Add Flag of Power to a Category.
3 years ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hi, and I had an idea a while ago that it was to put this Mini-Games Subcategory as Category because it would have a lot of potential, for example, to have Multiplayer Subcategory, separate by difficulty, whether or not to use the Reinforcement Boxes AI and separate Zombies from Plants, but it's just an idea, I also have others but that's for another day, I have 2 videos with this Idea.



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About Time with Loads and Time without Loads

Hello everyone! I came to warn you about the changes that have occurred these last few months in relation to the timing of the categories, as you may have noticed.

-> Why did we do this in the first place?

Well, recently, we had noticed that runs made on PC had faster loading screens than on c

1 year ago