Indonesiasrd_2715 days ago

Hey, welcome! Couple of people been actively chatting about this speedrun on the discord, you'll be welcome to join in as well.

If you play on PC, you can easily downpatch the game on Steam. And some of us have expressed interest to have a category split between new and old patch.

tópico: Rebel Cops
Indonesiasrd_2727 days ago

Level 08 - Commune (with 3x Shock and Awe)

This is a followup from the strats in Mine & DDM, where Mine will use 2x Shock and Awe and DDM will use no Rebel Points at all, leaving 600 points for 3x Shock and Awe in this level.

On Turn 13 (no more Rebel Points), Bulka can't move too much to the right side, to avoid getting caught by one of the last 2 enemies that we can't arrest.

tópico: Rebel Cops
Indonesiasrd_2727 days ago

Level 06 - Mine (with Default Team glitch & 2x Shock and Awe)

The level requires arresting the 5x civilians as well, killing them will softlock the level.

On Turn 7, I could've used Shock and Awe before Helberg moves inside the pump room (not done in this vid), which will let one enemy alive. This is actually useful, since the enemy could kill Helberg after she put the explosives, which will speedup the level-up animation after this fight. So overall, letting Helberg die is probably slightly faster overall.

tópico: Rebel Cops
Indonesiasrd_271 month ago

Level 10 - Mansion (with Default Team glitch)

There's no need to Save&Quit after doing the glitch on this level, since the ending will play as normal without the Save&Quit.

The level basically goes this way:

  • Start - Use 10x Rebel Spirit to bypass all enemies on the front, and to trigger Victor Zuev's escape timer immediately
  • Just before getting out of the maze, there's one enemy that will shoot us. It's fine if one of our cop is dead immediately, as we only need 5x cops to get rid of the next enemies.
  • When getting out of the maze, use 2x Rebel Spirit so all of our cops can get rid of the 5 enemies out of the maze straight away (and we still have 40 points left for the Steady Hand perk in this turn)
  • After this, only need 4x cops to move forward while getting rid of 2 more enemies on the way to Zuev. Could use Taser to stun these enemies first as Taser will have a better accuracy.
  • At the end, only need 2-3x cops to camp at Zuev's spawn position.

I've tried minor variations of the above strats, but they doesn't seem to be faster. Such as sacrificing 2x of our cops at turn 1 to the enemies at the front. Or to wait one turn before using the Rebel Spirits at the start, so some of our cops will get to move ahead without needing to use as much Rebel Points.

My movements in this vid can also still be optimised to reduce the enemy movements.

tópico: Rebel Cops
Indonesiasrd_271 month ago

Level 05b - Construction Site (followup from level 04b's Default Team glitch above)

So in this level, you can actually ignore the bomb disarms. Rescuing the hostage will finish the level immediately, unlike the Airport level where you actually have to complete the two main objectives.

This strat made me think the Bookstore path is probably faster than the Big Rift path, cause this level can be done in only 6 turns (though I haven't bothered to try optimising the Big Rift path).

I need 300 Rebel Points for this strat, so previous level's usage of 640 points will leave enough points for this level.

tópico: Rebel Cops
Indonesiasrd_271 month ago

Level 04b - Bookstore (Default Team glitch)

I don't know if this is faster than Big Rift or not, and this level seems to need lots of Rebel Spirit uses to be fast. But I feel it's worth it to do this path, because of how quick the Construction Site below.

The plan is to have two people on the right going to the biker straight away. While the other four people go inside the store, arrest one of Zuev's man once the two right-side officers get close to the park, and hope that a lot of our cops got killed inside the bookstore to speedup the level-up animations.

(also I don't know what's the fastest thing to do on the bookstore. Maybe it's faster to just have one or two cops inside, or to have our cops kill the Sharpwood cops? Will need timing tests if anyone want to bother optimising this)

Then once we get close to the biker, use bunch of Rebel Spirits to finish the mission quickly, and having a relay of two cops carrying the biker will reduce the amount of Rebel Spirits required. Note that we still want to save some Rebel Points for the next mission. (this part can be done with less Rebel Points which requires more turn)

One part that wasn't shown in this clip is how sometimes the Sharpwood cop inside the right-top room will try to shoot our right-side cops who are heading north. If this happens, I'll have my sniper shoot this cop.

tópico: Rebel Cops
Indonesiasrd_271 month ago

Level 07 - DDM

Going to the Drug Lab via the short route from the strip club. This requires using and 1x Lockpick.

Default Team glitch doesn't give you a lockpick. So we'll need to buy the lockpick before this level.

It can be done using 2x Shadow perks (first vid), or slightly slower with no perks at all (second vid) if we want to save Rebel Points for the next level.

tópico: Rebel Cops
Indonesiasrd_271 month ago

Just recently played this game and I had fun watching the speedrun. So while the game is still fresh in my head, I played around the game and found some strats. Though I'm sure the strats below can be optimised. (doubt I'll actually do a run soon, if ever)

One note about the Default Team glitch. If there's no save/load done, then the game will force you to go back to tutorial after finishing the level. To fix this, simply make a save during a level, go to main menu, and press Continue. Don't need to replay the victory screen like what was done on the 1:09 run.

