Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

There is no submission in the submission queue.

noobguy57 curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

Still waiting on a public announcement from SRC. Any day now would be great. Still trying to act like this never happened and sweeping everything underneath the rug. SRC is basically saying it’s ok to cheat as many times as you want right now without any explanation still lol.

YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

It’s definitely 4 different counts of cheating. By your logic you can steal 365 runs all at once but as long as you get caught ONLY once it counts as 1 offense and you deserve “another chance.” One more chance I promise! And one more after that one more chance!! Oh come on just one more. Nah I think I’m good. How about no more chances. That sounds like the easy/best solution.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako, e Zanon curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

Before even watching the video, surprise surprise another private video that's not public.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 2 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

Another update related to this incident. It has just come to the sonic communities knowledge that there has been a jaypin copycat. Somebody has JUST been uploading/stealing runs, (literally yesterday and the day of today) of other peoples runs and submitted them to the leaderboards. We found at least 2 stolen runs. But as you can see, we can already see the precedent that this jaypin situation is setting. People know that there is no penalty if you cheat and they know they will get unbanned. It has already started.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 13 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

I think it’s very well needed to be said that I have re watched the video and I have a correction I need to make. He actually says ''There were solely 2 videos, those 2 containing 2 individual runs each “ . It was a confusing way to word it and that is my mistake. (I wasn’t the only one who got this confused, earlier the people defending him also kept mentioning it was only 2 runs)

That doesn’t excuse him for lying about the dates the stolen runs were submitted to src and the way he has made the video private yet claiming he wants the video shared to everyone. And he blamed other mods for basically not covering it up and talking to him first before the ban, and playing victim and making excuses etc. Saying they backstabbed him.

So yeah he mentions its 4 runs in the video, he just never says the word 4 for some reason.

YUMmy_Bacon5, noobguy57, e Zanon curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

The point would almost make sense but I’m pretty sure in the apology video he might have mentioned he’s thought about the day he stole the runs ever since 2015. Or something along those lines. I could be mis remembering what he said though. (It is a 30 minute video)

Edit: He apparently said he’s thought about it every day since the ban*

Also I personally think he knows what he was doing when he submitted them.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 4 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

I’ve had the same stance this entire time. If you cheat you deserve a perm ban. I don’t really care who it is. In this case it’s jaypin… literally the entire point of this thread. Who’s on his 4th cheated run now. (More are possible we don’t know about). Jaypin also cheated 4 separate times in a game I’ve speedrun and mod for. So of course naturally I’d be upset. I’m not scrolling through forums 24/7 to find every cheater of every single game ever made.

This is a bigger story because SRC literally already perm banned him for cheating!! And unbanned him with no reasoning at all!

@Viper you still keep ignoring like all of the messages being said. I love the logic being used by your “side” that defends cheaters that every single person deserves to cheat as much as they like as long as they only get caught once lol. “Oh yes go ahead and steal 46 runs!” “As long as you get caught once you deserve a second chance!” Seriously DUDE. In what world is this OK? This is the type of logic I’m going off since you’re fine with 4, why wouldn’t you be fine with 46? It all counts as the first chance right?

Oh yea @Viper and for the millionth time I have to repeat myself. He stole 4 runs and uploaded them to YouTube in 2015. He used those stolen runs to submit to src leaderboards in 2019. He mentioned how it was his runs and even put his watermark on the video. He had years to delete the evidence and nobody would have ever found out. But he didn’t! He then never makes a public video anywhere, lies about multiple things in his apology video. Never actually apologizes for stealing runs. He calls out sonic moderation for backstabbing him and not hiding his cheated runs and “working something out with him” this guy has not changed and this disgusting behavior to hide everything he has done. Even the moderators that were for temp bans are going to go perm ban mode after this behavior by him. Keep ignoring the facts @Viper

Keep trying to use every excuse to defend cheaters. Some of you obviously have no respect for speedrunners of this hobby if you care more about defending cheaters then you do legit runners and the integrity of the hobby. Jaypins lying to make him seem like he’s a victim is gross. Obviously the more you guys keep ignoring the posts and posting things that aren’t true

“let him talk” he was always allowed to talk lol what? Ignoring the facts, etc. It’s gonna keep making us have to repeat ourselves like zanon said.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 2 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

Oh yea… the video is unlisted.. he doesn’t wanna come out publicly because him and src are still trying to keep it quiet and a secret lol

YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

TDLR, jaypin88 cheats and steals 4 world record runs 4 times. Gets permanent ban. Src unbans randomly out of no where and has said no reason why. Jaypin88 makes apology video and doesn’t apologize but he lies in the video and talks shit about users and plays the victim card.

