tópico: Speedrunning
United StatesVelatoget6 months ago

Between the 3 Microman games, I've created, routed, and ran 12 categories.

They're not perfect, but they're decently optimized based on my findings. Certainly some room for improvement on each game and category. Each game in the series is an old-school, easy to pick up and play 2D sidescroller.

I'd love to watch and help runners learn it if they're interested.

Microman 1

This is the original shareware many '80s and '90s kids grew up with. I love this version the most. The version 1.5 category is set as the primary category because it was the most widely played version. It's just a simple "beat the game" Any% type category. Mostly straightforward except for a trick that gets the final boss stuck in place. Though, each of the 5 categories has its own style if that's not what you're into!

Microman 2

This game was only given to people who bought the registered Microman 1 game, but has since been provided for free to the public by the creator of these games. It's a cute, even shorter game. The only downside is that there are 51 speed settings for the game. So I had to establish a "default" speed (33). With that said, there are 3 categories to choose from in this game, depending on how broken, glitchy, or "intended" you want your run to be.

Microman's Crazy Computers

This is technically version 3.2 of Microman 1. It appears that the creator of the first 2 games went on to found a company called Hipsoft. From there, he decided to turn Microman into a game more respective to that current year (2003). It's a pretty boring game compared to the first 2, but it still features some really intense movements and precision to get a good run. There are 4 categories for this game. The primary category (All Discs, Advanced) is the longest at over 1 hour, but by far the most interesting and intense to run. However, there are shorter categories, including a 2 minute category. The shortest category is actually the only Microman category with another runner, and they tied my time.

Anyway, I'm a big fan of this series, and I know a lot of people who also really adore it despite its flaws. If anyone is interested, please join in! I'd be more than happy to watch live on Twitch, help, or anything like that if needed. Each game has links in resources and guides, if needed!

Just figured I'd give this forum a shot :)

United StatesVelatoget6 months ago

After a closer review, I've updated the timing to what makes most sense for this game. I also added general information about GBC speedruns. I hope that's alright!

A lot of emulators and equipment don't run this game (or other GBC games) properly, so I included the details about that.

I hope the community will agree with me on these. I've worked on a good amount of leaderboards, so I think what I've got is consistent with the expectations in the GBC communities :)

You can reference Zelda: Link's Awakening DX for similar details.

United StatesVelatoget6 months ago

Sure, I can moderate @endeavorgaming Thanks for checking and adding the Any% category. Feel free to add me as a mod.

United StatesVelatoget6 months ago

Eh, maybe they just haven't signed in. Maybe @Speedruntrainer can help get a category up :)

United StatesVelatoget7 months ago

Two possible approaches:

  1. Timing based on gaining & losing control: Starting could be the first blackout frame after entering your file name. Then ending on the first blackout frame of the final dialogue (after Joanna says "I'll be ready!").

  2. Timing based on the first & last "meaningful" inputs: Starting on the first frame you gain character control, and end ending on the first blackout frame after defeating the helicopter in the final battle.

Personally, I like approach 1, but approach 2 is perfectly fine.

andresfgp13 curtiram isso
United StatesVelatoget7 months ago

That's a good point. Looks like runs can't even be submitted. We at least need an Any%

jogada: Chex Quest
United StatesVelatoget9 months ago

This one seems to be posted in the wrong area? It says CQ3, but this is CQ1. Same video as your other record.

jogada: Chex Quest
United StatesVelatoget9 months ago

GG on this run. Super fun to watch

United StatesVelatoget1 year ago

Spamming the cheats and controlling the speed are all available on the registered version. This run is very sloppy, but it's more just a proof of concept. My goal was to get below 1 minute, so I am satisfied with this run.

United StatesVelatoget2 years ago

Awesome run. This game is crazy hard, so I had to watch this to see the ending :)

tópico: The Tick
United StatesVelatoget2 years ago

Glad to hear it! The world record holder unfortunately passed away some years back. I hope I can catch some of your runs!

tópico: Metal Storm
United StatesVelatoget3 years ago

I know with the A, usually enemies that touch you will die. However, on this boss, it always seemed like touching the boss itself would kill one of the lasers instead. But this one time, it directly killed the boss. If it worked here, I'm sure it could work even much sooner?

CoolHandMike curtiram isso
United StatesVelatoget7 years ago

I have no idea, but I would think it works just fine! You'll have to update us on that :D

TheAlmightyLucario03 curtiram isso
United StatesVelatoget7 years ago

I've uploaded this to twitch, if anyone wants to put it on youtube, break it up into smaller parts or whatever, feel free. I don't care at all. Good luck, have fun, hope it's useful.

Feel free to ask me any questions here, on Twitch, or in the LADX Discord. :)

United StatesVelatoget7 years ago

for anyone new who stumbles in here, here's what the run looks like. Planning a tutorial in time.

United StatesVelatoget7 years ago

Hey Dmonye.

I have since improved upon the route you see TGH doing a little bit (maybe only like 25-30 seconds of time save). I am doing runs of this again so you can feel free to check out the improvements and I hope to make a tutorial as well.

As far as history goes... I had this route bouncing around my head for 3 years, and people told me I couldn't do it because of an issue entering the DH causes with one of the photographs. I found a work around for this issue and some free time, then grinded out about a week or two of non-stop routing. There isn't much history behind the run itself, the glitches used however... well, that starts at the release of LA back in the early 90's haha.

Anyway, once I get a good enough time (sub 40) I'll be submitting to the leader boards in hopes my run is accepted. It will definitely end up in the misc category, unless enough people took it seriously- and even then probably wont ever go main :)

Any questions, feel free to ask me in the LADX discord, here, or on twitch.

United StatesVelatoget8 years ago

skipping the owl on the beach... Kappa /

tópico: Talk
United StatesVelatoget8 years ago

Okay thanks, perhaps I'm just impatient :D I'll give it a week from today

tópico: Talk
United StatesVelatoget8 years ago

Yo. Submitted a game a while back and still waiting for it to be accepted so I can upload my run. Please and thanks. :)

Batman: The Animated Series, if it matters. <3

Sobre Velatoget
Weird guy who likes weird games.
8 years ago
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