Swedenbloodwhale8 years ago

So i added the fact that table tech & quickswapping from past versions is not allowed. Anything more you believe i should include? Hit me up! Anything i should change? Go ahead! Archiving doesn't really seem to be a thing unfortunately, but if someone comes up with a good way to do it nonetheless, hit me up.

Swedenbloodwhale8 years ago

Okay, so i've had a few complaints to some of the speedrunning rules and thus wish to hear opinions from the active runners as for how to handle this.

First of all i've had a complaint regarding major glitched runs (from past patches) being removed. Personally, i believe this to be the right decision. To always play on the LATEST patch that is. Second is that there's too many categories, though i highly believe the different categories to be the right decision. Since specific characters are generally alot faster than some. This is the whole reason that specific character categories came up in the first place. Yes, this means loads of categories, but is that really a bad thing? I personally think it's cool to have so much diversity and make every character have his own category.

But, if everybody disagrees with what I'm saying we could try and work out a solution.

And something that people see as fuzzy is apparently the rules themselves. What is a "major glitch" and what isn't? Should we clarify this? I apprechiate everyone of the community giving opinions and suggestions, i don't mind at all. Just make sure to come up with a proper solution if you have a suggestion. Thanks alot guys, and hopefully the speedrunning community can keep on growing!

When we first implemented multiple character categories there were only 2 runs submitted (by myself). But now there's several different runners who all seem to be putting in some nice times! Keep being cool and keep gungeoning!

Yours truly, Bloodwhale.

Swedenbloodwhale8 years ago

Yo, so i was just thinking about some general things we as a community could do in order to build up a solid speedrunning community.

Submitting some times for 1 character runs (any%/normal) would be sweet. I'm currently the only one that has any runs uploaded (understandable because of the patch) but i think we should try to add in a bunch of times, even if they're not super great. This will help us grow as a community as more people will be interested in running the game when they see that its community is being active. I mean most of my times are subpar, go and beat my world records guys!

Im currently trying to stream runs around 5 days a week and hopefully get some more people interested in running this game. If anybody else has any ideas for promoting this game, just hit me up! I want to make the speedrunning community of this game as big as possible.

I do see alot of potential in EtG runs, mainly because of its vast difference in runs. There's so many factors of RNG that play in, making RNG a viable resource to emphasize the greatness in the speedrunning of the game. (Shops, Guns, Chests, Quick/Slow room layouts, Jammed enemies, Statues etc.)

There's also alot of execution as this game is pretty hard, but once you learn the patterns of enemies things become significantly easier.

I hope you guys will continue to run this game, as i am having a ton of fun with it. Don't see myself dying out on this anytime soon, since there are loads of characters and many different runs to be had.

Swedenbloodwhale8 years ago

So, i don't know if this always was a thing or not so im gonna take it up here.

The bullet has a slower roll/faster roll with less invincibility frames. I don't know if this always was a thing or not but i noticed this as i did some runs on the new patch. Not to mention that the bosses are harder to cheese.

Good examples of this "worse roll" is when dodging the 4-bulletshot that the Wall mongler shoots out or the before/otherwise easily dodgeable bullet spreads that the DraGun shoots out. So it's basically a bit shorter aswell i think.

Tell me what you guys think about this and/or if this has been a thing for a while.

Btw, it's still possible to dodge these attacks its just that it's now close to frame perfect.

Sobre bloodwhale
9 years ago
5 years ago
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