tópico: The Site
United StatesZutara20129 years ago

Ah, that's okay! I was just wondering how things work around here cause I'm new here :)

tópico: The Site
United StatesZutara20129 years ago

I was curious how many people actually work on the site. Like accepting game requests and fixing site bugs. Wondering how many people it takes to run a site this big and great :)

United StatesZutara20129 years ago

Does anyone know if streaming a game by pointing your webcam at the tv is against Twitch rules? I would love to have a video of it happening and YouTube only allows 15 minutes. Plus I don't want to spend a lot of money on a capture card for GameCube until I know I absolutely love this. Help? Thoughts?

Sobre Zutara2012
9 years ago
8 years ago