Because of this, I think the benefits of using the Default Team glitch multiple times in a single run outweighs the timelosses from the additional menuing required to set up the glitch. If I tried to route this run, I'll use the glitch multiple times.

Indonesiasrd_272 months ago


  • Scooter Warp (Dismount + Ragdoll) doesn't work anymore. The Dude will instead fall OOB while on ragdoll.
  • While moving on scooter, doing Weapon Wheel + Dismount + Ragdoll might warp the Dude some distance away. (we're still unsure how this exactly works)
  • Animal Catcher: Increased animal counts (6x dogs & 8x cats), with a new junkyard area nearby where lots of cats & dogs can be found.
  • Prison: 969 voice message finishes quicker, which made it harder to do the 969 trick. And after the 969 cutscene (with catnip), our walking speed becomes faster.
  • Pay Fine: Bustedwarp to the start of this errand will only load part of the terrain (so we'll fall OOB), and our weapons will still be kept. (without this errand active, regular bustedwarps will still work normally as before)
  • In-game Timer can be enabled in the settings (though this won't be used for the leaderboards).
  • When loading old saves, the terrain might not be fully loaded, which might cause us to immediately fall OOB.
  • Scooter can't bypass The Zag tunnel Zap Zones (it's a temporary bug prevention by the devs)
  • The bug where you can get a kill count from NPC falling OOB has been fixed (according to patch notes).


  • Doesn't seem to have any changes besides the minor fixes listed on the patch notes.
Indonesiasrd_275 months ago

Omnotron with Demon Hunter:


Based on Gardenia's idea. Use Electron's effect to cast all the spells & draws to kill the enemy hero immediately. Lion's Frenzy is very good as it can easily get 10+ attack. Usually we'll mulligan for card draws or Lion's Frenzy.

Also preferable to kill Toxitron straight away with one of spells, so that the Toxitron doesn't kill Arcanatron which buffs our spells for later.

There's a small chance Omnotron will play his 2/5 Taunt minion, Fel'dorei Warband will spawn Rush minions which can be used to deal with the taunt.

Mindbender also have the same effect as Lion's Frenzy. But I never had issue drawing my weapon on time so I don't think I need this minion in my deck.

I've tried to do timing comparision of this versus the Gadgetzan Auctioneer Rogue deck, and this DH deck is faster overall.

Indonesiasrd_275 months ago

Lord Nefarius with Rivendare + Zerek's Cloning Gallery OTK Priest:


A deck with mostly spells. Creation Protocol made it consistent to tutor the Polkelt. And because Creation Protocol is a Discover effect, it allows me putting one more minion without ruining the tutor ability, so I use this minion slot to put Dragonslayer.

There's a small chance that the AI will get a random spell that ruins your combo (e.g. Silence effects). But this chance is very small overall and usually it's not worth anticipating it. If it's convenient, I'll play SW:D or The Light It Burns on my Rivendare immediately after I played him, but it's fine not doing this.

Tech card choices:

  • Devouring Plague: Useful spell to deal with his smaller minions (e.g. Twilight Whelp or Faerie Dragon), which might not get killed by other removals for bigger minions.
  • Not using Fight Over Me. A lot of the time, Fight Over Me doesn't let you kill two minions at once in this fight, it doesn't suit this boss's minions.
Indonesiasrd_275 months ago

Ragnaros with Rivendare Hunter OTK + Nine Lives:


Similar to other Rivendare Hunter OTKs, but you need to trigger the OTK a second time using Nine Lives.

Lorekeeper Polkelt will guarantee a Nine Lives draw after the Rivendare, but it might got delayed if you drew Master's Call first instead (I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have 2x Master's Call because of this). Also to be safe, need to make sure Rivendare didn't die before you have Nine Lives on hand, as Rivendare's deathrattle will reshuffle the deck and might prevent you from drawing Nine Lives on time.

Need to make sure that you can tank Ragnaros's 16-damage hero power before you use Nine Lives, but this is usually easy enough since it's easy to control his board.

Indonesiasrd_275 months ago

Maloriak with Spiritsinger Umbra + Recurring Villain / Korrak:


A Priest deck with mostly spells, and with minion tutor spells that lets us consistently draws the Umbra full board combo later in the game. Meat Wagon is also a viable alternative to Korrak.

If you place Villain/Korrak on the board early on before turn 8, without playing the Umbra on the same turn, there's a decent chance that he'll use Polymorph on your minion which could slow down the game quite a lot. Although the payoff from triggering the combo before turn 8 could get you a really fast win.

