tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

Have you tried with a different browser? This might just be a browser related issue.

tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

Liv 3K posts? What a nerd.

TRLittleToaster, 1 e 2 outros curtiu isso
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

To be honest, there are a lot of different setups out there. There also isn't any setup necessarily better than another. Common controllers used to speedrun Souls games are PS4/Xbox (One)/PS3/Steam controllers. To improve in menuing, most runners would recommend learning a 'claw grip' to hold your controller in a certain way that makes it easier to do menuing while sprinting/running. You can find different types of claw here: or look at runners with a handcam/webcam included.

To respond to the part stating: 'response between the controller and the game is pretty slow'. It's difficult to pinpoint what exactly is causing this without knowing if you are using a wireless or a wired setup. If things like these occur, I would first and foremost recommend running a wired setup (plug your controller in using a wire). Even though Bluetooth/Wireless controllers setups should in theory work properly and not cause any input delay. If you are running a wireless/bluetooth setup, this might be the case for you. If you are still getting input delay with a wired setup, something else might be wrong. Could be the cable, could be the controller, could be software in the background causing input delay.

Good luck furthermore. Hope you can get it sorted.

tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

Decent idea, but I don't think donating excess money to charity is a good idea. Not because I think donating to charity is bad, but because I think the donations to a new, open sourced site would receive would be far from "excess" (unless it actually grows to such a significant magnitude in such a short time that donation money is pouring in) for one, and because that money that people interested in the site donate, should go into improving the site in any way or shape possible. Maintaining, but also important to note: growing a site to be on par with a site of this magnitude is not just 'hosting' costs. There is a lot more involved.

Hako, Merl_ e 5 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

Thank you guys for all you did for the site. Even though the transition back then was a strange experience and a lot was still unclear, you guys stayed there through thick and thin either way which just earns all my respect and shows how dedicated site staff was to making the site a better place for everyone. Truly a group that was just the backbone of this site and working with you guys as site staff was always a blast.

I will never forget all the meetings (that were supposed to last a hour but instead lasted for like a few hours sometimes) we had going through game requests and discussing the site as a whole. Definitely one of the highlights for me. I wish you guys all the best in your future endeavours.

Thorgaran, SuperAL1 e 12 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

@Amei Don't forget the torch and hayfork.

Gaming_64, O.D.W., e Lor curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

Support Hub.

Pear curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

Quite frankly can't say I'm that surprised with the ongoing rude behavior.

Gaming_64, sporkaganza e 10 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

Thank you Liv.

Imaproshaman, Oreo321, e O.D.W. curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

@Delekates To be fair, you started this thread off typing in all caps, almost yelling then continued being rude to a handful people in this thread. I'd suggest changing your tone if you'd like a honest discussion since I am just assuming that's what you made this thread for?

Walgrey, Shiinyu e 7 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

To me this looks like a pretty poor effort at creating a separate and different business (profit) model for and simply riding the business models of other sites that Elo owns like Dotabuff and Overbuff. If you go to either of these sites right now, you can see they operate completely similar in terms of ads and how they are displayed. Personally already realized it would only be a matter of time before would end up like this too when the PM announced at the beginning of the site transfer that they would release their ad program over the site in the near future. I really really dislike how a lot of corpo's think about these sorts of strategies nowadays. To me it feels like straight up pissing off an entire user base which consists of well over hundreds of thousands of users that have been around much longer than a corpo has and the user base that they only recently inherited is worth it when it brings in good profit. Don't get me wrong, I understand to a degree. This site has to become profitable when its owned by a corpo, and yes, everyone is going to be pleased with new moderator options but please, for the love of god, this way of making this site profitable is not it. This site is NOT a Dotabuff, not an Overbuff. This is People here are not interested in game statistics. Listen to the communities and users here, and stick to your promises that you made on the 13th of October on Twitter Sabina. You were going to earn the trust of the community and so far you are not doing a good job.

Imaproshaman, MASH e 27 outros curtiu isso
tópico: DOOM
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

@JugHug Since the game natively doesn't support binding 2 actions to 1 key through the settings. It makes things like Extendo grabbing much easier for example.

tópico: Speedrunning
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

DOOM 2016.

SuperAL1 curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

Ah well, seems like he was already unbanned anyway. Maybe Amei with his absolute 5Head shouldn't post spam runs KEKW

Shiinyu, SuperAL1, e RodG curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

@RodG No point in posting in the forums about this. Message ShadowDraft or any other FMod to get this sorted. Fastest solution.

Imaproshaman, Shiinyu e 2 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

Honestly, and this is not to defend Elo and I also dislike the new changes on this, but, a site ran by a corpo will more than often mean you won't see random forum replies from staff members unless they are absolutely sure that's the way to go. That doesn't mean Elo doesn't read replies. I'm actually confident they do. Besides that, because an x amount of people complain in the forum about that they dislike changes will also mean there has to be internal evaluations/talk about that of course. That takes some time. It's only been just, what a week or so? I'd say give it a little bit of time at least. We are so used to a site ran by one man basically, and Pac was pretty quick to react but you have to understand that a site ran by a corpo is a whole different situation. There's no longer "I run this so I can immediately decide if I have to roll this back if people dislike it".

Quivico, Merl_, e SuperAL1 curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

I mean, if opening user profiles "kills your brain to see that shit" then I wonder how you ever managed so long on this site because there has been way worse 'shit' than this and you know that. So drop the childish threats to leave the site and get over it dude.

Anyway, a news column on the right side just doesn't feel right on a user's profile. Like Liv mentioned: "people usually read news updates like those once and then be done with it" which is a good point. The news column also hides an ad in the middle which is kinda annoying considering its in between a news element that asks to be clicked.

To Elo: honestly, listen to the people in here. Kinda feel like this was a thing nobody asked for and, more importantly, I kinda feel the design concept of it is even stranger since.. even if the news column is a placeholder until something more fitting gets there, then I feel like it's better to not change anything at all until then?

There's a bunch of.. well.. small and bigger feature requests and bugfixes on user profiles that were brought forward recently and in the past that would probably be much better to look into and to consider implementing.

EmeraldAly, Quivico e 5 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

Don't think anyone on the forums will be able to help you with that besides pointing you to the API. I'd suggest contacting to assist with this.

tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae3 years ago

New frontpage is pretty sus if you ask me

AppleSaws, Bob-chicken e 2 outros curtiu isso
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dumb DARK SOULS/DOOM Speedrunner 🏁
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