Question about Re2 Speedrunning Emulator
9 years ago
Ontario, Canada

So I am going to start running Leon A on a PS1 emulator I just have acouple questions. Firstly does it have to be on a specific emulator. Also, the version used is the japanese version biohazard 2 correctÉ


I think PSXJin has problems with RE2. Personally, I would run the PC version as it is the most stable and accurate, but if I were to use an emulator, It would be PCSXR.


I had issue with RE2 and psxjin indeed ( tried emu for practice/test ), you should try like trance recommended to you ;) It s a tolerated emulator by

Please let us know if it work well in the future :)

United Kingdom

i use ePSXe as PSXjin will just freeze up on camera transitions and item pick ups also i couldnt get the sound to work on PSXjin at all where as ePSXe works perfect as long as you dont use version 1.70 which RE2 has problems with.


Csn PSX1.13 be used for TAS?


Other than some graphical/sound glitches on certain areas, PSXfin 1.13 emulates RE2/3 really welll gameplay-wise, and it's a simple, non modular emu like PSXjin.


Having handed in a RE2 PSX/Emu run right now I can confirm that ePSXe works fine with RE2 with OpenGL2 plugins and the standard 1001 bios. No errors, no freezes, typical slow scene transitions.

I used PSXfin 1.13 testwise which works good as well, only thing for me was that I could not stretch it to 720p like I wanted it to be without measuring the window with a screen recorder first.

Both emulators run the games quite good.

New York, USA

Looks like we've got emulator runs hidden by default. Is that intentional? If so, how come?


^ Pretty much this but also they are hidden so that an emulator isn't first place by default over an official console having emulators hidden means that on the runners profile it will show both the disc and emulator to have a 1st place spot instead of just the emulator

New York, USA

Do we not want emulator to be #1 over console? i can't imagine why it would matter unless there's some big difference between the two. Maybe load times or something like that. It looks like the #1 for the category I submitted for is an emulator run but his run is hidden. Seems kind of unfair to that guy. I feel bad for him. Also I feel bad for me 'cause my run is hidden. GG me.


Is there any reason why anyone would want an emulator prioritized over official hardware?

What we're comparing here is 2 runners that run the game differently. Runner A runs on emulator with an ISO which was ripped from the original disc. Runner B owns the official hardware and runs the game like it's supposed to be run. Answer is pretty clear that if anyone should be prioritized its Runner B.

Reason we hide emulators is the above and: Both runners will have their correct rankings (console is favored over emulator which is set by SRC themselves). If the best time was ran on emulator then both Runner A and B will have 1st place on their own profiles. If the best time was ran on console however then Runner B will have 1st place and Runner A would have 2nd place. Console is favored over emulator and for good reason.


ok im just going to say this first i respect all points of view on emulator and console and you have all made points.

so im going to disagree on a few emulator is a good platform to run in my opinion i prefer it more than pc for the simple fact pc isnt optimal for alot of people there are way too many bugs audio cutting out crashes in cutscenes etc emulator its rare for that to happen if the emulator is updated and a decent emulator however this can still have flaws.

regardless of what platform you are using its about getting the fastest time possible that you can achieve so it doesnt matter what the views are its about the fastest time possible emulator is faster than console mostly.

not everyone can afford "official hardware" so im afraid that point is subjective emulator is a great way to run and practice on also there have been some fantastic runs done on emulator and on all platforms as well.

this argument about emulator versus console is ridiculous at the end of the day its about getting the fastest time possible on whatever platform so for example PS1/PS2/PS3 Leon A 1:10:00 and emulator gets Leon A 1:05:00 clearly emulator has the fastest time and should be placed 1st over console because it has the fastest time if console gets 1:08:00 and emulator gets 1:09:00 then console gets first place its about the fastest time possible on that respective platform.

all of this priority over emulator is garbage if that is the way your looking at it then really your just an elitist and just ignorant over such matters its about running the game.

so regardless of your views its about getting the fastest time on whatever platform for whatever game so shut up and just speedrun it geez....... anyway much love OpieOP /


This isn't about Console Vs Emulator, this is about keeping shit fair for everyone. why does someone that downloads some software + a ROM deserve priority over someone that has in most cases imported a console + games? wouldn't it be more FAIR for everyone if there was a Console AND Emulator WR? because that's how it is right now. for example.... because emulator is faster it should be like this? Kasumari now has the 1st place spot (which he already had btw if you check his profile or unhide emu with the variable) And now Console is barely top 10 (it also had a first place spot if emulators are hidden) it's the same for gamecube but...i think it's obvious the point i'm making. i appreciate not everyone can afford to import stuff but that doesn't mean the people that do should be worse off than someone downloading software. IF emulator was the only thing keeping this game alive for speed running (which it definitely isn't) then i would understand the point This wasn't a change that we implemented recently, and when we did implement it we made it clear in a forum post as to why we did it.

"all of this priority over emulator is garbage if that is the way your looking at it then really your just an elitist and just ignorant over such matters its about running the game."

There is no priority over emulator on the Resident Evil 2 Leaderboard. A lot of communities on this website don't accept emulator at all. So just be glad that emulator categories are even a thing for RE. we are far from "elitist" i prefer the terms "Logical and "Fair"


@xxshadowxbossxx I like how you tried to steal the definition of Any% for making a case that emulator should be treated like console, it wont work.

Beating the game as fast as possible has NOTHING to do with the hardware your running the game on. If this was the case then we wouldnt need to have a sub-category for platforms at all. Just keep all of the runs on one board cause its all about the lowest time right?

I would love if emulator was banned one day cause I think that it should only be used for practice and to help you decide if this game is for you. Now since alot of people do run emulator and this is just my opinion I wont demand this from the community. We allow emulator to be on the boards as hidden for the reasons ive explained earlier and there is no way it should be treated like console. It shouldn't even have its own leaderboard with yet another subcategory do seperate Disc and EMU.

This is yet another way of saying "my runs doesnt show by default" well if anyone was actually serious enough about it they would get a offical version rather then running on some unofficial version with a ripped ISO, a hell of alot of tweekings in the settings and play with keyboard insteed of a controller.

Thats the way I see it atleast.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

heres a simple idea why not seperate them like psp/emu problem solved if you dont like emulators so much then you can have your precious "inferior hardware" tab or whatever you want to call and those that like emulators can have their own tab problem solved OpieOP /


At this point it would be better to just allow the official PC version :)

New York, USA

Wow, I didn't mean to start all this drama and people getting aggressive with opinions. I just wanted to be able to see my run on the boards without having to deal with filters.

You guys keep throwing the word "priority" around like it even needs to be a thing. Neither console or emulator needs priority over the other. They're both game players. If one is faster than the other, either via load times or whatever, figure out by how much and adjust submitted times as necessary so that all runs can be shown without filters. Let's say emulator is 30 seconds faster via load times than console. Tack 30 seconds onto every emulator run and problem solved, right? If there's too many emulators with too many differences for you to want to deal with, limit the emulators that are allowed. Maybe pick the most accurate one and we'll just use that one. And if by some miracle emulators run games the same as console, there wouldn't be any really good reason to separate them on the boards or filter them other than to make console elitists feel better about themselves. If push comes to shove, you could definitely just make a new separate tab for emulator runs (not the filter tab). There are simple solutions to all of these issues. This talk about games weren't meant to be run on emulators instead of consoles is silly. It's like, welcome to the year 2016. Technology has advanced since we were kids. Get with the times. I'm sure at one point somebody said humans weren't meant to fly in planes or travel to the moon either but here we are. Fairness and equality is (or should be) the goal and mindless discrimination for discrimination's sake doesn't get us there.

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