3rd Source For 120 FPS Suggestions?
Arizona, USA

Does anyone have any good suggestions for getting a 3rd source program to limit my fps to 120 as my monitor makes the game incapable of setting the cap to 120

rivatuner is probably your best bet


Ravituner wouldn't launch for me so i'm using dxtory


nvidiainspector if you got a nvidia card works too, it will just change the games driver profile so no need to run it after you first set it.


Edited by the author 5 years ago

Also note I turned my refresh rate to 120hz and turned vsync on, and I found it to actually kill performance, not cap it at 120. I was dropping from places I had 180 to not even doing 100.

Arizona, USA

I have nvidiainspecter but re2 remake wont show up in profiles, and I think I tried rivatuner before but I couldnt get it to work

Arizona, USA

so @Orchlon are you saying that even if I had a higher refresh rate monitor that I wouldn't be able to cap at 120?


@HorrorDoesSpeedRuns: @Orchlon: here's how to add it.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Arizona, USA

thanks man this helps out a lot, I would much rather run the game at 120 fps than 60 fps lol

Arizona, USA

it's weird, I got the fps cap set to 120 but yet the steam fps display shows up to 127 sometimes, would this be considered invalid? If it is then in that case I have to set my fps cap to like 112


The steam display should be correct so if that doesn't work just do 112 if that's what gets you to 120.

Edited by the author 5 years ago