Texas, USAJoeypals5 months ago

My only guess is that maybe the game cart got jostled somehow? I've never had that happen to me though, sorry it happened to you.

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals1 year ago

So I've looked at both runs, and they both fall completely fine per current guidelines. Your 150 time (which does need to get edited to get milliseconds right but that's it, I'll be doing that myself shortly) is nowhere near Top 3 or within 5% so you're totally fine there (roughly 4 minutes slower. None of this is meant to be like "wow these sucked" btw, just to layer everything out). The same applies to your 40 line run as well, being a minute slower than WR and nowhere near Top 3. I'll be sending the other moderator a DM on Twitter after I approve your two runs as well as a third that got hit with the exact same thing, really sorry that you had to deal with that. Thanks for inquiring, and thank you for your patience :)

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals1 year ago

Hi! Thanks for writing, this unfortunately is not the first time I've seen this message pop up. I've just been a little busy recently so unfortunately I didn't get to view your run, but allow me to take a look and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals1 year ago

I'll be completely honest in that my life has been very hectic the last monthish, if not longer. While I've been trying to keep up with runs, and while I'll concede there hasn't been a new run in a couple weeks, I do want to set up a failsafe. In addition I'd like to show a much better sense of cooperation than what I was given in the Kid Icarus community, something that still haunts my memory a bit in just how much I was roundly ignored after I helped fix that board.

With all that being said, I'd like to introduce Lor as our new, second moderator! Lor's main role, as I currently see it, is to help keep up with run submissions just in case something happens to where I can't check for a while (such as a lot of work shifts, streams, vet visits, etc). That being said, if there are any more revisions/additions in the future, rest assured that it'll be through a collaborative effort. Thanks for reaching out via Twitter, and let's have a good time Lor :)

shunshao e Fidelibus curtiu isso
Texas, USAJoeypals1 year ago

Hi to those who didn't expect to see me again. Guess what? Me neither! This should be my very last post though, and the only reason why I'm responding to this in the first place is because M.Knight decided to go to my YouTube About You page and use the email there to contact me. ...even though I have a Twitter with DMs open, a Discord which he's been invited to and was a part of for the first iteration, and the fact that has a messaging system of its own where he could've contacted me. I debated responding but after reading this thread over a few times and coming to the conclusion that this is one of the most jank threads for a topic I've seen in my 26 years alive and 18ish years on the internet, I need to make a few points here and then I'll be back on my way.

I need to start off by saying do NOT use tragedies to date when events took place. There was no need to mention Uvalde multiple times. Use months/days/weeks, don't use an event like that unless it significantly impacted what happened and, guess what? It didn't, at least in terms of this specific community and especially this topic.

If you're going to make a point about the use of the tool or weapon modifier policies, what you don't do is lead off with self-promotion and string that through your entire message. You talk about two separate premieres and lead off with a YouTube video, which... no? If you wanna self-promote like that there's Reddit pages for those with less than 500 subscribers that don't get a lot of views, or things of that nature. Posting in a game's speedrun forum ain't it chief. In addition, the following don't have anything to do with your point either and could very well have been left on the cutting room floor if you didn't decide to send your first draft as noted by key phrases such as "as I noticed just now writing this very segment": the point about Mangs (trust me, what he did sucks but it's long past dead now), linking directly to someone's channel that you're trying to call out the behavior of in-turn giving them traction and in-turn giving the content creator the one thing they need most, experiences in other communities, and so on. That's not to say you were ever on-topic to begin with though, as while I was trying to get something set on how we can balance the tool and the cart so that they're even, you chimed in with messages like "Without this modifier my Laser Staff is v288" which... cool bro, now contribute to the convo maybe? Or maybe actually structure your post if you're going to have your title the way you do, as outside of the above you don't really talk about ANYTHING regarding policy, just some Kid Icarus Uprising speedrun communities woes, a bunch of talk about weapons you like, and the Mangs of it all even though the man has nothing to do with this community and the meme itself is hilarious, but that's an aside.

