A trick I found (I don't know if it's known about)
6 months ago

Okay I don't know if this is known about, I'm not very familiar at all with UC1 speedrunning or UC speedrunning in general. I was just replaying Drake's Fortune and found something that was interesting and was curious if it was or could be used in speedruns for this game.

In Chapter 2, in the well(?) room where you push in the tiles on the walls to make the floor open, I found if you go into and exit photo mode during the cutscene after you push in a tile you are able to move during the cutscene of the little pillar rising. You can also do it for the cutscene of the well opening. I haven't tried it anywhere else, but I would assume you can do it anywhere these types of cutscenes happen. Just to clarify it's those cutscenes where the timer still runs.

I've only watched a couple runs, because I do like speedrunning and am always curious how active if at all the speedrunning scene is for the games I play, but I didn't see this trick in them. If it is known about, my bad. If it isn't and is useful, awesome! I'd appreciate a reply either way. :D

Edit: If it means anything I am on the Nathan Drake Collection on PS4

Editado por o autor 6 months ago
ILikeBaguette25 curtiram isso

Yeah we know about that one. It's used a couple of times in various runs - the first that comes to mind is when the camera looks at the airplane in ch4. A lot of the locations where those sort of cutaways happen aren't super useful sadly (and I believe there's some known about but not yet in a run).

Keep up the glitch hunting, never know when you might find something groundbreaking!

Good to know! Thanks for the info!

ILikeBaguette25 curtiram isso