New Category Ideas
1 year ago
United States

A few people have tossed around Ideas of new categories that mostly consist of getting achievements. I propose that maybe we should look for more creative options like the New Super Mario Bros. Extension Category 2x Any%, where you play through the game twice. Although it would mean that all runs would have to have video evidence.


i say we do rotate% where you have to rotate 100 times or smth like that for the run to be valid

West Yorkshire, England

Or a twist on the above, how about rotate% where the least amount of rotations to complete the game?


don't we already do that because rotations are slow?

Gaming_64 likes this
California, USA

blindfolded run category?

United States

... I say we do a category where you have to beat like 5 custom lvls

United States

also honestly this is in lack of a glitchless but idk if there are even ANY glitches

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