In addition, I did not call the weapon fusion system a counterintuitive mess (that point was being made by the likes of Abraxas and Tomski, pushing for the mod which circumvents fusion but simultaneously saying that you should learn all the systems of the game... you can't really have it both ways). Nor was it because of some power separation in the game itself (I will admit I did make a push against Artillery Claws, I'd probably go against that now even though they can very easily be the best weapon in the game for runs). It was because I've been treated like shit ever since a second moderator came on to supersede me without giving me the time of day at first and that treatment holding relatively consistently for 5 years, I'm burnt out on the game, and the main board is going to be, by definition, TAS-oriented when most boards would be against that sort of thing as it's not a part of the base game.

Specific runs do not inspire growth (such as v100s). It's about consistency and activity (see: Any SummoningSalt video when there's gaps in time, that shit's usually skipped over with a "people tried"-type segment but there wasn't really much of that either here). What I need you to do is pull your head out from wherever it's at and actually actively participate in a conversation in a constructive manner without pulling it to your YouTube channel.

Now to return to whatever abandoned carnival this place is going to become. Please try not to email me with a mess again. Thanks. Goodbye.

(The message sent is the third iteration, made over the course of 35 minutes and peer-reviewed by a similarly-aged friend who approved it after some rewrites)

Texas, USAJoeypals1 year ago

I've been serving you guys as moderator from November 7th 2017, almost 5 years. While I would love to stay around and get the 5-stack, I cannot do so in good conscious. As of this post, I will be stepping down as moderator from Kid Icarus: Uprising, marking this as the last thing I'm doing with this game publicly that isn't in progress already. My reasons for leaving are a three-strike procedure, which I'll be outlining below.

When I got added on as moderator in November 2017, the boards were basically barren and the mean reason why I wanted that modship, completely and honestly, was so that I could get my run (which had been sitting there for over a month) approved and actually flesh out the board. We've gone from 2 categories a wide bevy of options, so I'd like to think I succeeded in this front. It was my first time helming a ship with speedrunning, but not my first time with any sort of leadership. When I was added on, it was as a regular mod. nes, who later got added as a Super Mod, was asking me about things to add to the board, a lot of which I did not agree with and explained my reasoning one at a time. One of those things was a Discord, something I still do not believe I should've been in charge of making (and wasn't which had later ramifications) as it would've just become a byproduct of my own stuff, instead of actually being focused on the game. Some time after those conversations started, nes was set as a Super Moderator for Kid Icarus Uprising and made a bunch of changes immediately. It took a LOT of begging on my end to get things back to the way they were and to get a parlay of trust set up. I later asked why I couldn't be a Super Mod given I'd set up pretty much the whole board from barebones, and was told I didn't have enough experience. This created a pretty tense atmosphere between the two of us because I knew I had earned that spot but wasn't allocated it. Later on, a couple more mods were brought on board and my thoughts on the matter kept getting more and more ignored. All of this while I was giving my time in the way of being available for people and setting up (admittedly outdated) guide videos on YouTube to get people started. This dismissiveness, I'd call strike 1.

Strike 2 really just comes down to me. There's only so much time you can put in a game, you know? That October 2017 WR, which I held for nearly 5 years and is one of my greatest achievements, was my walk into speedrunning and I hit the ground REALLY hard on Kid Icarus Uprising. I eventually branched into other stuff like Mario Kart Wii, Tetris 99, Mario Tennis Power Tour, and eventually realized that while I didn't like speedrunning all too much, speedrunning Kid Icarus Uprising in the long term just made me miserable. I only came back recently after the WR was finally shattered, and honestly it was nice to see some level of in-game tech applied even if I only got WR back for a short amount of time (shoutout to Apuriko, you're awesome, keep truckin). But yeah, my burnout is strike 2.

For strike 3, that's the direction this game is going in, and is something that's been talked about pretty recently in the Kid Icarus Uprising Discord. You see, someone has created a tool for basically creating whatever weapon you want, and so long as it's within game bounds, in theory this weapon is fair play. I took heavy issue with this given it's a tool being used outside of the game to assist in the speedrun (by definition TASing the game), and made several motions to combat this all of which were ignored or rejected (admittedly by everyone save for nes as he wasn't there). These suggestions included separating out runs that use the weapon tool onto a different board, adding a variable if those weapons were made with that tool, and putting a limit on how high the value of the weapon could be for both cart and tool. The goal of all of this is simple -- to make sure that people who have a legitimate cart do not need to utilize an outside tool in order to, eventually, even have viable runs. Better weapons lead to faster times, I don't think I need to break that down dramatically. But, unfortunately, this is where the game is going, and is not something I can fully endorse. This change in direction is my Strike 3, and my breaking point. For the runners that will soon be affected by this change for the worse, best of luck to you truly. I will now abdicate my title, with the core speedrunning group here burning me out emotionally and taking this in a direction I do not want to see. Goodbye.