This seems faster overall compared to other Priest decks such as the old regular deck (with eggs etc) or Big Priest deck, while still have the same (or maybe better) winrate as well.

I've also tried Rivendare OTK Priest. But the combo won't work if Rivendare got Polymorphed.

Gardenia tried a similar deck but with Paladin instead, and he also put Molten Giant as an extra win condition. The recent Paladin cards are good enough to control the board, but there's also a lack of minion tutors which seems to make the deck slower overall compared to Priest.

Indonesiasrd_276 months ago


  • Loadout & Custom Difficulty options are back, and the Loadouts still enable the Sissy-mode by default as well.

  • Ragdoll is back! But with a short jump height, pushup launches can't do high distance jumps any more.

  • Any load zone transitions will trigger a checkpoint (whether it's from OOB warps, fast travel platforms, or Zap Zones). This prevents any distant deathwarps strats, such as the old Treasure Hunter OOB deathwarp strats.

  • OOB warp on Mall seems to have more chance in giving out visible interiors, without having to QS/QL to fix it. (Dam warp still tends to show invisible interiors)

Indonesiasrd_278 months ago

Highlighting some no-ragdoll strats for any No Sissy/DaySkip runs

Treasure Hunter - OOB warp

QS on Historical fast travel platform, warp to Residential and deathwarp. Then just jump down OOB to the Lost City from the Historical fast travel platform. Can't quickly deathwarp out of the errand though, because we can't skip the forced checkpoint on the temple entrance.

PMS - Cat Rocket QSQL to reach Hardrock quickly

Entering the Mall normally will disable QSQL. So, we can just use Cat Rocket clip to trigger the OOB warp for Mall interior, which allows Cat Rocket QS deathwarp trick to work inside. Note that after doing OOB warp to the Mall, the inside will appear completely dark at first, so need to do a QSQL inside to restore the vision.

Border Smuggler - Not triggering entry checkpoint

Old trick, but this still works. Go inside the errand area through the mountain bridge so we didn't trigger the checkpoint. This allows invisible slingshot exploit, and usage of deathwarp after the errand.

Indonesiasrd_278 months ago


Main changes:

  • Ragdoll is gone

  • Dev room zone warp buttons can't be used without enabling Sissy.

  • QS during intro cutscene doesn't warp us into Dev Room anymore

  • New Loadout & Custom Difficulty feature. Some of the Loadouts will also enable Sissy by default, which allows usage of speedup keybind or Dev Room buttons without inputting any cheats.

  • Crashes during start of Thursday, which made it unreliable to do a full no-skips run. Possible causes: Pressing "End of Day" during end of Wednesday, potential crash after Get Champ. (unconfirmed if this affects everyone)

Minor changes:

  • Border Smuggler: New soldier spawns (after 5th and 9th smuggling) will run instead of walk.

  • Bully Dog: Softlock bug on missing Spike on save/load is now fixed.

  • Treasure Hunter: There's a second entrance/exit of the errand interior near the Bidet compound.

  • PMS: There are fences on the elevators, preventing you from crouch jumping to bypass the roadblock.

  • Boss: After pressing elevator button, the game will autosaves after you got warped into the boss's room, instead of before the warp. This prevents the usage of deathwarp to exit the boss's room

  • After boss fight, the Zag's east/west/north loading zones are now blocked, and we can only exit from the south as the game intended.

  • There's a new Zap Zone on the train tracks between West Residential area and Historical area.

  • Postal/Impossible's AI now worked as intended.

  • When OOB warping into the Mall or Dam interior, the interior tends to be invisible and appears as a black screen. QS/QL will fix the visibility.


  • Loadout & Custom Difficulty options are removed. Can't do Sissy-enabled runs anymore without cheats.
  • Crashes on Thursday start are fixed.
tópico: The Site
Indonesiasrd_279 months ago

not showing the "empty" makes it even more confusing than before

there are games with multiple empty categories, that you won't waste time clicking on if you can see the "empty" label straight away

tópico: The Site
Indonesiasrd_2710 months ago

time to browse "The Legend of Ze..." or "The Legend of Ze..." or "The Legend of Ze..." or "The Legend of Ze..."

confused? dont worry, im sure the cover arts will make it easy to browse it

, Ivory e 4 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Indonesiasrd_2710 months ago

@PimpUigi huh alright never seen other boards actually made a 3-dimensional board like that game previously, normally it's only 2-dimension.

Still, the current IL layout is much more cumbersome for a 2-dimensional board. Previously, you can just instantly see all the times without any extra clicks, which can't be done anymore with the current layout.

tópico: The Site
Indonesiasrd_2710 months ago

@PimpUigi I can't see how that's an upgrade at all. Now you need to click a bunch more times to view the records for each categories, instead of viewing them all at once on the old layout.

IL leadeboard is a lot more cumbersome to use now. Some games have plenty of categories which will now be a pain to look at.

Grapevine, ActualLee e 3 outros curtiu isso
Sobre srd_27
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