United StatesResiShiin2 years ago

Hey there!

I looked into running this game a year ago and nabbed the Japanese guide just to see if there was any useful data in there. Of course, not being a Japanese speaker, I've had to deal with translation programs to help along the way. While watching another streamer tonight, I mentioned the guide had some information on its moon system and while getting pics for him, I decided to capture a small section with stuff that may be relevant for the community; gameplay information and whatnot such as enemy stats, weapon stats, etc. This information may be known already, but I hope it helps even a little bit or is at least of interest to someone! Let me know if there's anything else I can try to find in it that may be of interest!

Thanks~ ResiDrache

clix_gaming curtiram isso
tópico: Dino Crisis
United StatesResiShiin2 years ago

Hey there!

I'm someone who has a better time learning when I have notes to glance at along with videos, myself. I was working on learning the run a couple of months ago when life pretty much put most of my speed running on hold for a little bit. I managed to make a guide that was helping me learn the game and gave me something to look at to help for reminders. I'm more than happy to share and hope it helps you and your friends out! It has codes for both the JPN and USA versions as well and gives info for Any %, No Weapon %, and Best Ending %.

As this was made a couple of months ago, and by someone just learning the game, there may be info that may be outdated or could be a touch better, but it will help you learn the vast majority of the run. Feel free to give any suggestions or feedback if you have any!

Enjoy, and best of luck to you all in learning the run :)

_heavenly, Farmery87 e 2 outros curtiu isso
United StatesResiShiin2 years ago

I had the chance to play this game a few months ago after having it recommended to me. It was a blast and I enjoyed my time with it from beginning to end. After catching a few runs of the game, I logged it into the back of my mind to look into possibly running this game myself at some point or another. Well, this past week, I've had a ton of free time, and instead of dipping my toes in with a run, I spent a bit under 50 hours going through and making detailed guides for both the New Game and New Game Plus categories.

With the help of current notes and runs, as well as doing my own (slower) runs in the process, I've written these in a detailed fashion in the hopes of helping newcomers (as well as myself) to get into the game and give them some idea of how to run the game from beginning to end as quickly as possible. I have no issue with these being uploaded to the guides section if Punchy would like to do so.

New Game Guide:

New Game Plus Guide:

On top of the guides, I also went through the absolute fun of dealing with the game's save system to compile saves for both new game and new game plus to help make learning sections of the game or optimization attempts both easier and faster since the game lacks a chapter select system.

In the zipped folder are folders for both new game and new game plus, and in each of those, I have folders for saves that start at the very beginning of every chapter, as well as folders for each individual chapter with saves that start after the end of each of the intermissions in the chapters.

The new game plus saves are based off of the current new game plus save from Punchy in the resources section. I just made my own saves based on this save as I went through making my guide for the new game plus run. I've also created a new save for the start of a new game plus run so that it should no longer show the message about turbo mode being available to help save a few seconds and a couple of unnecessary button presses!

The file can be downloaded here:

I also don't mind this file being uploaded in the resources section.

As much work as this all was, I had a blast getting to learn running the game and I hope these resources help others get into the game as well as help for any future run optimizations! I hope to have my own run submitted within the next week or so!

tópico: Koudelka
United StatesResiShiin2 years ago

Hey there! I've been practicing the PAL version on Duckstation while waiting to get my console setup going again. While following the notes, I noticed a bug of sorts before the Apostle boss that I haven't heard of before and wanted to see if it was known, or an emulator issue, or an issue with the PAL version, or something that may be in all versions in general.

I fought a few battles in the room before the boss to get a scroll drop. I managed to get two of them while I was experimenting with the battles. My inventory looked like this before the Apostle boss:

During the boss fight, I used the quickest accessible scroll, which was the Earth Scroll at the bottom. After the battle, I noticed that despite the game telling me I got the crossbow you get from the boss, it wasn't in my inventory. I figured something may have just gone wrong and reloaded my save before the boss and tried it again with the same results. Knowing the game has a durability system, I wondered if there was a limit to the number of weapons you could have at one time so I threw away a few weapons, redid the boss, same issue. I looked at my items after and noticed that it looked like this:

Out of curiosity, I redid the boss but this time used the Water Scroll above it instead. This time, the crossbow was added to my inventory without issue. I reloaded and performed the same experiment on normal battles and sure enough, if I used the Earth Scroll, any weapon drop I got was not added to my inventory, while the Water Scroll had the drop appear in my inventory as normal. I did notice that using the Water Scroll though had the following affect on my inventory, almost like above:

The Earth Scroll was "gone" according to my inventory screen and I had "0" Water Scrolls in my inventory. Engaging in a battle afterwards though, I was able to see the Earth Scroll like normal and use it without any ill effects to the game.