PS: I had my name in the KI:U Discord as "Do Not Disturb" for the longest time (more than a few years). No one really asked why, just kinda left to sit in it so thanks for that ig.

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals2 years ago

Left it a couple extra days and nada, so here's what I'll be doing. Pretty simple change that'll be effective starting today, 1/25. This will not effect previous runs.

Runs within the Top 3 of each category, or within 5% of the time of the WR, will require video for the full run. For instance, if the WR for a category is 1m exact, you'd need to submit a full video if your run is 1m3s or less. I'm willing to drag these measures around if certain categories need longer/shorter variables, but for now I'm setting this benchmark. Thank you.

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals2 years ago

I'll be waiting until the end of the 21st CST. If I hear nothing prior, I'll go ahead and make those adjustments, with benchmarks being laid out here.

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals2 years ago

Gonna keep the prompt brief, just something I've been tossing in my head with the increase in 30 second submissions (not that I mind at ALL I have a lot going on atm between work, Persona 5 Royal Abridged, my own speedruns, etcetcetc).

Universally, at what level do you think full videos should be required? My personal feelings is Top 3, or within a certain amount of time from WR but I wanna hear from y'all

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals2 years ago

That it did, and I'll be shifting it over. I approved the run because it is legitimate, just didn't pay attention to the category you submitted it under.

Texas, USAJoeypals2 years ago

Locking cause necroboost

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals2 years ago

30 second video is fine, obviously I'd prefer full even if it's just a camera-pointed-at-Switch deal but I'm fine with 30s if you can't get it any other way. Screencap I'd reject

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals3 years ago

If established, I'd want to set up a few categories, distinct from each other as well as the main board. So if you have ideas, hit me.

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals3 years ago

I would like to know what you mean by "no Tetris", like no Tetris line clear?

Regardless, at present I don't really see those as being needed for their own distinct category, rather moreso something for possible extensions or just your own personal speedrun. But let's talk about it :)

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals3 years ago

Glad you both think so, it's ultimately with the goal of making things more competitive instead of being like "Oops I drifted into a WR"

EDIT: Verifications are now done, sorry it took a few extra days just got a little busy between stream stuff and work stuff. Anyway, Top 50's down to 3 runs and Top 10 only lost one of its 5, let's see it as a challenge to spin for better times~

Lor curtiram isso
tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals3 years ago

Left a couple extra day for last second opinions. With no one voicing opposition, I will be enacting these changes once I finish with my stream stuff tonight. This will mean that some runs will now be invalidated, so keep your eyes peeled. Thank you.

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals3 years ago

Should I not hear anything, I'll enact these changes once this post hits 7 days old (so on the 4th or 5th).

tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals3 years ago

I'm considering applying some qualifiers to the Online category for the run to count (i.e. have a certain number of KO's or badges), as I'm starting to see a few runs crop up with 0 KOs when reaching the Top 50/10 meaning they themselves didn't really do anything. How big should these qualifiers be? This would apply for Top 50 and 10 only. My personal thoughts are at least 2 KOs or 1 badge for Top 50, and 6 KOs or 2 badges for Top 10, with those numbers coming from requirements to get the 25% and 50% badge should every person you KO have 0 badges/badge chips. Would love to hear your thoughts :)

brtCBR e hypnocolor curtiu isso
Texas, USAJoeypals3 years ago

Definitely an interesting idea. I'll pass it along to Chrism and Cosmoing, see what their thoughts are. We'll let you know regardless, thanks for raising this :)

EDIT: This idea has now been passed, and is added as part of the Category Extensions. Thank you for raising the idea!

chikusa_nao curtiram isso
tópico: Tetris 99
Texas, USAJoeypals3 years ago

Not really needed. If I need help, I'll post as such. But again, thanks.

Sobre Joeypals
7 years ago
12 days ago
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Kid Icarus: Uprising
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Tetris 99
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Mario Tennis: Power Tour
Mario Tennis: Power Tour
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Mario Kart Wii Category Extensions
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Tetris 99
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Mario Party DS
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