tópico: Speedrunning
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

The site should really start filtering these sorts words on a site-wide level or at minimum ensure that banned accounts with these sorts of words in them are no longer displayed anywhere publicly (Leaderboard, Forum, Search bar etc.).

Renaming accounts is also not a very practical solution. Taking this user as an example.. there's still a ton of n-word in their bio. Probably want to wonder why its even possible to write that in your bio in the first place.

The account creation also doesn't seem to combat these sorts of usernames very well.. This one slipped the net and I wonder how since using an l as an i is just one of the obvious things you'd include in a word filter..

Ivory, jackzfiml, e Merl_ curtiu isso
tópico: Speedrunning
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago

Hey, users that have been banned and have incredibly racist usernames like these should have these usernames completely hidden from the forums.

The fact that these sorts of usernames can still appear after being banned, in this case even in multiple threads in a public forum is concerning.

jackzfiml, Ivory, e Merl_ curtiu isso
jogada: Dark Souls
NetherlandsDaravae1 year ago


Regole curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

Being able to scatter around feedback everywhere on SRC: on closed forum threads, on public forum threads, through the Support Hub, through DM's to staff, through social media, is counter productive for everyone including Elo themselves and increases Elo's workload as well causes people to not know if that pieces of feedback have already been submitted by others?

Why wont Elo just consider ONE place to gather ALL feedback and build upon that system over time? It can be public, something like Uservoice in which people can back certain feedback or even expand upon existing feedback with their own ideas and thoughts. That feedback can then in turn be used by Elo to easily isolate and filter feedback on pressing matters from smaller things as well as receive feedback on beta features, whilst still handing the community the tools to decide on what they feel is important and what is not.

Feedback can also be merged if deemed similar and can also be cross referenced through news posts by Elo and marked as done whenever something has been implemented. There are so many plus points to a system like this and I can't imagine this would take very long to set up.

cheg, RaggedDan e 6 outros curtiu isso
tópico: Supporter
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

This is so silly. Sorry, but I am not filling this in.

Pac provided a list to Elo after properly filtering out a long list of feedback and bugs that was compiled by user HowDenKing. This list was provided to Elo, never to be seen or acknowledged of again. What even happened to this?

Besides that, there are countless threads of feedback, feedback that went through the Support Hub.. feedback from tons of direct messages, a closed Supporter forum. Like, how many times do you need to ask for feedback? That said, what even happened to the feedback that went through these channels?

Please, create one centralized, public place, like a uservoice or something along those lines and have every, single, piece of feedback go through that channel and that channel alone. That way everyone can see the feedback, it can be filtered out easily by Elo, it can also be marked as complete once its implemented and cross referenced during news posts about new updates, and it would also decrease the workload for the people running the Support Hub.

nasuper, RiftyRTA e 15 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

Neat. Personally think this is a decent step for people complaining about ads. We all knew this was coming some day. Even though I feel this is a pretty hefty subscription fee for a site that just shows stats, the way this is implemented is decent.

  • Can there please be a way to return to previous formatting of runs on your profile?
  • Besides 'game ordering', it would be kinda nice to also be able to sort invididual runs within each game.
  • I understand why the custom name animations are subtle but right now, it's so subtle that if you didn't mention it, I probably didn't even realize it was a thing. Perhaps create a few more animations and have people choose which one they'd like or experiment with allowing mixing different color palettes for users.
  • I don't really understand why at least the person who boosts a game can't see which 3 active players just received these benefits. (At least, I wasn't able to find that all). That said, how is an 'active' player defined? How exactly does that work on communities that have perhaps 1 or 2 active players?
  • Kinda feel like the added second picture in your profile needs to be outright prevented entirely in the Moderator section on boards. With boards that have many mods, this is gonna lead to showing so many extra pictures and I can already see this becoming messy.
tópico: DOOM Eternal
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

It moved to the Category Extensions board for now:

tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

Hell yeah thank you Liv. Wonder what Elo is going to do with this, apart from ignoring its existence OpieOP

YUMmy_Bacon5 e Liv curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

I don't understand what happened to all of the information the community gathered in the old feedback thread. Where did that all go? lol. I'm fairly sure Elo also has that information but, I can't find it publicly. I remember some people created a nice large, but condensed list of all the well proper feedback requests from the past era. What happened to those? Maybe it's just that hard to find.

YUMmy_Bacon5 curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

It's pretty simple. A lot of the past forum traffic came from stickied threads site staff would use to handle all sorts of things like moderation requests, applying tags/platforms etc. to boards, requesting marathons etc. etc. but all of that has been archived and replaced by the Support Hub. The 'promotion' of the Support Hub Elo did back when it released probably also led to most people that would typically post their questions/concerns in the forums to now create a ticket for such things. If you have a concrete question or legitimate concern, the best way to receive the most accurate answer is to just raise a support ticket since that's where Site staff now operates.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Amaz e 3 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

Although this update addresses a few things, it kinda feels like damage mitigation and doesn't even mention some of the obvious but just really important requests, like.. what about disabling comments for leaderboards entirely? No way to track comments in the audit log?

@Camcorder I do wonder what kind of information are you being fed? How is it not obvious from dozens of comments on previous threads and also this thread that this should have been a thing already? Its really silly that Elo doesn't understand that you can't just have runners mod their own comments. Ultimately someone's run on the site is part of a bigger whole, a leaderboard.