Long story short, I was just curious if anyone knew if this was something that only happened on an emulator and I should just be cautious until I can start working on the console version again, or if this was a bug with the PAL version or all versions, or if I just came across an odd issue.

United StatesResiShiin3 years ago

I was running it as administrator, yes. Good news is, I figured out the issue. I looked through my task manager and found three instances of the game that weren't completely closed out that were running in "background processes" that was interfering with the program. Once I closed those out and re-ran the SRT, everything worked perfectly!

Thank you for the tip on the different SRT windows as well, I was able to get it setup as I wanted and everything is 100%. Thanks so much for the help and dealing with me! I really appreciate the work that was put into the SRT, it's going to be beyond helpful.

Kapdap curtiram isso
United StatesResiShiin3 years ago

So I managed to get the program to run. I installed .NET Core v5.0 x86 but it still did the flashing. After tinkering around, I installed .NET Core 3.1 SDK (v3.1.404) as well from the same link and that actually got the program to run.

Now I'm having the fun of the program not actually reading the values. I have a miniature version that appears on the upper right of the screen that I can't remove or do anything with, and the regular version (on the left) that I can interact with as it should. However, it's not reading HP, timer, or enemy health. The timer stays at two seconds (even before I launch the game) and nothing else shows, even in a room with an enemy, or after I've been damaged.

I've had the SRT folder both on my desktop and in the game folder itself, but it stays this way. I've also run the game both in DXWND (how I usually play the game) and standalone, and nothing seems to make it work. I'm running Windows 10 Home edition, if that makes any difference in all of this.

Screenshot of it:

United StatesResiShiin3 years ago

Just curious if there's a step I seem to be missing in getting this to run: I downloaded everything and followed all the instructions on the official release site, however when I try to launch the program, I just get a quick window flash and nothing runs. I'm sure I'm overlooking something simple but I can't for the life of me get this to run.

United StatesResiShiin3 years ago

Once in a blue moon, I'll get this rare glitch when playing the PS1 version on an emulator. Enemy body parts, or doors, or objects will randomly appear stuck to a character. I was recording a run that was going really well, and then...well, the glitch decided to happen, ending with a mass of Trimorph parts instant killing my character, and the run.

Going to try a run again tomorrow on the PC version; will try a PS1 run again in a couple of days when I have more time, but I'll probably hold off on that version a bit until I figure out the best way to capture and record video from my PS3 so I can run my physical copy of the game.

On another note, if anyone knows what may be causing this glitch to occur, please let me know, I would love to fix it because while it's only happened three times to me total across my entire time playing it on an emulator, it really sucks when it happens and can pretty much ruin the game.

United StatesResiShiin3 years ago

I thought so too and originally had Karne give it to her during the run, but while tinkering with time saves and item necessities, I noticed I was able to use the elevator as Matlock for the first time as long as I triggered the cutscene where Karne inspects the computer in the Kremlin and gets the Printout himself first. I've been able to do this consistently and doesn't seem to be a bug/glitch, but I wasn't able to do so on the PC version as nobody would activate the elevator's first usage without having the Printout on them.

I noticed a few things like this that were different in the PS1 version and made it easier like the elevator example, the Trimorph behind the airlock shutter being easier to avoid, the longer countdown in the airlock, the Rainbow Card being required to leave Judith's room so you don't lock yourself out on accident (or potentially create a softlock if you leave the card in the Vac-tube without sending it and then leave), and so on. Whether these were done for anti-frustration measures, or other reasons entirely, I'm not sure.

Doze_D curtiram isso
United StatesResiShiin3 years ago

Just finished a run through of the PC version to put together a guide for it. Here's the differences I've noticed along with the above ones by DinoMight:

  • Besides the better graphics, there is a better variety of zombie models instead of the basic two the PS1 version has.

  • There's more ambiance, including whispers and cries when you're near enemies.

  • Zombies deal a lot less damage than their PS1 counterparts; they will also stagger with each shot instead of random ones, making for safer encounters.

  • You can enter numerical codes with the keyboard, some code inputs actually require this.

  • Some doors in the PS1 version have extra loads in which the screen will fade when you use a door and will put you in the next room after the load. The PC version doesn't have any of these, leading to zombie jukes using these transitions impossible.

  • If you switch characters in the inventory screen and the character is in front of a Vac-tube, they can interact with it without having to leave the inventory screen and using it, unlike the PS1 version.