And right now you have 2 sides. People that don’t like cheaters and want them perm banned and people that want cheaters to have multiple chances every time they cheat/lie about cheating. Etc

YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

Yea you’re right @Viper but I’d rather take toxic people that speedrun legit then nice lying speedrunners that cheat. Also I do agree with you that it’s pretty toxic to defend people that cheat and are given 5+chances and still don’t change. Actually to think of it. Defending cheating seems like the most toxic thing someone can do lol. This is why you haven’t responded to anything at all viper? You’re just too wrapped around defending cheaters no matter how many times they cheat. Jaypin deserves 8 chances right? Yea… totally. These defending cheaters people crack me up lol.

Again, nothings stopping everyone from cheating 50 runs and just be given a second chance. Based on srcs logic. Everyone’s allowed to cheat. You just get a free pass when you get caught. So if you wanna cheat 9 times and steal 9 WR runs. As long as you only get caught once it only counts as your “first chance” this logic is backwards viper lmao. Great logic bro.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 5 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

More drama? Src caused the drama by unbanning the cheater without making any public statement or giving any reasoning why. They originally told us it was a perm ban. Also nobody’s harassing jaypin, who has said anything mean about him? We are simply stating the facts of things he has done and lied about. Myself and others care a lot out leaderboards and despise cheaters being allowed back on leaderboards after getting 5+ chances.

Patrick, I see you commented on his apology video. You do know he lied in that apology video right? And talked shit about other members of the community. He is the one stirring drama.

Why doesn’t he make a public YouTube video? Instead of a private one? He’s trying to still keep everything a secret. And so is src.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 3 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

Again, you didn’t read anything I said. This isn’t a second chance. He’s on his 5th+ chance. Also, you’re basically saying it’s ok to cheat much as possible as long as you only get caught once? So if somebody cheats in 50 runs but only gets caught once. That’s just one chance and they deserve more chances? Seriously, what???? What kind of logic is it to let everybody cheat in your game with no repercussions. Also DID intervene, he was perm banned from the website for cheating. Then just on a random day they unbanned him without saying a word to anyone. There’s no questions to be answered. Jaypin is a liar, a cheater, and for the apology video he gaslighted mods and blamed others for his own things he did to himself. Oh yea he still hasn’t apologized for anything yet either lmao. He doesn’t actually aplogize for stealing runs in the video. All he’s done is play victim. Also well said by @Merl_

Also, if someone cheats once or more their entire history of runs is tainted since you can't trust them anymore. So.. who wants to go through all 1600+ of jaypins runs that need to be RE submitted? Also it’s not easy to find cheated runs. You gotta search multiple other websites to see which website and players he was stealing the videos from. Do you understand how much work that is? Even runs that look legit he could have just copied someone’s old VOD on twitch where they didn’t submit the run. This is a lot of unnecessary work.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 4 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

Do you guys actually read the previous posts or what? Why do people keep saying second chance, second chance, second chance? 4 runs cheated is 4 chances lmao. lying in apology video is also another chance. Jaypin is now on his 6th chance! Yep! 6th chance. Actually maybe it’s 7th chance because he did cheat in 2015.. but then resubmitted the cheated runs in 2019. So that’s another chance right?

regardless, imagine joining a speedrunning discord and you go under the rules section and it states that you're allowed to cheat as many times as you want as long as you only get caught once, because "everyone deserves a second chance"

i swear, some of you guys are the type of people that make our hobby seem like a joke. Most of us are trying to take speedrunning seriously. If not seriously, we want our leaderboards to at least be taken seriously. Not give someone 5 6 chances after being caught cheating in 4 different WORLD RECORD runs. and jaypin alike are both not making any public statements and keeping everything hush hush. It seems to me like they are covering for him and trying to make it seem like it’s a smaller issue then it really is.

This is really disheartening as a legit speedrunner. Jaypin hasn’t made 1 public notice about his cheating in 4 different occasions. His videos are all private. has also made no public statement. You guys are really just trying to keep this hidden and give him as many chances as he likes I guess. At least he’s up to his 5th/6th chance now. Whichever one you wanna call it.

Anyways like I said. Some of you are literally advocating for people to cheat as much as they’d like. As long as they only get caught ONCE then it’s all fine and forgiven. I’m sorry but that’s backwards logic to me.

