это
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