South Carolina, USAZZKer1 year ago

Is there any interest for having All Gap categories for the competition and secret levels? I was thinking about trying Skate Park or Burnside only to realize there isn't even a leaderboard for it.

South Carolina, USAZZKer7 years ago

So, I was doing a 12 Endings w/saves run utilizing the quicksave feature (F6) and was having a wonderful time saving about a minute and a half until I got to the Apartment Ending.

I quicksaved right as the lights turned on for the phone and picked up the phone after it was done saving. Once I was in the apartment, the narrator did his speech as normal, but the prompts for keyboard presses did not show up. I was able to advance the dialog by smashing all the keys on my keyboard, but eventually even that did not work.

I then pressed escape, which brought up a key prompt instead of pausing. Hitting the prompted key made the appropriate noise, but did not advance the story. Hitting escape paused the game after that. Additionally, quicksaving and then loading did not advance the dialog either.

tl;dr: Quicksaving may mess up the Apartment Ending, effectively ruining any run that uses it before picking up the phone. More testing soon.

OmegaFallon curtiram isso
South Carolina, USAZZKer7 years ago

I changed Lag Glitch category to be a subset of any%. It just feels better, ya know? Either way, it is still a misc category, and still has no runs in it (free WR ;) )

South Carolina, USAZZKer7 years ago

Found a glitch dealing with save files and the input computers for the Heaven ending. Step 1: make a save file before hitting the first button. Step 2: At any time, you can load that save file and hit the first button again to make the input computer number increase by one.

What does this mean? It means that any of the inputs can be replaced with the first input. That means that the 3rd input (the one outside the boss' office) can be replaced with the first one (in the second office), effectively cutting down the time for getting inputs by 8-15 seconds.


Now, the question is, should this be allowed in the IL, or should the "No Save" rule still apply? If allowed, I would suggest starting timer at first input (pausing or moving).

Mossy curtiram isso
South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Hey everyone! I updated the post in the non-steam version, but I decided to go ahead and make 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place icons for both versions. Like with the favicon and 1st place icon, the Steam version icons utilize fuller color while the non-Steam version icons just use black, white, cerulean, and crimson. Those who are in 2nd-4th place, enjoy your new icons! :D

stoot curtiram isso
South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Hey everyone! I finally got the level editor to work and am planning on building a practice course for runners old and new. I want to get a good idea of what people think should be in this practice course. Mario and I tossed around some ideas about possibly making a hub area that goes out towards different practice zones or something. Still not 100% sure how that will work out, but the individual practice screen ideas I have so far are as follows:

  • practice bell avoidance
  • practice bullet avoidance
  • practice for bridge and tree
  • maybe fast password practice too

any ideas on how to achieve these or other zones of practice would be wonderful. I want to try and help the community as much as possible, and this is just one way to do that. I might also make a version of the whole map that adds bells in better spots for practice.

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Hey everyone! Like the title suggests, I want to memorize the manual and start doing full runs since it's super hard for me to schedule experts to play with me. I'm looking for advice on how to memorize each module. I think that this advice would not only help me, but other runners now and in the future, and could even be a good thing to put into a guide or something (which could expand the community).

So far, I've only been able to partially memorize complex wires, the button, and simon says, and even then, I mess them up all the time. I tried rewriting the manual, condensing information I needed and ditching info I didn't need (like morse code letters that aren't used, for example). While it did help consolidate the manual for quick use, it didn't really help me memorize the modules that well.

Once again, any and all help is appreciated. If I'm able to find some good techniques for memorizing this stuff, I'll make sure to post it here too.

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Hey everyone! I was submitting a run earlier and noticed that the theme is missing some unique icons, including the logo (speedrun.com). I'm a mod for some other games and have put together images for themes for those games, so this isn't my first time making something. I found the font The Stanley Parable uses, and used it to make a quick logo: http://i.imgur.com/CGXd2gc.png

If the mods like it, feel free to use it for the logo.

And everyone, feel free to let me know what you think!

(also, any ideas on 1st-4th icons would be cool too. I was thinking maybe numbered buttons?)

Bonus joke logo: http://i.imgur.com/zrwL1OQ.png

Plumato curtiram isso
South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

I want to run the 12 endings with saves category, but there are no runs to get a feel for what it's like, so I have some questions about the full list of rules:

I understand that I can use save states for the run, but when can I consider an ending to be done? is it once I'm back in the office, or is it once I lose control of inputs?

As for the saves, what kind of saves can they be? I assume starting office saves where I haven't moved, but I might as well get confirmation on that.

As well, I guess I should ask, can I only use saves I make in the run, or can I start off using a previous save of the fastest office?

Thanks in advance for answering these questions. I love this game and hope to submit runs soon.

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Hey everyone! I seem to have stumbled upon a possible Hollow King Skip setup. That is to say, that skip that we currently have labeled as an "Only lag% thing" may be possible without lag. I got it randomly without any background programs running. I then recreated it, studied it a bit, and found that it is extremely precise. However, I think I found a setup.

skip to 1:26 in the video for exact placement

On Covert Operators, jump up to the top stair. Face the pit, and align the back of your front foot with the back edge of the brick on the top stair. If you are not facing the pit when you align, then this shouldn't work. Move left towards the pit and jump at the last possible moment (3 frames after walking off the edge; this is based on my footage @~30fps, which may not be what the game runs at natively). Hold jump and left, and you will make it to the other side of the pit.