In my book. If you cheat 4 times. And they are world records in all 4 times you cheated. (Not that it matters just stating the facts) You’re now at least on your 5th chance. Goodbye, perm banned. Anything less is defending cheaters after the 4th chance IMO

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 5 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

Also, about saying the “mentality” of perm banning cheaters. I’d rather be safe then sorry. And I’d rather perm ban cheaters then defend them in any way. And I’d rather have harsh punishments rather then. “Oh wow you cheated!! But it’s ok because you changed right? Ok come back :)” It gives off the impression that cheating is perfectly fine as long as “you change”

I’m not saying people can’t change. Obviously they can. But trying to cover it up and lie about things? Where has he earned his way to be unbanned from anywhere at all?

At the end of the day, perm banning cheaters shows a precedent that we take this hobby seriously, and if anybody dare ever break this rule. They won’t get any other chances. This is a good way to keep cheaters out of the hobby. They will second guess before they act.

If you’re mentality is just letting cheaters come back all Willy nilly, there is no incentive not to cheat. People will know they will keep getting more chances so why even play legit? If anything they are gonna find smarter ways to cheat so they don’t get detected again.

I’d rather protect the community’s integrity. We can’t just let cheaters know it’s ok to cheat and they will get a slap on the wrist.

As for jaypins case. He has lied and has said things about people that are not true. He tried to cover up his cheating. He had years to delete his video. This guy has not changed. AT ALL.

It seems to me like you guys wanna defend cheaters just to defend cheaters. Or maybe you guys are friends with him? I don’t know. I’d never defend a cheater even if they were my friend. I’d drop that friendship real quick lol.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 2 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

It wasn’t 5 years ago. It was in 2019 when he uploaded them to It wasn’t 2 runs he cheated in, It was 4. His apology video was full of lies and manipulation and immaturity about calling out moderators that didn’t keep his cheating a secret, just so you know the actual facts Kkntucara. This isn’t him maturing at all.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 9 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

Aslan, he hasn’t matured. If you watched the apology video, he lied multiple times during it. It was 4 runs he cheated in, not 2. Then he claims people are out to get him. He’s hiding his video under unlisted. If he was truly sorry about cheating he would make a public video. Actually the entire apology video is a joke of an apology tbh. Also he kept saying “6 years ago” nahhh. It was 2 years ago when he submitted them to

This dude had 6 years to delete his cheated runs. Or even better yet. He uploaded the cheated runs to in 2019. All he had to do is take them down at literally anytime. But he kept them up there until he got caught.

He has not matured at all.

I’m willing to give literally all people second and third and fourth chances when it comes to most things. Cheating is not one of them.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 5 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

Nah I disagree 100%, if you cheat in speedrunning no matter how big or no matter how small the incident. It is disrespectful to all of us they actually speedrun the games legit. In my eyes, this is your final warning when you sign up to be a speedrunner. They know it’s not right to cheat in speedrunning and submit cheated runs on the leaderboard anyways, trying to get away with it. He will stay PERMANENTLY banned from any game I moderate. As I will not defend or stick up for cheaters in any way.

It’s really simple. Don’t cheat and this would have never happened.

Cheating is something I will never give second chances for. As speedrunners our integrity of legit boards of our hobby is one of the most important things. If you cheat you lose all your privileges.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako e 6 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
Michigan, USAZaxon962 years ago

So it's ok to cheat by stealing other peoples run and submitting them as your own? Okay, I guess there's no consequences for stealing/cheating anymore? This unban is ridiculous.

YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiram isso
Michigan, USAZaxon963 years ago

A little bit about Z&F: We have been doing tournaments since last year and we do about a tournament every 45-60 days on average. The tournaments run on a 2 day weekend for about 12 hours a day on each day. We also have a prizepool of whatever amount of money is tipped during the 2 days on my stream ( and it will be given to our competitors! Just last tournament we had a prizepool of 495$ due to generous contributions by viewers. The prizes went to our 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place players respectfully.

We usually announce our tournament more then a month in advance so runners can practice for the tournament! Be in our discord to stay up to date on everything! All the rest of the rules and information are here in this signup sheet, The discord link to our server is also in that link. If you have any questions please contact me or any of the staff! Thank you.

This tournament will run from June 19th-June 20th From 8 am- 8 pm Eastern standard time on both days. Sign-ups will close on Monday June 14th 2021 at 23:59 EDT.

YUMmy_Bacon5, huds601 e 8 outros curtiu isso
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