Autosplitter Issues
3 years ago
United States

Hi all,

I am sure it is just me being dumb, but I figured I would ask, is anyone else having problems with the auto splitter? For whatever reason, mine decides to no longer do the "auto" part of itself. The options to control reset starting and stopping are all greyed out when looking at it in Livesplit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have the same issue a whole year later. My timer just doesn't seem to want to start, hopefully this is somehow gain a little bit of traction. I've tried searching the internet but I haven't found anything that can help. Only a list of ASL files. The one for DUSK that is on this said list is the same provided with LiveSplit.


Well, yea, autosplitter doesnt work with the current version of the game unfortunatley. And the guy who made the autosplitter for the previous version of the game isnt active atm. But actually you don't need a livesplit to run the game anyways, since the ingame timer is precise.

United States

An update to this thread. There is a new autosplitter now thanks to Dauswectus. It should be available for everyone and will automatically sync to the in-game timer.

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