Here are just a "few" examples of things Elo clearly missed. Read the rest of this thread properly after these as well:

  • From Wartab: "This update does not change the main concern: leaderboard moderators do not want to moderate comments!"
  • From Powdinet: "As a game moderator I have 0 interest in anything to do with comments. I would like the ability to turn them off entirely for every game I moderate."
  • From Punchy: "Users being able to opt-out is nice but yeah, moderators should also be able to opt-out the boards they moderate."
  • From Liv: "If a user hasn't used the site in a while, then they aren't going to be able to turn comments off... and trolls are obviously going to take advantage of this."
  • From survivalMichi: "Also Comments should be wiped once all tools are finished."

Honestly, it's getting quite annoying. I don't want to moderate a comment section. It's getting to the point where I just can't even give credits to this new update since people are giving so much feedback but Elo just chooses to ignore the most obvious and important requests and decides to push their own silly propaganda instead time and time again, and doing so with lacking communication and transparency. Reminds me of the CEO posting on Twitter in Oktober 2020: "Any change on such an established community site is scary and we have to earn your trust." And a year later, here we are. Getting big features thrown in our laps with 0 communication beforehand. Yeah, great job on the promised trust earning.

YUMmy_Bacon5, madsen e 18 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

If Elo said: "We are going to listen to communities" then its about time to start listening to them and start listening less to the internal voices.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Walgrey e 2 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

@Camcorder Please beta test these features as well as large leaderboard design changes first. Besides that, Elo needs to take a serious look on how design is ran for these sorts of changes for this site. Start by reading what Liv posted in the initial thread from Meta and you could probably see that quite a handful of these mistakes were easy to spot and probably fix before even pushing live.

For comments, I think is better off without them. I would even raise the question.. who asked for this? Keep comments to YouTube and Twitch and keep to its roots and that is hosting leaderboards and representing communities.

Besides that, please please please, don't forget that there is a huge backlog of well requested features and bugfixes that are pending since years before Pac left. You would do the community a big favor by looking into these first and dropping these silly features like a comment section that I believe nobody asked for?

YUMmy_Bacon5, Quivico e 11 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

The good:

  • News posts
  • Recently added runs is neat

The bad:

  • Font size. There is so much wasted space. Why should it be this small? Also, is it not kinda obvious during design that this would hurt the readability of basically everything on the leaderboard?
  • Why did the moderation tab move to the bottom, now below an ad, while this is too important to have tucked away like this? At least push it above the statistics.
  • The font. It feels.. messy.. it could be a little more clear. Especially on the category tabs it feels like the font is capitalized for no real reason.
  • In general, the way these new elements are structured also feels messy. A pretty neat element "Recently added runs" is hidden and tucked away below a massive ad.
  • I personally feel "Recent threads" isn't notable enough to be put on the front page, as a lot of threads are typically replacements for what would now be news posts, or in general just has users asking questions about things and I'd consider it a separate element from the actual 'leaderboard' so combining it feels unnecessary.
  • Having rank 'icons' for the top 4 recent runs instead of people's actual rank in that list feels out of place since you first have to connect what icon is actually what rank, as to where looking on the leaderboard itself it makes sense since the top 4 icons are ordered that way.

In general, to me, a lot of this feels like: "Who thought this was a good idea to change?". I feel like really needs to start thinking about how changes like these are immediately pushed live without some sort of beta testing beforehand (at least I haven't seen any beta testing on this design anywhere) and at minimum have beta testers flesh out rather 'obvious' mistakes like the font size before pushing this live to all users. It would also in turn save you costs in the long run, save Meta effort of writing down 12 pages of feedback and lets be honest, a company of this size like easily has the budget to run a beta program for huge design changes like these.

Gaming_64, Ivory e 11 outros curtiu isso
jogada: DOOM
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

Wow sick run

tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

I actually stopped getting notifications from likes on posts awhile ago. Even though I have the settings on (and they were unchanged)

RaggedDan, MrMonsh, e james curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago
  1. Second Liv's post about collapsing submissions by default. Perhaps make it a custom filter and leave it up to the user to have submissions show expanded or collapsed by default.

  2. Could the font size on these small elements be increased?

  3. Not a big thing but I also wonder if there could be a filter to include sub variables in the 'submission title'. This was still the case in the old RaV page. For example, you could get away by saying "No Major Glitches - Inbounds - Ultra Nightmare" in the title instead of having just the main category title "No Major Glitches" show and then have any sub variables be displayed kinda small text below the submission.

One more small bug I discovered is that the 'date text' element behind "Ran" and "Submitted by" is translated in my local browser language even though my SRC language is set to english and the other elements on the modhub page are also in english on that page. In my case it says '14 dagen geleden' which is dutch for '14 days ago' in english. Example:

MrMonsh, Meta e 5 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

Faster for me. Going back and forth between several pages, like the boards I mod and the forums goes in 3-5s.

Gaming_64, Camcorder, e Lawliepop curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
NetherlandsDaravae2 years ago

I agree there could be additions to the MFA system, or at least one alternative if the primary MFA is not functioning correctly for some reason. Back then E-mail authentication was just the easiest and most convenient option without requiring users to have a smartphone that could run an app for example, or require just a phone in general to receive a text message. (Not everyone has a phone still..) and we just went by: If a user has an e-mail they'd use to access SRC -> they can receive a 2FA code. The main reasons there currently aren't any additions to MFA are likely because back when Pac ran the site, his options were most likely limited. It was time and cost efficient to just go with e-mail authentication for now since it would satisfy the majority of its users. If Elo will actually consider an alternative to MFA, I'm not sure.. but I at least feel that there should be a back-up again in case the primary method is unavailable. Or you would essentially be locked out as others are describing hereabove.

hahhah42, WhoIsWORM, e O.D.W. curtiu isso
Sobre Daravae
dumb DARK SOULS/DOOM Speedrunner 🏁
7 years ago
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