Auto Splitter Instruction
Auto Splitter Instruction
Updated 4 years ago by ymblcza

This guide will be talking about a plugin for LiveSplit. If you haven't installed LiveSplit, download and deploy it first.

Auto Splitter can be activated if you type the Game Name accurately ---- Plants vs. Zombies If it's bought from Steam, you must open PVZ before LiveSplit every time so that autospliter can connect to the game correctly.

After being activated, there should be a "Settings" button on the right side of the "Deactivate" button. Click it, and a page containing Script Path, Options and Advanced should appear. Both "Star" and "Spl" (which means start and split, respectively) should be selected. The advanced setting "Split after every round in Survival Mode" allows you to decide whether to split during a Survival level or not.

Because the autosplitter splits 6s late in normal levels including the final level you do, timer should start at -6.00 to cancel out. For NG+, starts at -8.80. For Survival Endless / I,Zombie / Vasebreaker Endless, starts at -5.00.

Sciptable Auto Splitter is another way to activate it, which features:

  1. Don't have to open PVZ before LiveSplit;
  2. Works on all splits including whose Game Name aren't Plants vs. Zombies Download link for PVZ Steam version: For original: LiveSplit - Edit Layout - "+" - Control - Sciptable Auto Splitter, add the .asl file downloaded to Script Path, and it will work as Auto Splitter. Note that if you have both Auto Splitter and Scriptable Auto Splitter it will split twice in PVZ runs, so it's better to deactivate Auto Splitter when using Scriptable Auto Splitter.

It's 2020, the time to try it out and get the PB.

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