Florida, USAR3dF0x888 years ago

Wow thanks guys so much, you guys are extremely welcoming. Well I can't wait to play but unfortunately it wont be for a couple weeks as I am still deployed! I'm gonna try and watch a lot of twitch and start my second play through when I get home. I played the game when I was a kid (which was awhile ago) haha, I am now 26 and still enjoy the hell out of these games. Anyways guys thanks again for being so welcoming, happy speedrunning, cheers!

Milk curtiram isso
Florida, USAR3dF0x888 years ago

Hello everybody!

I've been watching speedruns a lot for the last couple years, I really enjoy the mario series the most, I watched toufool's run on SMS awhile back and actually just finished watching averagetreys run from agdq 2016 just a few min ago. Im honestly speechless as it is just amazing seeing someone beat the game like that. Now on to what I want to say is that I've been wanting to get into speedrunning and sms has been one of my all time favorite mario games. Unfortunately I haven't played it in ages though. I want to start running this game but I have no idea where to start! If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated so much. I can't wait to get started when I get back to the states. Whoops forgot to mention that I am currently deployed right now so internet can be scarce here haha. But fortunately for me I will be home in just a few short weeks. Anyways I'm babbling on but I just wanted to say hello to everyone and hopefully I get to know you all much better in the future! Thanks again for taking the time to read this and I'll hear from you guys soon.

Sobre R3dF0x88
8 years ago
8 years ago
Jogos seguidos
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario Sunshine
Última visita 8 years ago