United StatesIluvMario6 years ago

i found that it is possible to make the fastest egg shot in 1-1 using princess. in order to do it, a slightly different clip must be performed in the cave.

the clip is tricky, but i will try to explain my best how to do it:

  • first, you need to try to charge jump as soon as possible.
  • once you are up top and grab the shyguy, throw him against the left wall.
  • when you are at the bottom of the pit, press up as soon as the shyguy falls on your head, then immediately start holding down.
  • once you are able to move again after taking damage, start mashing the down button.
  • you do not need to be perfect, but the window in order to make the egg shot is pretty tight.
CyclonicEffusion, whitman_price_ e 6 outros curtiu isso
United StatesIluvMario6 years ago

I think making 3 separate leaderboards for each of the SNES versions is kind of a silly idea. And if the all-stars community doesn't want the smb2 runs on there, then I say just keep it the way it is to make things simple. I don't really understand exactly why these changes even need to be made in the first place, other than people just don't want the notifications.

As for the timing, again, not a bad idea. But as far as i know, cork timing has always been the way the all-stars runs have been timed, so if that is changed all of a sudden, that could upset some of the original runners of that version. If the other runners for the all-stars version also think that's a good idea, then I don't really see the problem with it. It would give everyone a free 3 seconds shaved off their times at the very least.

United StatesIluvMario6 years ago

I'm not against garadas' idea, but I'm not sure if the ones who follow the all-stars page would appreciate having all the SNES mario 2 times crammed into that leaderboard. Personally, I think that putting all the all-stars times under the misc. tab, like in smb1, might be a better idea, but that's just my opinion. I'm not sure if there would be any unwanted notifications still, but it would also make the leaderboard look a little more organized too.

Perhaps you should see what Jeffsledge thinks about the idea, as he ran the game before any of us and mains the all-stars versions.

Also, sorry I haven't been streaming lately, been addicted to another game offline. I don't know when I'll feel like speedrunning again either, but this might be my next project since i do want to improve Warpless some more for NES at some point.

United StatesIluvMario7 years ago

You're right about the second controller thing. I actually forgot about that one. When I was told about that, I actually started doing it, but people started coming in and complaining about it, so I immediately stopped using that tactic to get better times. The agreement with that was you should have to use one controller to complete the game. A second controller would be used as an emergency, such as if you happen to softlock at Fryguy, you can take a death on command to get yourself out of the softlock. This is something that can happen at SGDQ 2017.

I haven't seen one done in World 3, but that probably wouldn't end up saving any time in the end, since there's not really any convenient places to clip through the ground. It wouldn't surprise me if there is another place to do something similar that does save time, though. You never know with these games, new things are being discovered all the time.

I'm in agreement that Mouser Skip and any other possible skips that are waiting to be discovered, should ultimately be banned. That would put a stop to all of the drama and complaining about it and also keep the category protected. You have my vote, but hopefully the others will come to an agreement as well if they already haven't.

United StatesIluvMario7 years ago

So, I did a little testing with Mouser Skip and got interesting results. I did World 1 using the strat as well as you can pretty much, and found that it's actually still about 1.4 seconds slower than doing World 1 optimally the normal way. So, in a way, you're actually at a disadvantage doing World 1 like this, since you're wasting 1.4 seconds that you could be saving otherwise by just getting an optimal World 1 normally.

However, I can see doing World 1 this way making it more consistent to come out of World 1 with a good time, since normally, you have to go for the Veggie Glitch and the fast Mouser kill, which can be a pain sometimes.

Thought I would share this, because I feel that it's important to people who are serious about this game. Here is what World 1 might look like if you decided to go for Mouser Skip:

World 1 in this video took me 2:33.7 (using my timing) to complete. My best World 1 time is 2:32.3 (using my timing).

United StatesIluvMario7 years ago

Well, I thought this whole "All Levels" thing was solved, but apparently it isn't. I would just suggest banning the trick, but that wouldn't be fair to the people who still have the trick in their runs. Also, I'm not the one who found the trick in the first place, so I can't make up the rules for it.

I can argue that Mouser Skip does give players a bigger advantage to come out of World 1 with a more optimal time. This is one reason I stopped doing the trick in my runs, because I felt that it was a bit unfair, and also people were getting annoyed by it.

Perhaps, putting "Any%" in front of the name would make things more clear, so that people can just go about doing the levels in World 1 however they want to without worrying about the score at the end of the game. That way, we're not completely changing the name of the category. Having a completely different name for the category on the NES version would make it kinda silly I think, since the All-Stars version of the game is still called "All Levels" as well.

Let me know what you guys think of my idea.

United StatesIluvMario8 years ago

ERM... so this is the alleged new wr hodler of smb2 any%, huh?

i don't think a vote on this guy is necessary at this point. after watching the footage from that marathon, it's pretty easy to tell that he obviously has no idea what he's doing lol. i mean, my grandmother could play mario better than that...

barnowl curtiram isso
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