  • Transmissions logs cannot be skipped, meaning you must listen to them all the way through unlike the PS1 version where you can just skip them and immediately start using the computer.

  • The first zombie in the Base Director's Quarters gets up sooner and with no door transitioning, a completely different juke setup needs to be done unlike the simpler PS1 escape.

  • The small scene where Karne notices his watch has changed can be skipped unlike the PS1 version.

  • All the items on the hanging body in the Gym in the PS1 version are on the ground, except for the Green Tag which still needs to be retrieved from the body.

  • In the PC version, the Vibro-Scourer is on the floor of the stall with the body instead of in the locker.

  • The music box music will play as you interact with it instead of being a small scene like the PS1 version.

  • In the PC version, the body outside of the Chem Lab will be gone when Matlock exits it for the first time instead of just getting up in the PS1 version.

  • The Syringes in the Med Lab are on the desk in front of the PC instead of in the locker.

  • The Weed Killer Spray-Gun and Gloves are on the Shed shelf instead of in a Metal Case; the Shed door also stays open in the PC version.

  • There's an extra "crab" enemy in the Recyc room (Forgot their proper name).

  • Kenzo's MOOD space is a lot more detailed and inviting.

  • The bulkhead doors are wide open after being opened by Kenzo in the PC version and not just unlocked doors as in the PS1 version.

  • Extra zombie in the Shuttle Bay.

  • Kenzo's transition when leaving his MOOD space to the MOOD room is smoother and more natural.

  • The corridor to Dorm 3 is a lot more populated and active.

  • You can't shoot the gun out of the zombie's hand from the doorway in the PC version. You have to be in his line of sight.

  • The Trimorphed animals have an animation in the PC version instead of just being a solid, still mass.

  • The zombie on the ground in the room with the rover is up and active in the PC version as soon as you walk in. The rover also takes longer to return after being sent out.

  • Judith's room is only locked and required the Rainbow Tag from the hallway. You can leave normally if you're inside the room, but it's locked in the other direction, requiring you to pause and use the Tag from the hallway side when leaving at Matlock to not be locked out as Karne.

  • The zombie in the elevator room is closer to the door and active instead of just being a body upon the first time through as Matlock.

  • The Trimorph locked behind the shutter by the Med Room will no longer simply pass if you hide in the small alcove before the Med Room door. You'll have to quickly open the door and take a few steps inside for it not to see you and pass by.

  • The countdown for the airlock door will start immediately upon using the Book instead of giving a few extra seconds of grace that the PS1 version gives.

  • You can't examine the body in the airlock room after you've opened the door to suck the Trimorph out.

  • The area to use the Pop-Gun in the Kremlin is shorter. Aim it from the door instead of closer to the switches.

  • The Trimorph by the elevator has an actual scene and encounter instead of being frozen in place in the PS1 version.

  • Matlock needs the Printout to go down to the Necropolis in the PC version.

  • The Necropolis is a bit more populated.

  • You can see the elevator button in the PC version versus the almost non-existant button in the PS1 port.

  • The Obelisk Trimorph can be done more easily solo in the PC version; it's also colored differently to reflect it's vulnerability state and behaves like a special encounter instead of like a normal Trimorph as it does in the PS1 version.

  • Ghost Whittaker is an actual boss fight, taking nearly 20 Psionara rounds to put down versus the single shot in the PS port.

  • Ben Gunn's head isn't overly huge like in the PS1 version; Matlock will also show it off when you're placing it on the body.

  • Even after taking the Virus Antidote and being cured, the characters still can't be close to each other or you will get the morphed together game over. In the PS1 version, it's okay for the characters to be close, as long as one of them has been cured.

  • The ending has an extra bit of dialogue from MOOD as well as a credits sequence.

United StatesResiShiin3 years ago

That all comes down to personal preference. All the site cares about is how long it took you to beat from beginning to end or whatever is being judged for the category you're running; any splits in the middle like you see on Livesplit are a runner's preference so they can see how "on pace" they are with their personal best time. Some have only a beginning/ending split, some have a few splits in between, and some have many splits to help jog their memory during a run (I tend to do a bit of both of these depending on the game).

United StatesResiShiin3 years ago

Split point as in starting and final splits?

Personally, I think starting the timer when you hit new game is fine as most RTA timers do this, but I think the final split should be changed to after you flip the switch at the end instead of waiting for the final FMV.

United StatesResiShiin3 years ago

Seems like a bunch of us got the same idea at the same time! Was going to get this setup myself, spent the last two weeks getting a written guide going but haven't gotten around to recording a run yet; glad to see someone got this going. I'm going to be submitting my current written guide for the PS1 to the Guides section based on the routing I've done. Feel free to leave any suggestions, should have a run on here shortly!

