Implemented New Theme & Multiplayer Rule
Implemented New Theme & Multiplayer Rule
Опубликовано 1 month ago от

With the game being out for over 3 years, we felt our previous theme was outdated and needed a revamp. I would like to thank our verifier, patoverme, for doing an amazing job with the new theme colours, cover, background and placement icons!

To add to this, another rule has been added to make the competitive nature of speedrunning a lot more honest: multiplayer submissions will now require the POV of every player participating. This has been done to make submissions a lot more easier to verify as we had been struggling to validate certain runs, especially when the only POV supplied was of the player fueling rituals. Runners will now also be able to see more of how world record runs were achieved, giving them a better idea of how to contest records, as well as being able to judge their legitimacy for themselves without extended efforts.

Thank you all for your interest and for being a part of this community! If anyone has any feedback or suggestions regarding the new theme or potential changes, feel free to leave them in the comments of this post or in our Discord server!

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