I jumped over the pit after doing this setup 25 times and made it 5 times (included jumps where I was obviously too early or late to be more accurate to actual attempts). If you are good at timing jumps, this should be considerably easier for you.

Let me know how it goes for you. If you can't figure it out, slow down the footage (thanks Youtube!) and see how the jump works.

OrangeCrix e stoot curtiu isso
South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

I have been playing this game since it was gifted, and am considering running it. However, I have a question: What counts as a "Legend"? I see that they are banned and want to make sure I don't use them. Is there an easy way to tell if a pokemon is a legend or not?

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Hey everyone! New mod ZZKer here. I've been posting a ton on the Steam version of You Have to Win the Game and have decided to update the themes for the games and Series a bit. I have started by updating the favicons for the two You Have to Win the Game pages and the series page, but was wondering what the favicons should be. Currently, the Steam and non-Steam version are the same, both being the main character. I think they should be different, but not sure exactly what they should be. I made the series the meanie steam emote from Super Win the Game since it appears in both games and is instantly recognizable.

This thread is mostly for ideas on themes for the games, specifically favicon, background, and "Speedrun.com" images (though I think the speedrun.com image is fine). Let me know what you ideas are! I want to hear from the community. :)

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

So, I was thinking about doing low% runs (which to my knowledge haven't been done yet) but was wondering what the lowest % is. I managed to get a 27.34%, but didn't do Hollow King Skip so it could be lower, though I don't intend to do lag% tactics any time soon.

Basically, I want to know (without lag tactics) what the lowest possible % is.

MarioBataliJr curtiram isso
South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

tl;dr: topic for 100% routing ideas for timing purposes. Some ideas that did and did not work below.

So, Mariobatalijr and I have been trying to figure out new routes for 100% to make it faster. Thanks to some efforts, Mario was able to get an amazing time (18:37), but we both think it can be improved even more. Mario has been tossing ideas at me recently, so I figured I'd time some of these ideas. I'm hoping to use this thread to come up with new ideas as a community and test them out for viability. This is a better idea than the guide I tried making that kinda fails on the feed back and idea creating that is needed for finding new routes and trying new ideas.

First off, the two big changes that Mario uses in that 18:37 run are the Forever room death warp and falling from Eden Maw. The first, proposed by Mariobatalijr, saves roughly 18 seconds total, with timing taking into consideration all time spent on those screens, amount of time to get across the map, and the time spent getting the Don't Go Left screen. The second, proposed by myself, saves 15 seconds (mostly due to walking back to that area) but requires the player to do Spike Entry. In attempts of this route, Spike Entry can be gotten within 3 tries, with failed attempts losing 3-6 seconds. Timing takes into consideration time to walk back vs falling, as well as time to do Spike Entry vs Leap of Faith.

Today, I tested out an idea Mario had for getting 4 of the 5 bags below Green Man immediately after getting Spring Boots, and death warping after getting the 5th up to "Which Way". In testing, I found it to be slower by 1-7 seconds, even with some mistakes on the current route. This timing factored in the time to complete all given screens in the area. This timing did not factor in time spent avoiding bells on the second pass through Green Man.

While the idea above didn't work, I thought, "What if you dodge all the bells on second pass and death warp on the spider back up to the surface?" Trying that showed that death warping back to "Which Way" would save roughly 5-8 seconds (the time to jump back to the portal - the time difference on a small route change). The player, when going to Green Man for the second time, would get the bell on "Which Way" and avoid all other bells. While, this is possible, there are two bells that can cause trouble on Aqueous Humor and Forgotten Tunnels. Instead of going into Forgotten Tunnels from the top, the player would have to go through the Green Man screen and enter through the right. Then, they would have to jump over the bell at the bottom of Forgotten Tunnels twice in a row to get that bag. Hitting a bell at any time wouldn't be too bad as you can default to the old route and go through the portal (which would take 10 seconds). Hitting the bell on Forgotten Tunnels after going around would waste an additional 2 seconds spent entering from the right rather than the top.

If you have any other routing ideas, please feel free to post them here. I can get around to timing them eventually, but feel free to time them yourself as well. The biggest time saves will be ones the involve bell death warping or that skip long segments of walking.

MarioBataliJr curtiram isso
South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Ok, currently there are insufficient rules for the 100% category for the Steam version. The biggest thing currently wondered is the use of the kill command, since it is used in the "Lose" room in the current runs posted.

Is it acceptable to use the kill command in 100% runs? And if it is not, is it ok to use the kill command just for the Lose room? Should the use of commands be a separate category like it is in the non-Steam version?

I personally think that it should be allowed, as it makes the run faster and the route more interesting. However, I can understand if others have different opinions.

I'd really like it if all the current moderators pitched in their opinions on this. Anyone else running this game should voice their opinion as well.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

I've been running any% with the cat and wondering if anyone else wanted to run this. I'm thinking it could be a misc category, but think it only worth it if more people ran it.

The main difference with the cat is its hitbox. Other than that, it's almost the same run.


South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

I was watching the top run of this trying to count the endings but wondering if the endings could be written down in either the rules or in a guide so that it's easily recognizable what the category means. I was interested in running this game but unsure how to go about it.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

So, I noticed that there aren't any submitted 100% runs. Is this cause no one wants to run it, it's not routed, or no one has done a "good enough" run? I saw 1 run on the non-steam leaderboard. If my run isn't nearly as good as that, should I still submit, or is there a certain level of play quality before you verify a run? New to this community, so figured I would ask about it.

On a related note, should we start putting information on running this game into the guide section?

Sobre ZZKer
9 years ago
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