Edit: If I could put forth one suggestion for the leaderboard, it would be to split the PC/PS1 categories (I.E. have PS1 Any % and PC Any%). Since the game only has Any%, it would still only leave two sections versus a game like RE1 where it has a half dozen consoles with a half dozen subcategories each which can become a mess. If it was just down to loading, I'd say not bother, but there are a few gameplay/enemy differences that alter the routes between them so it may be worth thinking about and, again, with only two sections, it wouldn't be a huge split or mess.

United StatesResiShiin4 years ago

Sounds good, I'll switch over to NullDC then for my runs. Thanks for your input, it's really appreciated :)

United StatesResiShiin4 years ago

(Big wall of text warning)

I don’t have access to a physical Dreamcast at the moment, no. Mine sadly bit the dust a few months ago and it’ll be a little while before I can replace it, not to mention get the cables and devices so I can capture from it so I’m stuck with emulating it for the meantime (which is also easier for me to capture). I still have my physical copy of the game though, so no need to copy the iso (thanks for making me dig it back out after years of being untouched!).

As for emulator, I've been using Demul (180816) for the game as I have issues with the text, textures, transparency effects, and characters, signs, etc. popping in or out while running it on NullDC (1.0.4). It also felt a bit slugish for some reason why playing on NullDC which is why I switched over to Demul. ( for a few pics of them, mostly seems to be an issue with transparency)

I sat down for an a bit to compare some load times up to after the second virtual world visit, comparing it to times in your WR run on the physical console and came up with the below.

1st VW Load:

NullDC – 12 seconds Demul – 7 seconds Physical – 12 seconds


All loaded at 3 seconds

1st VW Return:

NullDC – 14 seconds Demul – 9 seconds Physical – 13 seconds

Post 1st Chief Office Scene:

NullDC – 9 seconds Demul – 4 seconds Physical – 7 seconds

2nd Chief Cutscene Door Load:

NullDc – 8 seconds Demul – 5 seconds Physical – 7 seconds

Post Reference Room Scene:

NullDC – 9 seconds Demul – 5 seconds Physical – 7 seconds

2nd VW Load:

NullDC – 11 seconds Demul – 7 seconds Physical – 11 seconds

2nd VW Return:

NullDC – 14 seconds Demul – 7 seconds Physical – 13 seconds

Total Load Test Times:

NullDC – 83 seconds Demul – 50 seconds Physical – 76 seconds

Overall, with how the game looks, plays, and loads on NullDC, it’s the worst of the three, though it’s load times are closer to the physical version. Demul is the best of the three, and the best to play emulation wise when it comes to presentation as I haven’t come across any graphical issues, though the load times blow the other two versions out of the water. With the loads, it’d pretty much necessitate a separate emulator category if Demul is allowed as you can get close to a time of 1:03 by just tripping over it.

So, yeah, TL;DR:

NullDC – Closest to physical load times, but worse than physical as it loads slower and seems to play marginally slower and has bad graphical presentation.

Demul – Best in terms of emulation presentation and gameplay, but has insanely good load times that physical can’t compete with.

United StatesResiShiin4 years ago

Hey there~

I'm looking at submitting a run in the near future. I'm using an emulator for the run at the moment which the rules state are allowed; however I'm wondering if there will be a subcategory for emulated runs?

This is more in fairness to the other two runs that are run on a physical console as I noticed in one of my recorded runs that even with a huge mistake and a backup strat that I had a time of 1:04:07, almost eight minutes faster than the WR.

I compared the video with the current WR run and noticed that the emulator is loading rooms insanely faster, to the tune of three or more seconds each, allowing me to have such a good time despite what should be a third place run. I'd love to submit a run tonight or tomorrow (after I have a much better run), but I'd hate to take over the WR time just because of loading times.

So yeah, long story short, I'm just curious how you'd like to approach an emulated run whether it be it's own subcategory to preserve the fairness of the hard work put in for the physical console runs, or if it'll be hidden due to the emulated status.

Thanks for letting me share my concerns!

~ ResiDrache

United StatesResiShiin4 years ago

I personally run the game on Rookie mode over the other two as I feel the game is more fun and the enemies aren't bullet sponges (1-3 shots in Rookie instead of 5-8 on Normal), not to mention it has less routing changes. If you're a new runner to this game, I definitely suggest running any % on Rookie first.

Sobre ResiShiin
4 years ago
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